The winter's first snow made most kids happy, but not for Tom. After school he came home with an unhappy look on his face. “Tom, it's snowing,” said his mother. “I know, ” Tom replied. “Tomorrow is Saturday, and there will be ①n_______ to do.”

Tom loved to be outside during summer. He loved swimming,hiking, and riding his bike.②W________ the winter's first snow came. Tom was always sad. He couldn't swim, hike, or ride his bike.

Tom's mother knew he was unhappy.③她尽力用曲奇饼使他感觉好点儿。It only took him a few minutes to eat them up, and then his unhappy face returned.

The next morning their doorbell rang—it was Penny, their neighbor.④She asked Tom to go outside to make a snowman with her_Tom wrinkled (皱起) his nose. “Yes, yes, Tom would like to go, ” his mother said and sent him out with Penny.

Penny and Tom made a very large snowman.Then Penny took out two pairs of snowshoes.They put on the snowshoes and went for a walk through the trees behind the house. At last, they met some friends and started playing sled (雪橇) together.

When Tom came home for lunch, his unhappy face was gone.

1.①________ ②________






4.What day is it today?


5.How did Tom feel at last?


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