
 补全对话 从方框中所给的选项中选择正确的句子补全对话。(10分)

A. How often should 1 take the medicine?

B. Yes, I do.

C. I have a bad cold.

D. Good afternoon, young man.

E. About two days.

A: Good afternoon, Doctor Huang.

B:      38       What's wrong with you?        

A:        39                       

B: Do you have a cough?

A:       40       I cough now and then.     

B: How long have you been like this?

A:       41        And I'm feeling terrible now.

B: Let me check you over. Oh, you have a fever, too.

A: Is it serious?

B: Nothing serious. Take this medicine and drink more water.

A:        42        

B: Three times a day. Have a good rest and you'll be all right soon.

A; Thanks a lot.

B: Not at all.

38. _________39. _________ 40. _________ 41. _________ 42. _________


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