
     Zhang Heng is a(n)  l      boy. He was born   2    1994. Now he is    3   . He    4   movies, and he
often  goes  to see      5     . Zhang Hengcan play      6       . He often      7     it  after school.He likes
music. He wants .  8    a musician.    Zhang Heng         9   likes sports. He usuallywatches them  10  
(     )1. A. China          
(     )2. A. on              
(     )3. A. seventeenth    
(     )4. A. like            
(     )5. A. they            
(     )6. A. guitar          
(     )7. A. plays          
(     )8. A. to              
(     )9. A. often          
(     )10.A. on              
B. Chinese        
B. at            
B. seven          
B. don't like    
B. them          
B. guitars        
B. play          
B. to be          
B. also          
B. in            
C. English        
C. to              
C. seventh        
C. likes          
C, it's            
C. the guitar      
C. playing        
C. be              
C. can            
C. at              
D. American      
D. in            
D. seventeen    
D. doesn't like  
D. it            
D. the guitars  
D. to play      
D. is            
D. too          
D. with          
1~5 BDDCB  6~10 CABBA
       Liu Ying is my twin sister. We   1   black hair and round faces. We like   2   pop music. But   3   some ways, we look different. She has   4   hair than me. When my parents' friends come to our home, Katrina
often sits on the sofa and says    5   , but I like to talk with them. So you can see she's much   6   than me.
Katrina likes reading, drawing and cooking. I just like swimming and running. She has   7   more hobbies
than me, but she is not as athletic   8   me. Because Katrina studies very hard, she does better than   9    at
school. My parents often say to me, "Although Katrina is only 20 minutes younger than you, you   10  
learn from her."
(     )1. A. are both      
(     )2. A. to listen    
(     )3. A. on          
(     )4. A. longer      
(     )5. A. something  
(     )6. A. quieter  
(     )7. A. much      
(     )8. A. as        
(     )9. A. my            
(     )10. A. can't  
B. both have    
B. listening to  
B. at            
B. long          
B. nothing      
B. younger      
B. more          
B. than      
B. her        
B. shouldn't    
C. both are      
C. hearing      
C. in        
C. short      
C. anything  
C. more outgoing
C. little    
C. to        
C. me          
C. can        
D. have both        
D. to hear          
D. for              
D. more short        
D. everything        
D. funnier          
D. a little          
D. for              
D. she              
D. should                            
     My name is Tony. I'm ____1______Canada. I'm____2_____years old. My birthday is March
loth. I'm in No. 1 Middle School. We g0 ____3____ five days aweek.I usually get up ___4____6:00.
We have four____5____in the morning and two ____6_____ the after-noon. On Sundays,I stay at
home and do my  homework. My favorite ___7_____ is math. I like it ___8_____ it's very interesting.
I like___9_____soccer.Isometimes go to the movies____10_____weekends.
(     )1. A. on          
(     )2. A. forteen    
(     )3. A. school      
(     )4. A. at          
(     )5. A. class      
(     )6. A. on          
(     )7. A. color      
(     )8. A. so          
(     )9. A. play        
(     )10.A. on          
B. from        
B. forty        
B. the school  
B. in          
B. classes      
B. of          
B. food        
B. and          
B. to play      
B. in          
C. at              
C. fourteen        
C. to the school  
C. on              
C. class's        
C. in              
C. city            
C. because        
C. play the        
C. for            
D. of                
D. fourteenth        
D. to school          
D. from              
D. class'            
D. at                
D.  subj ect          
D. but                
D. to play the        
D. from              
     Stress is the feeling you get when you're really worried about something. This is the kind of worry that
troubles you for hours, or even days. It makes you feel  1 , scared, or angry. You may find it difficult to eat
and sleep, or you might eat and sleep much  2  than usual. Stressing out will lead to serious problems like
heart illness.  3  not all stress is bad for you. The good kind  4  your body and mind alert (机敏的) and can
make you perform better, like when you're giving a speech to? your class or running to the finish line.
     What causes stress? Do you know  5  your dad is worried about the bills (账单), or your mom is unhappy?
Because they're stressed out! There are lots of things in your life that  6  cause stress-having too much
homework, taking a test in a subject that you are not good  7 , or hearing your parents argue!
     There are some ways to  8  stress. If you're stressed out, try these quick and easy ways to relax! Take
part in sports and out-of-class activities. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Eat a healthy,
balanced  9  that includes all kinds of food. Talk with your close friends, family members or teachers. It'll
make you feel better, and  10  may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.
(     )1.  A. calm      
(     )2.  A. more      
(     )3.  A. So        
(     )4.  A. stops     
(     )5.  A. how       
(     )6.  A. can       
(     )7.  A. on        
(     )8.  A. start with
(     )9.  A. tofu      
(     )10. A. they      
B. excited   
B. most      
B. Or        
B. loses     
B. why       
B. need      
B. at        
B. agree with
B. vegetables
B. we        
C. surprised 
C. better    
C. And       
C. keeps     
C. when      
C. must      
C. in        
C. deal with 
C. fruit     
C. she       
D. upset       
D. best        
D. But         
D. provides    
D. where       
D. should      
D. for         
D. come up with
D. diet        
D. he                            

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