Zhou Yan, a middle school student, wishes he never got a mobile phone. Last week, he went to see a doctor because his arms and fingers(手指)were injured(受伤).The doctor told him that he had “mobile phone disease(疾病)”. A growing number of teenagers are getting “mobile phone disease” because more and more teenagers are using mobile phones.

Zhou got his mobile phone five months ago. He sent messages to his friends with it all the time, even when going to bed. Zhou started to do badly in exams because he spent too much time playing with his mobile phone. His mom got very angry with him,but he didn’t stop playing with it until his arms got injured.

Yang Ling, a doctor, says that if someone uses his mobile phone too much, like Zhou Yan, he might get “mobile phone disease”. If teenagers find their arms or fingers hurt(疼痛), they should go to see a doctor as soon as possible. Yang says teenagers should try to use their mobile phones less, especially(尤其)at school.

1.Zhou Yan wishes he never got a mobile phone because ______.

A.his mother got angry with him B.it doesn’t work well

C.it made his arms and fingers hurt D.it is useless to him

2.Zhou Yan didn’t do well in exams because ______.

A.he didn’t like studying B.he argued with his mother

C.he was ill and didn’t go to school D.he spent much time on the mobile phone

3.Yang Ling thinks teenagers should ______.

A.go to see a doctor very often B.not use mobile phones any more

C.use mobile phones less and less D.use mobile phones more when they are out of school

4.The writer wants to tell us ______ in the article.

A.only a few teenagers have mobile phones

B.using mobile phones too much is bad for teenage study and health

C.mobile phones can help teenagers get out of trouble(麻烦)

D.people shouldn’t use mobile phones

As teenagers, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize. Or they can be small, you may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class. Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream come true?

Follow Your heart by Australian writer Andrews tells us that making our dreams come true is life’s biggest challenge (挑战).

“You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts stop you from realizing (实现) your dream,” the book says.

In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is.

There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of (代替) watching TV will lead to better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice-cream means you can buy a new book. This is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.

1.What is Follow Your Heart?

A.A movie. B.A subject. C.A book. D.A TV program.

2.What is the first thing to do if you want to make your dream come true?

A.Remember what your dream is. B.Keep telling yourself what you want.

C.Never be afraid of the big difficulties. D.Try to start right now.

3.What does the underlined word “thoughts” mean?

A.Ways. B.Ideas. C.Decisions. D.Interests.

4.What does the writer want to tell us in the last paragraph (段落)?

A.Never give up your dreams.

B.Studying is more important than watching TV.

C.Reading books is good to learn new skills.

D.The biggest difficulty of your dreams comes from yourself.

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