Tons of people enjoy listening to different types of music while they paint, write, or draw. Many believe that music helps get the creative juices flowing, but an international new study is challenging that view by putting volunteers through a series of tests.

The study was performed as a joint partnership between psychologists at three universities in Europe. The results suggest that any task that relies on verbal(与文字有关的) creativity was impaired(削弱) when listening to any type of music.

Subjects(受试者) in the project all spoke English as their first language, and had no problem in their sight or hearing.

The tasks were simple word games. For example, subjects were given three words, such as dress, shine, and flower. Then, they were asked to find a single word which could be connected with all three to form a common phrase or word. The single word, in this case, would be “sun” (sundress, sunflower, etc).

Subjects completed the tasks in either a quiet room, or while they were played background music with foreign lyrics(歌词), English lyrics, and instrumental music with no lyrics at all.

The research team also tested the library background noises, but found that such noises had no great difference in subjects’ creativity. The study’s authors believe that was the case because library noise is a “steady state” environment which is not as disruptive(扰乱的). Music with or without lyrics is characterized by changes in pitch or tone.

It’s worth mentioning that even familiar music with well known lyrics impaired subjects’ creativity, even when subjects declared that they worked or studied with music on regularly and the music improved their overall mood.

So next time you sit down for a study session with those lo-fi beats, you may be giving your brain something else to focus on rather than your work.

1.What does “that view” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.Listening to music while working is so common.

B.People enjoy listening to different types of music.

C.Listening to music impairs creativity.

D.Music helps improve our creativity.

2.According to the word game in Paragraph 4, if volunteers are given three words “foot, base, basket”, what is the single word?

A.Case. B.Line. C.Print. D.Ball.

3.Which of the following had no great difference in performance of the verbal tasks?

A.Familiar music with well known lyrics.

B.The quiet and library noise conditions.

C.Background music with foreign lyrics.

D.Instrumental music with no lyrics.

4.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Music cannot disrupt the verbal working memory of the disabled.

B.Different kinds of music impair different parts of our brains.

C.You may do your best work without listening to music.

D.Library noises are characterized by changes in pitch or tone.

What do we mean by responsibility? To put it simply, it is a duty to consider the consequences(结果,后果)of our actions. In other words, we have a duty to control our behavior.

When we are children, we have few responsibilities. Our parents look after us and we generally don't have to worry about food or shelter(居所). As we grow up, we gradually need to be responsible for more and more things. We learn how to make our own decisions and realize that we have moral duties. We have to be responsible for our lives.

We also have responsibilities that go beyond ourselves. Parents have the responsibility to look after their children. Beyond the family, people have a responsibility towards the community as a whole. It is responsible for us as a society to make this world a safe and pleasant place for everyone.

When we fail in our responsibilities, the consequences are most serious. Teenagers who stop their studies might make their own lives bad. Parents who are not caring for their own children properly, will put them in danger. By not following the traf?c rules, careless drivers kill more than a million people around the world every year. Certain professions in our society, such as police officers, present to protect the public, and often risk their own lives in order to do their duty. However, their efforts depend on the support of ordinary people. If we pay no attention to our own responsibilities, society will become dangerous.

Whether we are shouldering heavy responsibilities, like doctors or lots, or simply taking responsibility for our own learning as students, we will always be judged on how well we perform our duties. For this reason, the hardest part of acting responsibly is admitting ( 承认 ) that we failed or that we made a mistake. Let's say you visit your friend's house and accidentally make an expensive teapot broken while your friend is in another room. The honest thing to do is of course to admit and apologize. Because this requires courage, some people take another way: they pretend that nothing happened. Perhaps a broken teapot might not be such a big deal, but in any given situation, we can choose to act responsibly.

Responsibilities are an important part of life since our actions have consequences. If everyone considered how their actions would affect( 影 响 )themselves and other people, the world would be a better place.

1.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.We should choose to act responsibly in any given situation.

B.Students have the same heavy responsibilities as the doctors.

C.We have to be responsible for ourselves and beyond ourselves.

D.Police of?cers often risk their own lives in order to do their duty.

2.The passage tells us that _________.

A.children have no responsibilities

B.adults often risk their own lives in order to do their duty

C.students should only be responsible for their own learning

D.our responsible actions would make the world a better place

3.According to the writer, the hardest part of taking responsibility is . control our behavior make our own decisions admit our failure or mistakes affect ourselves and other people

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Importance of Responsibility B.Consequence of Responsibility

C.Dif?cult Part of Responsibility D.Development of Responsibility

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