
Write at least 60 words on the topic “ I want to invent _____ ”(以“我想要发明________”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)



The following is for reference only. (以下表达仅供参考)

It can be used to…

It will be exciting/necessary/helpful to…


Choose the best answer:

All of us face problems. Unfortunately, we don't always know how to solve them. Our usual solutions may not work in every situation. That's why we need to think creatively to come up with creative solutions. We may not consider ourselves creative people, but if we can improve our creative thinking, new ideas will emerge. Following are some ways to boost your creativity.

First, be curious. Don't take for granted what we do or use every day. Think about how to do things differently. Sometimes the best ideas come from combining old ideas or changing them slightly. Second, avoid being immediately critical. When we think of a new idea, write it down—and save it. It may turn out to be useful later.

In addition, ask "what if". Instead of just accepting what we know as reality, asking "what if" may help us come up with new ideas. Then, take some time to relax. When we are not making any headway with our problem, stop working on it and do something completely different. We may come back to the problem with a fresh outlook and a new way to solve it. Try some of these ideas, and you'll find that being creative isn't so hard at all!

1.The passage II mainly about _________.

A.how we can improve our creativity B.what creative problems we might face in life

C.who is suitable for thinking creatively D.why creativity is helpful in problem-solving

2.According to the passage, it is advisable to be curious because _________.

A.we should always take for granted what we are used to doing

B.we’d better think of ourselves as creative people

C.the best ideas may be the result of changing old ideas slightly

D.the first ideas we get are never the best ideas

3.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a way of improving creativity?

A.Doing things in a different way. B.Saving any idea that comes to mind.

C.Just accepting what we believe. D.Letting our mind relax.

4.When we can't make any progress in solving your problem, we'd better _________.

A.come back to our usual solutions B.forget about the problem and let go of it

C.focus on the problem until it is solved D.take a break and do something different

5.According to the passage, we can infer(推断)that _________.

A.solutions hard, work B.we can train ourselves to be more creative

C.creative people never face any problems D.creative ideas come naturally when needed

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