
Mr Philip has made ______ survey on students’ lunchtime, and ______ survey shows us a lot of problems.

A.an; anB.the; theC.a; theD.the; a


解析试题分析:句意:菲利普先生已经做了一个有关学生午餐时间的调查,这份调查给我们展示了很多的问题。a survey一份调查报告,第二次提到这份报告用the修饰,故选C




1________ 2________ 3________ 4________



5Why does Helen come to the man's house?

ATo ask for help. BTo sayhello”. CTo visit her friend


6Where are they talking?

AIn a restaurant. BAt home. CIn the street


7Which is true about Daniel?

AHe is a chid

BHe thinks the novel is boring

CHe likes the novel very much


8What pet did the man buy?


9When did Peter learn to use chopsticks(筷子)?

ABefore he came to the UK

BBefore he came to China

CAfter he came to China


10What is Tom like?

AHe is easy-going

BHe is humorous

CHe is helpful


11How much money did Victor get in his dream?

A.$1,000,000 B.$100,000 C.¥1,000,000

12What did Victor decide to do with the money in his dream?

ABuy a car. BGo travelling. CRaise money for charity


13What's the relationship between the speakers?

AHusband and wife

BFather and daughter

CMother and son

14Where are they living now?

AIn a big house with a garden

BIn a small flat without a balcony

CIn a small flat with a balcony


15Who is Mr Johnson?

AMillie's history teacher

BMillie's doctor

CMillie's geography teacher

16What will Millie do on Saturday?

AGo climbing

BTake an exam

CStay at home and study

17Which season is it?

ASpring. BSummer. CAutumn


18How did Philip go home yesterday evening?

ABy bus. BBy bike. COn foot

19What did the aliens look like?

20Which sentence is RIGHT?

AThe spacecraft was orange and green

BPhilip took some pictures of the aliens with his camera

CPhilip's friends thought that his story was hard to believe

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

  It happened to be a beautiful summer afternoon. Mr Philip was taking a walk in the downtown area of Madrid. When he turned a street corner, he heard the (1)v   of a lovely Spanish singer coming from a nearby cafe(咖啡馆). The sweet music attracted him, so he entered the cafe to hear it better.

  Mr Philip sat down quietly at a table near the door. Noticing the waiter came over, he (2)o   a glass of wine. While waiting for his wine, he listened attentively to the soft music. The waiter returned with the glass of wine and put it on the table.

  Mr Philip started drinking the wine slowly and watching the other people there. There were three customers seated at a table near him. He could (3)t   by their accents that one of them was an American, one an Englishman and the (4)t   was a funny-looking stranger. The polite waiter served each of the three men a glass of beer. By chance, each glass had a fly in it.

  Mr Philip watched carefully what they were going to do. To his amusement(兴趣), he found that each of them took quite a (5)d   attitude(态度). The American picked up his glass, took a hard look at the fly and then poured(倒) the fly and half of his beer on the floor. The Englishman looked into the glass, noticed the fly and reached for a spoon with which he took the fly out of the beer and drunk the (6)r   of it. And the stranger noticed the fly in the beer, picked it with his fingers, squeezed(挤压) it carefully to save every drop of beer, and then drank it up.

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