

Read the questions and answer YES or NO, then you will find out how good you are.

1. When you don t understand something, you ask questions.                   

2. You like listening to older people talk about the post.                       

3. You think that you con learn something interesting from everyone around you.  

4. You ore brave enough when you have to talk to people you don't know.          

5. You enjoy reading books about famous people.                            

6. You always see and talk to different people.                                

7. You are interested in learning new ways of doing things.                     

8. You enjoy shying experiences with friends and learning from people of all ages.  

9.You talk o lot about yourself.                                             

10. Even if you ore often wrong, you make your own decisions.                   

11.You hate teaching what you are good at: sports, technology, whatever.            

12.Your parents don't understand you, so you don't talk to them much.              


Score 2 points if you answer YES to each of tile first 8 questions, and 0 if you choose NO.

Score 2 points if you answer NO to each of the last 4 questions, and 0 if you choose YES.


18--24. You are friendly and open-minded. You make people feel important by listening to what they have to say. You'll probably succeed in learning al1 kinds of interesting things. Good for you!

10--16 Remember that every single person you know can teach you something. You will greatly make your life rich and colorful.

0- 8 About 400 years ago, a famous writer wrote, "No man is an island." This is still mm today. Try to be more open and interested in people around you.

1.If you say "YES" to all these questions, you'll get ____ points.

    A. 12              B. 16                  C. 20              D. 24

2. When you score 22 points, you are _____.

    A. shy and nervous          B. silent and serious

    C. open and friendly         D. brave and strong

3.The writer thinks you should _____.

A. always see and talk to the same people

 B. make your Own decision whenever you want

 C. enjoy teaching what you are good at

 D. talk much about yourselves when possible

4."No man is an island." in the text probably means that _____.

 A. the famous writer was very clever

 B. everything is the same as 400 years ago

 C. you will feel lonely if on an island

 D. you can not live alone in the world

5.The questions are used to test whether you are willing to __

     A. learn from others    B. help other people

     C. do all by yourself    D. depend on others












A group of frogs were traveling through the forests, but unluckily two of them fell into a hole. The other frogs tried to help them. When they saw how 51 the hole was, they cried to the two frogs that they could not be saved. The two frogs didn't 52 and tried their best to jump up out of the hole. The other frogs 53 saying that they were sure to die. 54, one of the two frogs, who heard what the other frogs were saying, 55 . Then he fell down and died.

     The other frog, however, 56 to jump as hard as he could, and at last made it out. When he 57 , the other frogs asked, "Didn't you hear us?" The frog, who had a poor 58, explained, "I thought you were encouraging me all the timid."

     The story teaches us a 59 : There is power(????) of life and death in the tongue. An 60  word to those who are down can help them out while a discouraging word can kill them.

1.A. small             B. deep              C. big            D. wide

2.A. care              B. refuse             C. insist          D. think

3.A. kept              B. finished           C. practiced       D. stopped

4.A. Luckily           B. Finally            C. Suddenly       D. Happily

5.A. went on           B. ran away          C. jumped out      D. gave up

6.A. happened          B. continued         C. planned        D. wanted

7.A. got out            B. ran away          C. got off         D. woke up

8.A. smelling           B. eyesight           C. hearing        D. looking

9.A. way               B. skill              C. sentence       D. lesson

10.A. interesting          B. exciting            C. excellent       D. encouraging


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