
1. 我可以借你的书吗?
    Can I ________ a book ________ you?
2. 我们班上许多男孩喜欢做模型飞机。
    Many boys in our class enjoy ________ ________ ________.
3. 我弟弟每天晚上总是要花一个小时看《学英语》报。
    My brother _______ _______ _______ hour _______ Learn English every evening.
4. 我们不知道怎样取乐。
    We don't know how _______ _______ _______.
5. 她没有许多的时间和朋友交谈。
    She doesn't have much time _______ _______ _______ her friends.
6. 双休日你忙吗?不,不忙。 
   _______ you _______ at weekends? No, _______ _______.
7. 你把这好消息告诉西蒙了吗?
    _______ you _______ Simon _______ the good news?
8. Daniel是我们班上游泳最棒的人。
    Daniel is the _______ _______ in our class.
9. 我们都盼望着组织一次聚会。
   We are all _______ _______ to _______ a party.
10. 他周六给我打扫房子或者给朋友发邮件。
    He _______ me _______ the house or _______ his friends.
1. borrow from
2. making model planes
3. always spends an reading
4. to have fun
5. to talk with
6. Are busy I'm not
7. Do tell about
8. best swimmer
9. looking forward organizing
10. helps clean e-mails

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