China is the home of tea, which has more than 4000 years of history. People all over China drink tea daily. Of the three main drinks—tea, coffee and cocoa, tea is drunk by the largest number of people in the world. Tea from China, along with silk and porcelain (瓷器),began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export (出口商品) since then.

The world for tea in different languages came from the Chinese character, “cha”. The English word, “tea”, sounds similar to the pronunciation of it in Xiamen, Fujian Province. The Russians call it “chai’i”, which sounds like “chaye”(tea leaves) as it is pronounced in northern China. The Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese, though it is pronounced a little differently.

Tea leaves are produced mainly in the south of China, because of the mild (温和的) climate (气候) and rich soil (土壤) there. Longjing , Pu’er, Wulong and Tieguanyin are all famous tea. They’re produced in the provinces of Zhejiang, Yunnan and Fujian.

Over the past centuries, Chinese people have developed their unique (独特的) tea culture, which includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making, tea drinking, and so on. Tea is also a popular theme which is often mentioned in dances, songs, poems and novels.


1.Tea began to be known by the world _____________ ago.

A.over 1000 years B.over a few centuries

C.less than a few centuries D.more than 4000 years

2.What kind of drinks is drunk by the largest number of people in the world?

A.Coffee. B.Cocoa. C.Tea. D.Milk.

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Tea has been an important Chinese export since a thousand years ago.

B.The English word “tea” sounds similar to the pronunciation of it in northern China.

C.Longjing, Pu’er, Wulong and Tieguanyin are produced in the south of China.

D.Tea is also a popular theme which is often mentioned in dances, songs, poems and novels.

4.How many kinds of tea are mentioned in the passage?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.China’s Long History of Tea B.China’s Tea Culture

C.Tea Drinking in China D.All kinds of tea in China


Thanksgiving Day is a very special day for people in United States. They _____1_____

celebrate it on the four Thursday in November. The first thanksgiving service _____2_____

in North America took place in December 4th, 1619, when 38 English people _____3_____

lived in America to make their home in the new country. They hold this _____4_____

service not to thank God for the harvest, and to thank God for their safe journeys. _____5_____

In the next year, many more English people arrived. They had a bad winter, but _____6_____

fortunately the harvest was good. They decided to celebrate them with a big meal. _____7_____

Everyone ate at tables outside their house and played games together. The festival _____8_____

lasted three days. Nowadays, North Americans in the world get together _____9_____

with their families on this day to eat good food and have a happily time. _____10_____











My parents always told me that I couldn’t dance because it was a girl’s sport. But I never_______my dream of becoming a dancing star. I practiced secretly learning from books, movies, and shows. However, without my parents’_______that dream seemed impossible to achieve. One summer, my parents were very busy. My little sister Amy was going to dance lessons. I _______ asked my parents to allow me to take her to the lessons. _______good chance to learn dancing!

One day Amy asked me to dance with her in the school dancing competition, because_______of the boys in her class would like to do that. They thought she was slow. “You can be a good dancer!” I _______her. “Let’s show those people that they are wrong.” In the following months, we practiced every evening, still hiding from our parents.

Finally came the big day I became_______when I saw my parents watching the competition. But as the music began, I took a deep breath and tried to put my heart into the dance. We moved perfectly, shining with pride. From the_______of the crowd, I was sure we had done a good job.

When we got off the stage, my father came towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder. “Well done, Son. I have to say you are talented_______dancing, go for it and make us proud.”

Everyone doesn’t achieve his dream__________he goes through lots of difficulties. I know that the road ahead won’t be easy, but I will not be afraid any more.

1.A.took up B.gave up C.called up D.turned up B.wish C.order D.service

3.A.quickly B.sadly C.exactly D.completely

4.A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

5.A.some B.all C.none D.both

6.A.accepted B.expected C.encouraged D.influenced

7.A.shy B.nervous C.relaxed D.bored

8.A.talking B.singing C.dancing D.cheering B.along C.with

10.A.if B.whether C.until D.after

I'm writing this article in China, far away from my home in the United States. You might wonder what I do to remember my mom on Mother’s Day. Well, I certainly call her to say “Happy Mother’s Day” and promise that I will visit home soon.

I still remember the first time I forgot Mother’s Day. When I finally figure it out, I asked, “Why does mom get a special holiday? Why isn’t there a Children’s Day!”

My mom explained, in that way that only moms seem to be able to explain, “Because every day is Children's Day!”

I knew that I had messed up. I thought about all the time and love my mom had given me. I thought about the food she had made, the toys she had bought and the long hours she had spent with me. There might not be a perfect mom’s love, which can fix anything. After that day, for 364 days, I was looking forward to the next Mother’s Day.

That was the first year I forgot Mother’s Day. It was also the last year I forgot.

Are you wondering what to do for your mom on Mother’s Day? Common things are to write a message that thanks for the love she has given you, send her a card or buy her a gift. But the most important thing is — DON’T FORGET!

1.How does the writer celebrate Mother’s Day this year?

A.He calls his mom. B.He send his mom a card. C.He visits home to see his mom

2.What might the underlined phrase “figure out” mean?

A.make clear B.make progress C.make mistakes

3.Why did the writer begin to look forward to the next?

A.Because he missed his mom far in the United States

B.Because he wanted to spend more time with his mom

C.Because he realized he had got much care from his mom

4.What is the purpose(目的) of the passage?

A.To explain why there isn’t a Children’s Day

B.To advise us not to forget to keep our own promises

C.To remind us to remember the love mom has given us.

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.An Interesting Talk B.An Important Day C.An Expensive Gift

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