
Do you think getting cold can give you a cold? Is it bad to drink milk when you have a cold?

Ranit Mishori, a family medicine doctor in Washington, says colds are more common in winter, but not because of low temperatures. The cold weather just means people stay inside more. People like staying together and may get the common cold virus if they shake hands, sneeze or cough near one another.

Adults generally get two to three colds a year. Children are likely to catch four or five. Dr. Mishori says some people wrongly believe they can become protected from colds for the rest of their life once they get the virus one time.

There is still no cure for the common cold. But Dr. Mishori says there are ways to feel better sooner.

If you get a cold, you start taking about two grams of Vitamin C a day. There is evidence that it might shorten the number of days that you will be having the cold. Dr. Mishori says honey, bears’ favourite food, seems especially helpful to children with colds.

Have you ever heard the old saying “feed a cold, starve a fever”? Dr. Mishori says this is not necessarily a good rule to follow. She says if you have a cold but do not feel hungry, then don’t eat.

According to Dr. Mishori, you have to drink a lot. You can drink water or you can drink tea – anything that gets into your body. That’s very important.

But what about drinking milk during a cold? Mishori says, “Drinking milk during a cold possibly does make you uncomfortable. But clearly if you have a baby and that’s all it drinks,you should not stop giving the baby milk.”

What do you know about a cold?

The 1. of people having colds in winter

It is because of the cold virus rather than low temperatures that people have a cold in the cold weather.

2. of people getting the cold virus

The common cold virus is passed from one person to 3. by ways of handshakes, 4. or coughing.

More details about colds

● Adults are 5. likely to catch a cold than children.

● Once getting the virus can not 6. you from colds for the rest of life.

Ways to help with

7. colds

● Take about two grams of Vitamin C a day and you will soon recover from your cold.

● Honey may be of especial8. to children with colds.

9. eating if you are not hungry when you have a cold.

● Drink much water or tea every day.

● It’s 10. that drinking milk might make you feel more uncomfortable.

Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):

Cool,amazing,unforgettable…something money can't buy!

These are all words which students have used to describe their HOST visits.But a word they never use is "expensive".Why not?

Because HOST visits are FREE.

Our wonderful hosts are not paid.They love giving international students very special memories of the UK to take home with them.

Students pay their own travel costs.And there is an application fee(申请费) which helps to pay for running the HOST program.But your university may pay all or part of the application fee for you.

The British Council and Foreign Office founded (建立)HOST in 1987.Thousands of students have enjoyed this experience.

5reasons to have a HOST visit

•It is a unique opportunity to experience the real life of Britain.

•It is safe﹣﹣﹣all the hosts are known by HOST.

•It may cost you only your train fare.

•You will learn things which the university cannot teach you.

•You will have some very special memories to take home with you.

And 3reasons NOT to apply for a HOST visit

•Please do not use HOST as a cheap form of tourism.It is about meeting people,sharing their lives.

•Please do not go on a HOST visit if you need to use your phone or pad a lot.Instead,make it a good chance to meet British people and make new friends.

•Please do not apply to HOST unless you have an open mind.Please don't be surprised﹣﹣﹣and enjoy it!

You can apply for a HOST visit if you are:

•A full﹣time student in the UK.HOST cannot accept applications from outside the UK.

•Aged 18+

•You can include your husband,wife,partner,children﹣if they are living in the UK during your study period.HOST cannot accept applications from visiting family members or friends.

1.This advertisement is probably for to read.

A.travel agents B.news reporters C.international students D.hotel managers

2.Which of the following words cannot be used to describe HOST visits?

A.Amazing. B.Expensive. C.Unforgettable. D.Surprising.

3.The word "them" in the sentence "They love giving international students very special memories of the UK to take home with them." refer to

A.international students B.wonderful hosts C.travel costs D.HOST visits

4.People who are interested can learn from this advertisement.

A.how to apply for a HOST visit B.who can apply for a HOST visit

C.how to pay for their HOST visits D.where they can find wonderful hosts

5.The main purpose of the HOST program is to enable students to

A.visit different places in the UK B.save money on travelling cost

C.make full use of their stay in the UK D.be more open minded and active

6.The HOST program is suitable for

A.Vickie,a sixteen-year-old exchange school student

B.Samuel,an active and popular online fashion blogger

C.Fang,a visiting friend of Diana from Hong Kong

D.Osaki,an easy﹣going Japanese student of Oxford University.

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