


Rule One

1.You can come into the room only with your teacher.

2.Don't eat or drink in the room.

3.Don't listen to music.

4.Be quiet. Don't talk to each other.

5.Turn off all the computers and close windows after class.            

Rule Two

Here are the rules for Emily.

1.You must get up before 6:30 a.m.

2.Don't listen to music.

3.Don't talk loudly on the phone.

4.Go to bed by 10:00 p.m.

5.Don't meet friends if you don't finish your homework.

6.Clean your bedroom yourself.

1.In the two rules,____________to music isn't allowed(被允许).

2.Emily has to go to_________by 10:00 p.m.

3.You have to be__________when you have a computer class.

4.Students can't go into the room if there is no_________.

5.Rule Two is a___________rule.


C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

A rare experience

Imagine the situation. You’re walking down the crowded high street and s1. a complete stranger stops you and says, “Hi! You were on the beach in the south of Spain six years ago. How are you doing?” This stranger isn’t necessarily m 2. . He or she might be a “super - recogniser”. These are people who have the unusual ability to recognise people they have seen only once -- a long time ago, maybe in a crowed.

Whatever the differences in looks

It doesn’t matter what the person looks like now. People change, get different hair styles, dye their hair or go grey. Wrinkles, new glasses and makeups give them new a3. , but the “super - recognisers” can still recognise them.

An inborn skill

Although scientists have known for a long time that about 2% of people suffer from face - blindness, which means that they have huge problems recognising faces, they are only new realising that some people are the exact o 4. .Tests have shown that a “super - recogniser” can identify people that they only saw for a brief moment -- and this is not an ability that we can d5. , it’s something we are born with.

A great h 6.

The police are starting to use “super - recognisers” to spot criminal faces in videos of crowds. They look for people with a specific build and facial features like beards and moustaches but they can even recognise quite o7.people, with no noticeable features at all. As well as surprising our holidaymaker in Spain six years later, this ability can be used for a very practical purpose indeed.

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