
选择句子, 补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。
A: Hello, Mary.
B: Hello, everyone. You are all here. 【小题1】 
A: We are planning for a good-bye party, for the 3-year middle school life will be over.
B: That sounds good. Can I join the party?
A: Of course.  【小题2】  
B: Great! Is there anything I can do to help?
A: Let me see. Oh.   【小题3】 ?
B: Yes, I have a digital camera.
A: We want to take some photos. They may remind us of the time we had in middle school in the future.【小题4】  ?
B: Not at all. I’m sure to bring it to the party. Anything else?
A: Well, would you like to get some fruit and snacks for the party with me?
B:【小题5】  Let’s go.


解析【小题1】从答语看:We are planning for a good-bye party, 是问你们在做什么?选C
【小题2】从前面的Can I join the party?可知是每个人都受欢迎。选A
【小题3】从答语:Yes, I have a digital camera.可知是问你有相机吗?选E
【小题4】从答语:Not at all. I’m sure to bring it to the party.可知是问介不介意带来。选 D
【小题5】问句是would you like to get some fruit and snacks for the party with me?


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