

  I love to tell the story about how I met my best friend-Tiger.We met at the school fair(集市).Each year, all the fourth-grade classes hold a school fair.Everyone in fourth grade works at the fair.Some sell ice cream, drinks and snacks.Others take care of the little children who ride the rides.

  I got the second job and I've never regretted it, because that's where I met Tiger.My job was to help little children get on the back of a little horse.I kept telling the children to wait their turn and holding ice cream for them while they rode about.One thing was clear to me.I was growing older and should be more responsible(负责).

  Suddenly, a boy came to the horse.He took the little horse's reins(缰绳)! The horse stopped, and the girl on its back started to fall.I was trying to reach the girl when I saw Tiger go by my legs.It held the horse's reins and pulled the horse away from my legs.I caught the girl just before we both hit the ground.The girl sat on top of me.She was laughing at the ice cream on my face.The horse's reins were in Tiger's mouth!

  Thanks to Tiger's fast action, I saved the little girl.We were both heroes.And Tiger, the fastest dog I've ever known became my new best friend.


According to the passage, _________ work at the fair.

[  ]


ice cream sellers


all the school children


little boys and girls


the fourth-grade students


The writer's job was to _________.

[  ]


take the little horse's reins


look after the children


get on the back of the horse


ride with little children


As soon as the little horse stopped, the girl _________.

[  ]


started to fall


laughed at the writer


hit the ground


sat on top of the writer


Tiger helped to save the little girl on the horse by _________.

[  ]


going fast by the writer's legs


trying to catch the little girl


holding the reins with its mouth


riding the little horse around


From the passage, we know that _________.

[  ]


Tiger was actually a brave dog


Tiger wanted to become a hero


the writer didn't want to grow up


the writer regretted working at the fair



  Many children love to play with snow in winter.But Long Chuan has come to hate it.

  This year his hometown suffered from snowstorms for nearly a month.The heavy snow stopped cars and trains.broke the electricity(电)tower and turned tap water to ice.

  Every day Long Chuan had to walk several kilometers to carry drinking water.“I couldn’t ride a bike and it took me 3 hours to walk to schoo1.I can’t remember how many times l slipped(滑倒)on the hard ice.” said Long Chuan.

  Long is not alone.This year millions of people in central and southern China had a freezing winter without enough water and electricity.The biggest snowstorms in 50 years killed more than 100 people.They also cost the country 111.1 billion yuan

  Experts(专家)say a special type of climate condition,La Nina,caused the storms.During a La Nina,the water in the Pacific Ocean(太平洋)near the equator(赤道)becomes colder than usual.It changes the weather around the world.

  Besides China,Canada,the USA and Middle Eastern countries also met with heavy snowstorms this winter.The special climate caused the recent flood in Australia, too.

  However,experts say that people have destroyed the environment.Global warming(全球变暖)may be causing these terrible weather events to happen more and more often.


What took place in Long Chuan’s hometown last winter?

[  ]






Traffic Accident.


Heavy snowstorms.


During the snowstorms this year, Long Chuan __________.

[  ]


had to walk to carry drinking water


had to ride a bike to school


couldn’t go to school on foot


couldn’t play with snow


The heavy snow __________ this year.

[  ]


killed millions of Chinese


cost China 111.1 billion yuan


used too much electricity


1asted more than three hours


We can tell from the story that __________.

[  ]


China is the only country which suffered from the heavy snow


La Nina caused the snowstorms


La Nina also caused hot summer in Australia


the snowstorms have nothing to do with global warming


The passage tells people around the world __________.

[  ]


to wear more clothes in winter


to stop riding bikes on the hard ice


to protect the environment


to save water and electricity


  It's not easy to be an astronaut's son.Everybody expects you to be special or perfect.I often wonder how my father ever had a son like me.I mean he's so special and so good at everything he does.Even in middle school he was class president and captain of the football team.

