
【题目】She has studied in this school she was seven years old.

A. since B. if C. until D. after



试题分析:句意:自从她7岁开始,她就在这个学校学习。since 自从,常跟现在完成时态搭配使用;if 如果,是否;until 直到……时候;after 在……之后。根据句意和句中的has studied可知选A。


【题目】It’s the end of class. When the bell rings, students of Luohu Foreign Languages School in Shenzhen quickly take out their cell-phones. They want to log on (登录) to their microblogs (微博) to check the funny things that have happened in the last hour. Since last year, the trend (潮流) of microblogging has swept the country. Recent surveys show that most students in middle schools have a microblog, and some even update(更新) their blogs over five times per day.

“We learn many fresh and interesting things on microblogs and they have become popular topics in class,” said Liang Jianmin, 14, a student at Harbin No 3 Middle School. “If you do not know about them, you are out of the loop (被排挤在圈外).” It is also a great place for students to let out stress. “My parents always ask me to study hard, and encourage me before exams, but actually it adds pressure (压力),” said Zhang Yazhe, 15, a student in Luohu Foreign Languages School. “When I share these feelings on my microblog, I get many replies from friends in the same situation, which makes me feel better.” But parents are worried that microblogging could be a waste of time. Some misleading(误导性的) messages may even cause danger to kids, they said.

Shen Mingde, a professor at the China Education Association, suggests parents not worry too much as long as kids are not crazy about microblogging. Instead, it can become a window for parents to understand their children.

“If parents can read their children’s microblogs, they’ll know their thoughs, thus (因而) leading to better communication and solutions to problems,” he said. Micro blogging tips for kids

1. Don’t microblog for more than one hour a day.

2. Never microblog in class.

3. Try to talk face to face with people instead of just microblogging.

4. Be critical (批判性的). Don’t trust all the messages on a microblog.

【1】Why do the students quickly take out their cellphones after class?

A. Because they want to phone their parents to tell them the funny things.

B. Because they want to listen to music.

C. Because they want to log on to their microblogs.

D. Because they want to surf the Internet to check the funny things.

【2】Liang Jianmin thinks people are out of the loop if they do not know________.

A. the popular topics in class

B. the popular songs in class

C. fresh and interesting things on the Internet

D. many fresh and interesting things on TV

【3】What does the underlined phrase "let out" mean in Chinese?

A. 释放 B. 泄露 C. 熄灭 D. 开脱

【4】What does Shen Mingde think of microbiogging?

A. It could be a waste of time.

B. Some misleading messages may even cause danger to kids.

C. It can become a window for parents to understand their kids.

D.Parents should not worry too much if kids are crazy about microblogging.

【5】Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. Kids should microblog for more than one hour a day.

B.Kids should try to talk face to face with people instead of just microblogging.

C. The trend of microblogging has swept the country since five years ago.

D. Kids should trust all the messages on a microblog.

【题目】As China’s influence grows, many students in the US are working hard to learn Chinese. Parents and education experts (专家) in the US think Chinese speakers may have greater chances.

The number of schools that teach Chinese has grown. Ten years ago, only about 300 schools in the US had Chinese lessons. Today, about 1,600 schools teach Chinese.

Lomond Elementary School (小学) in Ohio is one of them. Each week, all students in grades one through five have a one-hour Chinese class. They learn the language through songs, games and lots of talking.

“We’re trying to make students interested in the language,” teacher James told Times for Kids. “We think it’s really important that all children receive these lessons,” he says. “We’d like to do even more.”

“Schools are looking to the future,” says Nancy, a US education expert. “China is becoming a really powerful country. Young people should not only know the language but understand the culture.” Students may not be thinking about the future, but they think learning Chinese language and culture is fun.

“We wish we could go to China one day.” said Karl and his classmate, Walt, from Miami.

More than 40 million foreigners around the world are studying Chinese. About 50,000 people in the US are learning the language. Chinese has become the second most spoken foreign language in the US after Spanish.

【1】At present, many American students are learning Chinese because________.

A. they wish to work in China

B. they would like to travel all over China

C. it is the most useful language in the world

D. China’s influence grows

【2】_______is an American education expert.

A. James B. Nancy C. Karl D. Walt

【3】We can learn from the passage that________.

A. students are looking to the future

B. there are more Spanish people than Chinese in the US

C. Chinese is becoming popular in the US

D. Chinese is the most popular foreign language in the US

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