
In the desert it may not r   for five years . Then one day a storm c   .A heavy rain falls .All at once the desert is covered w   green grass. You can see many small flowers .They g   very very fast .In one week they go from seed to flower and b      .Then the speed l      the sand ,perhaps to wait a   five years for rain.
Desert plants try very hard to find water, some plants send their roots far down into the sand . Some plants send their roots far out from their stems . other plants save (储存) water in their stems or leaves.
Desert animals also save every drop of rain . A camel stores it in its b    . It stores enough water to l    from seven to nine days . A camel know how to find water .A man l    in the desert knows his camel will help him .It will find a water hole.


解析【小题1】从后面的句子:A heavy rain falls 可知沙漠有5年没下雨了。用rain    
【小题3】考查词组:be covered with被…覆盖
【小题7】another +数词+名词(复数),另外几个
【小题10】考查形容词做定语,a man lost in the desert在沙漠里迷路的人。


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