

( )1. 我哥哥参军已经有三年了。

A. My elder brother has joined the army for three years.

B. My elder brother has been in the army for three years.

C. My elder brother joined the army three years ago.

( )2. 露茜和梅梅认识有一年多了。

A. Lucy and Meimei began to know each other for over one year.

B. Lucy and Meimei has begun to know each other for a year.

C. Lucy and Meimei have known each other for over one year.

( )3. 我们的英语老师自大学毕业后就一直在这所中学教书。

A. Our English teacher has taught in this school after she finished college.

B. Our English teacher has taught in this school since she finished college.

C. Our English teacher had taught in this school since she finished college.

( )4.她没来学校有一个星期了。

A. She hasn't come to school for a week.

B. She didn't come to school for a week.

C. She hasn't been in school for a week.

( )5.这本书你借了多久了?大约两星期。

A. How long have you borrowed the book? About two weeks.

B. How long did you have the book? About two weeks.

C. How long have you kept the book? About two weeks.



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