  Well, to be honest, I often dream about being some kind of hero or doing something special-like saving a child from a burning building or discovering a new star.I was daydreaming at school one morning when my teacher said there would be a Father's Day writing competition for the whole schoo1.“I hope we have a winner right here in my class.”

  When I got home, I started to think about what to write.My father is an astronaut.N0, I wouldn't start like that.That was the way others saw him.How did I see my father?Hmm.

  I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a terrible dream.I remembered how he hugged me for hours when my dog Spotty was killed by a car.Yes, these were the things I was going to write.To me, he wasn't just a world-famous astronaut.He was my dad.

  My parents and l went to school Thursday night.There were so many people in the big hall!My dad looked at me, and I shrugged(耸肩).

  The third prize was announced and it was not me.I was relieved(释然)and disappointed at the same time.The second prize was announced.It was me.

  I went up to the stage and read what I had written,“My father's son”.When I finished, the people stood up and cheered.I saw my father blowing his nose.Tears were running down my mother's face.Dad cleared his throat and put his hand on my shoulder.“Son, this is the proudest moment of my life.”

  It was the proudest moment of my life, too.Maybe I'll never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but it was enough just to be my father's son.


The writer felt it ________ to be the son of a famous person.

[  ]










In order to ________ the writer would like to save a child from a burning building.

[  ]


become astronaut


become a great hero


be made school team captain


be made class president


What did the boy probably write in his composition?

[  ]


A lot of special things he had done.


The story of his father as an astronaut.


The unforgettable time he spent with his father.


The experiences his father had in middle school.


The writer felt proud when he ________.

[  ]


got a prize in a writing competition


won a Nobel Prize


saved a child from a burning building


discovered a new star


What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


My daydream


My father's son


My famous father


My happy family


  Will you be excited when you finally get to relax?Ask all the Junior 3 students.They will be experiencing it soon after the Senior high school entrance(入学)exams in June.What will they do To celebrate?Here, four of them tell us what they plan to do this

  Li Junzhe 15, Huaihua, Hunan:

  My friends and l will travel to Beijing and the Shanghai Expo right after the big exam.We planned to go by ourselves but our parents refused.They said we were too young to travel alone·Actually.I'm okay with it because I've ever traveled by myself.

  Aermu, 17, Tianjin:I am from Xinjiang, but I study at Tianjin NO.5 Middle School with l45 other Xinjiang students.After the big exam, we will go home together.It's my first time away from home and I miss my family very much.1 will bring them the famous Tianjin mahua and other things.

  Zhu Hangjian, 15, Dexing, Jiangxi:What am I going to do this summer?Of course I'll go see the Shanghai Expo!But before that, I will watch movies.I will watch whatever is in the cinema!As for the Expo, I can't wait to see the UK Pavilion(场馆).I won't miss the Little Mermaid(美人鱼)statue at the Denmark Pavilion, either.

  DongXu, 14, Dalian, Liaoning:I will play computer games for days after the big exam.My mother never let me do it during the past few years.I can't imagine how exciting it will be now.Also my friends and I will pay a visit to the Shanghai Expo organized by a travel agency.The first must-see on my list is the Liaoning Pavilion, our home pavilion.I really want to know what we are showing to the world there.


From the passage, we know that Li Junzhe's parents don't allow him ________.

[  ]


to travel to Beijing alone


to take the train


to visit the Shanghai Expo


to have fun with friends


How many students of the four plan to see the Shanghai Expo?

[  ]










The students will do a lot of things after the big exam except ________.

[  ]


playing computer games


watching movies


going shopping


visiting the farm


________ is the youngest among the four students.

[  ]


Dong Xu


Zhu Hanjian




Li Junzhe


Which of the followings is Not true?

[  ]


Aermu is studying in Tianjing at the moment.


Dong Xu would most like to see the UK Pavilion.


When he was young, Li Junzhe travelled alone by train.


Zhu Hanjian will see the Little Mermaid statue during the the Shanghai Expo.


