
My life is always full of sadness and little joy. However, no matter(无论) what happens, I can always face it bravely.
Last year,  I couldn’t believe the        that I could enter the only key high school in my hometown. Then I rushed to my home and told my parents. But my father didn’t seem as       as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldn’t help      .
I knew very well what my family was     ___ . My mum had been ill in bed for 2 years. We lived a hard life and I couldn’t continue my schooling. I felt so upset(心烦意乱) but I could say        to my parents. I decided to help my father with his work       my family.
To my surprise, things completely changed         the beginning of the new term. My head teacher came to my family        some money, which was raised by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, “Always have a dream.” With tears in my eyes, I stepped into the key high school.
I have been studying hard since I entered the high school. No matter when I meet difficulties, I always         my teacher and schoolmates. I have a college dream and I must work hard for it, no matter how      life is. Just as a great man says, “When one door shuts, another opens in life.”
A.supportB.to supportC.supportingD.supported
A.dream ofB.think ofC.hear ofD.talk of


小题2:考查形容词及对语境的理解。A紧张的B兴奋地C感兴趣的D担心的。句意:我的父亲似乎不像我一样兴奋。由上文I rushed to my home 我冲回家可知我的心情非常的激动,兴奋。由 But及He just keptmoking without saying a word 他一直吸烟一句话都不説。可知,父亲并不像我那样兴奋。故选B。
小题3:考查动词及对语境的理解。A哭B笑C说D喊叫。句意:我的母亲低着头,一直哭。根据上文,我的父亲不兴奋,根据下文 My mum had been ill in bed for 2 years. We lived a hard life 我的母亲卧床两年我们的生活艰辛。可知我的母亲心情此刻也很不好受,故选A。
小题5:考查不定代词及对语境的理解。A什么都没有B一些事情C任何事情D每件事情。根据I felt so upset(心烦意乱) but ,我心里很乱但是,可知,我无法在此时告诉父母我的感受。句意:但是我什么都没有对父母说。故选A.
小题6:考查动词及对语境的理解。句意:我决定帮我的父亲做活,来支持我的家庭。to do不定式表目的。我帮助父亲的目的是支持家里。故选B。
小题7:考查介词及对语境的理解。A在...之后B自从C在...之前D在...上面。句意:让我惊讶的是,在新学期开学之前,事情完全的改变了。由下文My head teacher came to my family我的班主任到了我家及With tears in my eyes, I stepped into the key high school.眼中带着泪水,我踏入了高中的大门。可知这是发生在新学期开学之前的。故选C。
小题8:考查介词及对语境的理解。A在上面B为了C到D带有,具有。句意:我的班主任带着一些钱来到了我家。由下文which was raised by my schoolmates.可知,钱是由班主任带来的,故选D。
小题10:考查形容词及对语境的理解。A高兴B悲伤C有趣D困难句意:我有一个大学梦,我必须为此努力学习,无论生活有多难。由上文My mum had been ill in bed for 2 years. We lived a hard lifeand I couldn’t continue my schooling. 可知,我家的生活并不容易,故进入高中之后,我的生活并不是一帆风顺的,故选D。
Martin is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a“problem child”, but a recent       with his mother changed his life. He didn’t use to give his mother many problems.      , after his father’s death a few years ago, Martin’s life became       more difficult. His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education. To do this, she       work, and so was often not at home.
His mother looked after him as       as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems. He was not       in studying and he often got in to trouble. Luckily, his mother was very       and didn’t give up trying to help him. In the end, she       a difficult decision:to send him to a boys’boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble.
One day, he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. The teacher said it was necessary for Martin to       with his mother. Martin called his mother, but to his      , this phone call changed his life. “It was exactly       Ineeded, ”he said. “My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was       me and would always take pride in every thing good I do. That’s when I decided to change. I realize that       my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me. ”
   Now Martin has      changed. He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class. How was he able to change?His mother’s     helped him to feel good about himself.
A.couldB.had toC.shouldD.would
A.surprisedB.surprising C.surpriseD.surprises
A.seeingB.noticing C.helpingD.watching

As a teenager, I am often asked what I am going to be in the future. A lawyer? A doctor? Or a scientist? No, my ideal career is to be a teacher. One of the       for that is I want to be a teacher like Mr. Chen.
“Look! Do you know what it is? A-ha, it’s the      ! And it will always move around the sun.” Mr. Chen said and pointed to his head. He then touched the nose and     , “Can you tell me the name of this mountain? It is the highest mountain on Earth! What’s the       of it? Yes, it’s 8844.43 metres…” I’ll never forget my first geography lesson. He was      humorous that we all fell in love with his lessons     . It’s Mr. Chen who opened the door of geography for us.
Generally speaking, most of the teachers are strict      students and sometimes a little bit demanding(苛求的), not so with Mr. Chen. He is a lighthouse, showing us the way to the treasure of knowledge. He is a friend and easy to get        with, always encouraging us to speak out loud without       our shyness and other disadvantages. He is an example, volunteering his time to students and other teachers.
One day I happened to meet him in the hospital. Seeing the cut on his arm, I realized he was donating his       . I was moved and was         another lesson, a lesson of love and devotion.
Every time I see my globe(地球仪), it would        me of Mr. Chen. He is the most unforgettable teacher I have     met and he will always be. Someday I hope I am        to be a teacher like him.
Thank you, Mr Chen, thank you for making learning not a job but a joy.
Thank you for helping me to discover what I do best and to do it even      .
Thank you for understanding all of us and giving us the time and care each of us needs.
