
“Which country is better to study in?” We often hear such discussions.As China opens Its doors,studying abroad(出国)has become a dream for many Chinese students.They want to learn about the world.

It's true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves.Language skills(技能)will improve and it may be easier to find jobs.

But we should consider some problems.Language is the first.Students must spend a lot of time learning another language and getting used to a different culture.

Students must also learn to live without parents’ care and deal with all kinds of things they haven't done before,like looking after themselves.When they have to take care of themselves,it is difficult for students to study well.

Finally,not every family can afford studying abroad.For most Chinese parents,the cost of studying abroad is very high.

We know that many famous people succeed in great things through hard work in China.Liu Xiang is a good example.Once an American coach invited him there but he refused.He kept training hard with his Chinese coach.He surprised the world when he won a gold medal at the Athens Olympics.So when you wonder which country is better to study in,consider whether studying abroad is the right decision.

1.From the passage,we learn that many Chinese students dream about studying abroad to ________.

A.Improve their language skills                     B.get used to a different culture

C.have more advantages                                D.find jobs more easily

2.The writer thinks ________ should be considered first before students study abroad.

A.1anguage             B.places                  C.time                       D.money

3.The writer mentions Liu Xiang in the passage in order to tell us that ________.

A.Liu Xiang was a gold medal winner

B.studying abroad is the right decision

C.American coaches are not better than Chinese ones

D.people can also succeed in China if they work hard

4.Which of the following is NOT true about studying abroad?

A.It will cost students' families a lot of money.

B.It will make it easy for students to learn well.

C.Students will meet a lot of difficulties in their life.

D.Students will spend much time getting used to a different culture.

5.This passage is mainly about ________ in foreign countries.

A.the way to study                                      B.the cost of studying

C.the dream of studying                                 D.the problems of studying


Tom lived in a town near New York. His father had a shop there and his mother was a doctor. He was seven years old this year and began to go to school this September. It was a little far(远的) from their shop and his father drove a car to take him to school five days a week. So he was never(从不) late for class and his teachers likes him very much.

It was Monday that day. Miss Green was teaching them to count(数数) from one to ten in the morning. Tom was studying hard. Soon he could count them. Green was happy and asked, “How many people are there in your family, Tom?”

Tom stood up and said, “Two, Miss.”

“Who are they?”

“My father and my mother.”

“Oh,” Miss Green was surprised. She then said, “There’re three people in your family.”

“But now I’m not at home. I’m at school, you know!”

1.Where did Tom’s father work?  ______________

A.In a factory.        B.In a school.         C.In a shop.          D.In a hospital.

2.Tom was now a student of_______.

A.Grade One        B.Grade Two         C.Grade Three       D.Grade Four

3.Tom was never late for school because________.

A.all his teachers liked him

B.he went to school in a car

C.his house was next to the school

D.he just began to school a month ago

4.Miss Green taught her children to count from one to ten_______.

A.every day                             B.one Monday morning

C.in Tom’s house                        D.five days a week

5.Which is the best title(题目) for this story? ____________

A.Two or Three?                          B.From One to Ten

C.Tom and his family                       D.Miss Green and Her Students


Tom lived in a town near New York. His father had a shop there and his mother was a doctor. He was seven years old this year and began to go to school this September. It was a little far(远的) from their shop and his father drove a car to take him to school five days a week. So he was never(从不) late for class and his teachers likes him very much.

It was Monday that day. Miss Green was teaching them to count(数数) from one to ten in the morning. Tom was studying hard. Soon he could count them. Green was happy and asked, “How many people are there in your family, Tom?”

Tom stood up and said, “Two, Miss.”

“Who are they?”

“My father and my mother.”

“Oh,” Miss Green was surprised. She then said, “There’re three people in your family.”

“But now I’m not at home. I’m at school, you know!”

1.Where did Tom’s father work?  ______________

A、In a factory.    B、In a school.     C、In a shop.       D、In a hospital.

2.Tom was now a student of_______.

A、Grade One    B、Grade Two    C、Grade Three  D、Grade Four

3.Tom was never late for school because________.