  Most supermarkets in China provided free plastic(塑料)bags.It was convenient(方便)for people to do shopping,but things changed.To protect the environment,supermarkets all over China stopped providing free plastic bags from June 1,2008.If you don’t want to pay money to buy them,you’ll have to bring your own shopping bags.

  What can we use to hold things we buy from shops? Students at Qingshan Middle School had some good ideas.One idea was making different kinds of eco-shopping bags.54 students at the school made their own eco-shopping bags.They held an eco-shopping bag show last Friday afternoon.Many students made the bags with used clothes.They painted pictures like the Olympic rings on them.Some bags were made of used materials like used paper,old newspapers.Some were made of eco-materials like bamboo(竹子).

  A boy student,Wang Lin made his bag with several old newspapers.We asked him whether the bag was strong enough.Wang Lin said it was.“No problem.I took six bottles of water in the bag from the shop to my home yesterday evening,”he said,“I think it’s strong enough to hold even ten bottles of water.”

  Fang Yuanyuan,a girl student,had a more traditional way to make her bag-a bamboo basket.“It was a hard job.”she said,“With my grandfather’s help,I spent a whole afternoon making it.”

  The students also asked their parents and friends to use eco-shopping bags instead of plastic ones.Next Saturday afternoon,the school will hold another eco-shopping bag show to help shops and stores get ideas from the students’ work.


The supermarkets all over China stopped providing _________ from June l,2008.

[  ]


eco-shopping bags


plastic baskets


free plastic bags


bamboo baskets


Wang Lin made his bag with _________.

[  ]




used clothes




old newspapers


Why will the school hold another eco-shopping bag show?

[  ]


To know if the bag was strong enough.


To show their pictures on the bags.


To make money by selling them.


To give ideas to shops and stores.


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


People can still use plastic bags.


Students encourage people to use eco-shopping bags.


Students have good ideas to make money.


Most supermarkets will go on providing free plastic bags.


  Mr Smith, an expert of medicine, was very strict(严格的) with the students. Every time he took the chair on the exam committee(担任考试委员会主席), the students would be worried, for he was seldom pleased with their answers. A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark(分数) from him. Now a student came into the exam room and sat before the committee. This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy for him to pass the exam.

  The student was asked to describe an illness. His answer was OK. Then Mr Smith asked about the cure(疗法) for the illness, and the student, too, gave a quick answer. “Good,” said Mr Smith, “and how much will you give the patient(病人)?” “A full spoon,” answered the student.

  “Now you may go out and wait for what you can get,” said Mr Smith. At the same time the committee discussed the answers the student had given. Suddenly the student realized that there was something wrong with his last answer. “A full spoon is too much,” he thought to himself. Very worriedly he opened the door of the room arid cried, “Mr Smith, I've made a mistake. A full spoon is too much for the patient. He can take only five drops(滴).” “I'm sorry, boy,” said Mr Smith coldly. “But it's too late. Your patient has died.”

l.Why were all the students afraid of Mr Smith?

[  ]

A.Because he was always strict with them.

B.Because he often laughed at them when they were in trouble.

C.Because he never listened to them carefully when they answered his questions.

D.Because he often misunderstood(误解) them and gave them bad marks.

2.What does the underlined word “seldom” in the passage mean?

[  ]

A.not greatly
B.not also
C.not often
D.not really

3.Before he left the room, the student was almost sure that ________.

[  ]

A.he hadn't done well in the exam

B.he had made a mistake in the exam

C.his answer to the last question was wrong

D.he had passed the exam and the only thing was to wait for the result

4.From the passage we can learn that the patient would ________.

[  ]

A.be safe in taking only five drops at a time

B.be in trouble if he took five drops at a time

C.be all right soon if he took one full spoon at a time

D.be not well again without the student's help

5.We can guess that the student ________.

[  ]

A.received a good mark at last

B.failed the exam at last

C.passed the exam at last

D.would be no longer afraid of Mr Smith from then on ________.

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