
     There was once a farmer. He lived near a road.
     It was not a busy road, but from time to time cars passed the farm. Near the farm gate, there was a
large hole in the road.
     The hole was always full of water, and the drives of the cars could not see how deep the hole was.
They thought that it was not deep.
     Then when they drove their cars into the hole they could not drove out of it because it was so deep.
     The farm didn't spend much time working on his farm. He spent most of it watching the hole.
     When a car drove into it, he pulled the car out with his tractor and asked the driver a lot of money for
doing this.
     One day, the driver of a car said to him, "You must make a lot of money by pulling cars out of this
hole day and night." "Oh, no," said the farmer. "I don't pull cars out of the hole at night. At night, I fill the
hole with water."
1. There was a farmer ______.
A. at the gate  
B. beside the hole  
C. in the road  
D. near the road
2. Many cars went into the hole because the drivers ______.
A. were going too fast to stop  
B. didn't see the hole
C. didn't know the hole was very deep  
D. like driving through water
3. What did the farmer usually do every day?
A. He pulled the cars out of the hole.  
B. He filled the hole with water
C. He worked on his farm    
D. both A and B.
4. How did the farmer make money ? He made it by ______.
A. growing things on his farm  
B. selling water to the drivers
C. pulling cars out of the hole    
D. mending the cars
5. From the story, we know ______.
A. the farmer liked to help others    
B. the farmer was a hard-working man
C. the farmer was a good man      
D. the farmer wasn't honest
     Container gardening is especially adapted to present living. Plants in containers show great variety of form
and texture( 外观). They can be used to create instant indoor gardens; they can be moved from one home to
another; and ther can be move d outdoors in the summer and indoors during the cooler months.
     Space is not a problem. Container gardening can be conducted in a single pot on a table or window sill, in
a more elaborate room divider, or in a built-in planter.
     Just as there are many kinds of plants, there are many kinds of containers. Plants can be grown in any.
container that will hold a growing medium. The choice rangesfrom the common clay pot to cans, jars, boxes,
baskets and tubs.
     Most people select containers for both their practical and"esThetic qualities". These include cost, availabilliy, weight, strength, durabiliiy, attractiveness andsentimental value.
      The size and shape of the container should depend on the plant's size and shape. Tall, tapering plants are
more attractive in tall, relatively narrow containers; short, compact plants appear more at home in shallow,
wide containers.
     Particularly important conslderations for good plant growth fire the volume anddepth of the container, and
some provision for drainage. Containers that have drainage holes in the bottom for the removal of excess water
are best. Water-tight container sare difficult to manage-excess water will accum late at the hottom of the
container and injure plant roots by excluding oxygen.
      Container volume and depth become important in relation to the quantity of available water and nutrients.
      Besides the right kind of container, some basic requirements for plant growth must be provided, Plants
need light, water mutrients, and a satisfactory temperatureranges.
     Light is the most critical requirement. The levels of all the other requirements are regulated in relation to
the amount of light that plants receive. When plants don't have enough light they become tall and thin. Plants
are easier to maintain. in good condition when their light requirements are met.
1. This article is primarily about ______.

A. growing indoor plants
B. growing tropical plants
C. making containers for plants
D. choosing appropriate containers for indoor plants

2. The expression "esthetic qualitles" might have something to do with the ________ of the containers.
A. size and shape
B. drainage and light
C. attractiveness and decorative value
D. availabillty only
3. It is believed that plants needs ________.
A. extra water
B. enough warmth
C. more nutrient
D. more sunlight
4. The author implies that ________.
A. plants in containers have more varieties of form
B. plants can be damaged if they are given too much water
C. most plants should he placed on the fire stoves during winter months
D. some plants are particularly fit for container gardening
5. According to the passage, it is true that _____.
A. vegetables are easier to grow than flowering plants
B. the growth of indoor plants can be adjusted by adequate light and temperature
C. most indoor plants live from three to five yeans.
D. plants growing indoors need little care

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