
We see many animals every day, but we would be worried if we saw any of these animals on our way to school!

Walking sharks

In 2006, scientists found a new kind of shark off the coast of Indonesia. It can “walk” with its fins along the coral reefs. These walking sharks are about 1 to 1. 2 metres long. They eat shrimp, crabs and small fish. If they are surprised by something, they can swim away using their fins.

The platypus

The platypus is found along the rivers and lakes of eastern Australia. It lays eggs like a bird, has webbed feet like a frog, a bill like a duck and is as poisonous as a snake! We are pleased to hear that it spends much of its life underground.

An unusual dolphin

In 2006, a Japanese fisherman caught an unusual dolphin. It has an extra set of fins near its tail, about the size of human hands. Scientists say that its extra fins could be the remains of back legs. This may be proof that dolphins once lived on land. Evidence from fossils tells us that dolphins were once four-footed land animals. Scientists believe that as they spent more and mor time in the water, their back legs slowly disappeared.

1.What did scientists find in 2006?

A.Walking dolphins. B.A web-footed platypus.

C.Unusual coral reefs. D.Walking sharks.

2.Which animal is poisonous according to the article?

A.Walking sharks. B.The platypus. C.An unusual dolphin. D.None.

3.Which of the following is true about an unusual dolphin?

A.It can walk with its fins. B.It has four feet.

C.It has an extra set of fins near its tail. D.It has four fins.



What are the most successful movies?

American movies are the most popular around the world. The most successful movie of the twentieth century was Titanic. People around the world paid almost $2 billion, and they saw the famous ship sink(下沉)again. Titanic was more popular than Star Wars. Star Wars made almost $1 billion in the late 1990s. Close behind this was Jurassic Park, a film about dinosaurs. And it's interesting that Titanic was also the most expensive film: it cost $200 million to make.

Which is the world's most popular sport?

The world's most popular sport is soccer. It's more popular than tennis, basketball or baseball. FIFA has 4.1 million teams, and 200 million players in 190 countries around the world. More than one billion people watch the World Cup Final on TV every four years. In the United States, soccer is not the most popular for spectators(观众), but it is the most popular sport for kids and teens. About 3 million Americans under the age of nineteen play soccer.

What are the largest shopping malls?

The largest shopping mall in the world is the West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton, Canada. The mall has more than 800 retail stores(零售店), including eight department stores. There is also a 335?room hotel. It's much larger than the second largest mall in the world—the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. The US mall has 400 stores. Its amusement attractions include a roller coaster. Some people spend their vacation at this mall. But in the future, the biggest stores probably are going to be on the computer. Some online malls already say that they have stores in 100 countries.

1.What's the most successful movie of the twentieth century?

A.Titanic. B.Star Wars.

C.Jurassic Park. D.Avatar.

2.How much did the movie Star Wars make in the late 1990s?

A.Almost $2 billion.

B.Almost $1 billion.

C.Almost $200 million.

D.Almost $3 million.

3.Which of the following descriptions(描述)about soccer is TRUE?

A.In the UK,soccer is the most popular for both spectators and kids.

B.FIFA has 2,000 million players in 190 countries around the world.

C.Tennis is more popular than soccer,basketball or baseball.

D.About 3 million Americans under the age of nineteen play soccer.

4.What can NOT people do in the Mall of America in Bloomington according to the passage?

A.Enjoy a roller coaster.

B.Spend vacations.

C.Go shopping.

D.See Mickey Mouse.

Jane Eyre(简爱)tells the story of a good and independent woman, who does not depend on others and does not give up even facing many difficulties. Jane is poor and an orphan(孤儿)and is treated badly by her rich aunt and cousins. She is sent away to a school where the pupils are treated very badly. Jane remains strong, because she knows she is good. And when she had the chance to run away, she does. Jane takes a job in the house of a rich man called Mr Rochester.

Jane falls in love with Mr Rochester who is twenty years older than her. Jane is sad when Rochester brings a beautiful woman Blanche to his house. Jane thinks Rochester will marry Blanche. So she decides to leave. Rochester asks her to stay but she will not. She tells him she loves him and says that she is poor and not beautiful, but it does not mean that she has no feelings. She speaks to Rochester as a ‘spiritual equal’.

Rochester asks Jane to marry him and she agrees, but on the day of the wedding she finds out that Rochester is already married. Jane decides to leave and even though Rochester says his wife is mad and begs Jane to stay, she cannot. Jane will not stay with a man who is already married. She has no family to protect her and no money, but she is proud and she wants to do the right thing.

When Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte was first published, it was called an autobiography(自传). In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, like Charles Dickens, shows the double-standards in Victorian Britain. The poor and especially orphans were not given any protection by the law, they were seen as animals not humans. The rich lived a life of luxury(奢侈) and by giving a little money to charity they thought they had done their best.

1.What does the underlined “independent” mean in the first paragraph?

A.坚强的 B.大方的 C.自立的 D.严谨的

2.In this passage, how many names in the book are mentioned?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five

3.The ‘double-standards’ in Victorian Britain refers to ________.

A.the unequal rights between men and women

B.the different thoughts between adults and children

C.the huge differences between the rich and the poor

D.the different lives between material and spiritual worlds

4.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.British life in the 19th century B.English literature

C.Charlotte Bronte’s life and works D.the book Jane Eyre and its value

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