
      Just before Christmas in 1971, a German girl called Juliana was flying over a big forest of America.
The plane was flying high in the sky.
      Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Juliana found herself falling through the air. She closed her eyes.
She was sure that she was going to die.
      She fell 3, 000 meters down. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had landed in a
tree in the middle of a forest. She was not dead! To her surprise, she was alive. She was not even badly
hurt. She was still sitting in her seat. She was holding a bag of sweets. She got out of seat and climbed
down the tree. But she could see nobody else. She was alone except for a few dead bodies here and
     She began to walk. At first she had nothing to eat except the sweets. Later, she found a little fruit.
She saw some monkeys eating it.
     After four days, she came to a deep river. She walked by the side of the river for six more days and
at last arrived at an Indian village. She was safe!
l. The air accident happened in _____.
A. spring          
B. summer
C. autumn        
D. winter
2. The plane was flying about _____ high in the sky.
A. there hundred metres
B. three hundred kilometers
C. three kilometers
D. three thousand kilometers
3. Juliana was from _____. 
A. America        
B. Germany
C. England        
D. India
4. The girl was not badly hurt because _____.
A. there were a lot of trees
B. she was young and not heavy
C. she was lucky
D. she had landed in a tree and was still in her seat
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Some monkeys saw her eating the fruit.
B. She could not see anyone else alive around her in the forest.
C. At last she came to a village in England.
D. It took the girl six days to walk to the village from the middle of the forest.


  How do you feel if you make a speech in front of the whole class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get relly shy?

  Shyness meansfeeling nervousor frightened when you are around other people.Expert s(专家)have found that more than 80 percent of the middle school students feel afraid to be the center of the attention.Some kidsare born shy.Some become shy later because of the living experience s.

  It'sOK if it takesyou a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people.In fact, everyone getsa little shy sometime s.It'sju st a case of how much.

  Most people have red facesand talk in brokensentenceswhen they get shy.But some become too shy and they won't go to a re staurant because they are too nervousto order and pay for their food.Some are afraid of meeting new people, so theyseldom go out side.Thiskind of shyness can be bad for a per son.

  If shyness doe sn't stop you doing what you want to do, being shy isn't a very big problem.Some expertssay shy people are cleverer because they think more and talk less.Shy people are also good at working with othersbecause they think more for other people.Some great people in history were shy, too.

  You see, being shy isn't all bad.But remember-don't let good opportunity(机会)pass by ju st because of it! If you have to sing at a birthday party or practice your spoken English in front of others, just do it! There isnothing to be afraid of.


The underlined phrase " to feel yourself again" means________.

[  ]


to find yourself


to be yourself


to enjoy yourself


to help yourself


What kind of shyness can be bad according to the passage?

[  ]


You find yourself hard to enjoy yourself at a party.


You feel a little nervouswhen you go to a new place.


Youseldom go out side, afraid of meeting new people.


You have a red face when you are a sked to an swer a que stion in class.


Ifyou have to practice your spoken English in class, ________.

[  ]


ju st do it


ju st refuse to do it.


you'd better ask someone to help you.


tell your teacher you are shy to do that


We can infer(推断)from the passage that ________

[  ]


kidsare born shy


you can't change yourself


shy people can al so be successful


shy people are not good at working with others.


What'sthe be st title of the passage?

[  ]


Are you too shy?


Think more for others.


Find out what you are like!


Once he was shy ju st like you!


The first Disneyland opened in July 1955 in the
USA. Since thcn over 400 million people have
visited Disneyland theme parks. Disneyland
Hong Kong is the third international themepark
after Tokyo and Paris. About 10 million people
visit it each year.

The blue whale (鲸) lives in oceans around the world.  It is the largest animal in the world but it eats the smallest animals for food. Many people kill the whales. And not enough clean water is
also a problem. There may be only l,300 ones

Tired of ju.st talking on your mobile phone? Maybe one day your mobile phone will talk to you, just like the PhoneBraver does. The PhoneBraver i.s a kind of mobile phone that can turn into a robot.  It has arms and legs and even faces.  You can make its legs and arms move. It can learn your habits.  A Japanese company made the mobile.

Chinese scientists have recently taken the lead (带头) in building the world's first "man-made sun". It will produce huge amounts of energy in only a few seconds, just like the sun. Soon, people will be able to use it to get clean energy all the time.
1. There are________Disneyland parks in the world.      

A. two    
B. three    
C. four    
D. five

2. The blue whale are in danger because of ________.            
A. the smallest animals and killing            
B. killing and dirty water            
C. the smallest animals and clean water            
D. killing and clean water
3. The PhoneBraver is a kind of ________.            

A. mobile phone  
B. robot      
C. man-made sun  
D. company

4. The PhoneBraver can't________.            
A. talk to you                  
B. walk by itself            
C. learn your habits            
D. move its legs and arms
5. Chinese scientists try to build a man-made sun in order to________all the time.            
A. get clean energy                  
B. keep warm            
C. study space                        
D. build a space station

     1. ______ It has around 3 billion fans - nearly half the world's population! And about 300 million people
play this game. That's 4 percent of the world' s population! 
     2. ______ Many people in old days played early forms (形式) of this modern game. Cu ju (蹴鞠), a
ball-kicking game in China, was reported as early as 2,500 B.C. Around the same time in Greece, people
were also playing a similar ball game without using their hands.
     But modern soccer didn't become official (官方的) until 1863. An Englishman called Cobb Morley
introduced the idea of a soccer association (联盟). 3. _______ From then on, other associations in the
countries were set up. They came together-to make up the FIFA, which organizes the World Cup.
     It's not easy to tell what makes soccer so popular. 4. ______ Soccer needs only two feet and a ball. This
makes it a sport that developing countries can easily play. Some of the sport' s best players come from these
poor nations. 
    5. _____ The sport's no-hands rule makes beautiful dance-like movements on the field. What's more, this
sport excites the heart. Teams might score only a few times each match, so matches can turn around
    No one knows who will win at the next World Cup. But one thing is certain: The world will be watching.
A. He also wrote the sport's official rules.
B. Soccer is the world's favorite sport.
C. Playing soccer is good for your health.
D. But one reason is how simple the sport is.
E. People love soccer as well as their countries.
F. It's hard to say where soccer's birthplace is.
G. Soccer performances are pleasing to the eyes.

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