A、all his teachers liked him          

B、he went to school in a car

C、his house was next to the school

D、he just began to school a month ago

4.Miss Green taught her children to count from one to ten_______.

A、every day                       B、one Monday morning   

C、in Tom’s house                 D、five days a week

5.Which is the best title(题目) for this story? ____________

A、Two or Three?                  B、From One to Ten

C、Tom and his family             D、Miss Green and Her Students


Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Even though you are mentally healthy, it doesn’t __11__ that you don’t have a menta1 health problem.

Mental health is everyone’s business. We all have times when we feel down or __12___. Most of the time those feelings pass,__13___ sometimes they develop into a more serious problem. It seems that our mental health doesn’t always stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and as you move __14___ different stages(阶段)of your life.

Here are four practical __15___ to look after your mental health. Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can __16___ them.

●Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isn’t a sign of __17___, but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.

●Eat well. What you eat and how you feel are __18___ connected. A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.

●Keep in touch. Friends and family members can offer __19___suggestions which may help you keep active and solve practical problems.

●Take a break. It could be a weekend __20___ new places to enjoy the nature, or even a ten-minute break from doing your homework. A few minutes can be enough to relax you.

1.A.agree        B.mean        C.doubt        D.notice

2.A.excited      B.satisfied   C.surprised     D stressed

3.A.but          B.and         C.so           D.as

4.A.away        B.inside        C.through      D.against

5.A.answer       B.replies       C.ways        D.chances

6.A.follow       B.find          C.advise       D.count

7.A.weakness     B.laziness      C.happiness     D.richness

8.A.easily        B.closely       C.equally      D.hardly

9.A.difficult      B.terrible       C.strange       D. various

10.A.protecting    B.exploring     C.providing     D.imagining



Many people around the world have seen Danny Boyle’s movie Train spotting starring Ewan McGregor, but how many of us really know what train-spotting is all about? Now this is not considered cool in town and the word “train-spotter” in Britain is related to “geek” or “nerd” (someone who seems very ridiculous). But is this reputation really deserved?

First of all, let’s see what train-spotting is. It is said that there are some 100,000 train spotters in the UK. Exactly as the title suggests, they spot trains, that is, they stand in train stations, look at the number of each train that leaves and arrives and write it down. The eventual aim is to have seen every train in the country.

    Being crazy about railways and trains is not modern and it dates back to 1804. As the number of trains grew and they got faster and faster, so did the interest in them grow? Is this any stranger than people who love cars?

    So, what do you need to be a train-spotter? Well, all you really need is a pen or pencil and a notebook to write down the train numbers. Other equipment(装备) includes hot tea in a thermos, a camera and some sandwiches for those long afternoons spent on train platforms when you don’t want to risk the delights of railway station food.

    It’s interesting to note that despite the “bad name” of train-spotting, there have been famous railway lovers in history, such as Alfred Hitchcock, who filmed them regularly, especially The 39 Steps. There is evidence, too, that being a train-spotter is not necessarily a strange phenomenon(现象)in Britain.

    One glance at the US train stations should be enough to convince you that train-spotters there are alive and well. In America, they try to call rail lovers “train-fans” and talk of “train-fanning”. Don’t let this fool you—these people are train spotters and there are a lot of them. Each month, two million pages are visited on the website TrainWeb.org.                      


1.What is train-spotting according to the passage?

A. A kind of hobby.             B. A type of sport.

C. A strange phenomenon.        D. A special job.

2.Which of the following about train-spotters is true according to the passage?

A. They number each train they see.

B. They keep a careful path of every train.

C. They count the trains passing in front of them.

D. They produce films about trains with video cameras.

3.The writer writes the passage to        .

A. introduce some famous train-spotters

B. encourage readers to do more train-spotting

C. try to present a true picture of train-spotting

D. describe the necessary equipment in train-spotting

4. What do we learn from the passage?

A. Train-spotters in the UK want to fool people.

B. Train-spotting is more acceptable in America.

C. Train-spotters are much stranger than car lovers.

D. Train-spotting relates to(与…有关)a dangerous lifestyle.


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