A.moonB.earth C.starD.sun
A.distanceB.weightC.size D.height
A.veryB.tooC.really D.so
A.at presentB.at once C.at times D.at first
A.away B.togetherC.angryD.along
A.taughtB.givenC.taken D.had
It is the duty of every man to work. The life of a lazy man isn’t useful to himself and to others. If one is too lazy to work ,he will probably beg (乞讨) or steal (偷).So every boy, when he is young, should learn some useful work.
But it is not enough that a boy should learn some kind of work. He should put all his heart into his work, and not waste his free time. “Work while you work and play while you play” is important for young people as for the old.
The habit of getting up early is helpful to diligence(勤奋), and this, just like all other good habits, is most easily formed(形成) when one is young. There is an English saying “Lost time never returns.” This means that everybody must be diligent, and make use of (利用)his time. One must study hard when one is young so that one may make great progress, succeed(成功) in life and become useful to one’s country.  So we can say that diligence is the mother of success.
小题1:After reading the passage we know that those who are too lazy to work will become______.
A.beggarsB.thieves(小偷)C.beggars or thievesD.useful men
小题2:If a boy wants to be useful to himself and to the people , he should ______.
A.learn to play
B.do something in his free time
C.put his heart into his work
D.try hard to learn to do a certain kind of work
小题3:To learn to be diligent, it’s most important for the young people to______.
A.make good use of time
B.learn some good subjects
C.work all the time without playing
D.work while they work and play while they play
小题4:One can’t be successful in life unless(除非) he ______ when he is young.
A.is diligent in his study
B.loves his school
C.spends some time learning something
D.makes up for his lost time
小题5:Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?
A.A Lazy Boy Can Learn To Be Diligent
B.Young People Should Rise Early
C.Lost Time Never Returns
D.Diligence, the Mother Of Success
We all have our own ways of sharing our life experiences with others.
Photographers use cameras, artists use brushes, musicians use songs and writers use stories.
Spencer Johnson’s story Who Moved My Cheese? shows changes exist in(存在于)our life. Life changes and so we do. We must change ourselves to face the changing environment, or we will fail.
Just look at the cycle(循环)of the seasons. Trees bud(发芽)in spring and in summer their leaves turn green. In autumn, their leaves start to fall onto the ground. When winter comes, there are no leaves on trees. Next spring the cycle begins again. Since we know there are cycles in nature, we can prepare for them. We know it is colder in winter and hotter in summer, so we can dress properly.
Since we accept the cycles of nature, we should also accept the changes in our life.
We can prepare ourselves for changes by becoming more flexible(灵活的). We can regard the changes in our life as chances. As we keep changing ourselves, we can keep up with the changes in our life.
小题1: What do writers use to share their life experiences?       
小题2:Who Moved My Cheese? tells us that ______________.
A.changes exist in our life
B.we should move others’ things
C.we should use books to share our life experiences
D.there are difficulties in our life
小题3: The cycle of the seasons means _____________.
A.we should wear warm clothes in winter
B.we should accept the changes in our life
C.we should prepare for the weather
D.leaves turn yellow in autumn
小题4:If you fail a test, what should you think according to the passage?
A.I have no chance to pass the test.
B.Exams are hard for me.
C.I have bad luck.
D.It’s good for me because I know there are more to learn.
小题5:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Weather changes in different seasons.
B.Who Moved My Cheese? is a good book.
C.We should change ourselves when life changes.
D.We should not lose heart when we meet with difficulties.
In front of my daughter Sindu was a bowl filled with cabbage. She     cabbage. She sat there in silence with tears(眼泪)in her eyes.
“Sindu, darling, why don’t you        a little? Your Mom will shout at me.”
Sindu wiped (擦) her tears with the back of her hand.
“OK, Dad. I’ll eat, just a      .” Then Sindu said: “Dad, if I eat it all, will you give me what I want?”
“Yes, within reason.”
      she began to eat. It took her almost half an hour to finish the   . Then she came up to me and said: “Dad, I want to have my head shaved (剃)!”
“Sindu, why don’t you       something else? If we see you with a clean-shaved head, we will be      ,” I said.
“But, Dad, you       ! Now, you are going back on your words.”
I had to       my promise. Sindu had all her hair cut off. She looked beautiful
On Monday morning, I took her to school. Just as we      , a boy got out of a car, and shouted, “Sindu, please wait for me!”
Guess what? The boy had      hair either.
“Sir, your daughter is       !” A man got out of the car and said, “That boy is my son Harish. He has cancer. He lost his hair       he got ill. Sindu cut hers off, so Harish would feel less       . She’s a special girl.”
I stood for a while, then said “My little girl, you are         me how selfless (无私的) real love is!”
A.cook B.cut C.ask D.eat
A.Luckily B.SlowlyC.Easily D.Happily
A.food B.homework C.game D.talk
A.ask for B.look for C.work for D.pay for
A.happy B.sad C.funny D.excited
A.saidB.understoodC.promised D.proved
A.make B.break C.change D.keep
A.much B.no C.thick D.short
A.great B.silly C.weak D.strange
A.before B.and C.so D.when
A.differentB.strong C.dangerousD.important
A.givingB.offering C.teachingD.advising
Two good friends, Sam and Jason, met with a car accident on their way home one snowy night. The next morning, Sam woke up blind. His legs were broken. The doctor, Mr Lee, was standing by his bed, looking at him worriedly. When he saw Sam awake, he asked, “How are you feeling, Sam?” Sam smiled and said, “Not bad, Doctor. Thank you very much for doing the special operation(手术).” Mr Lee was moved by Sam. When he was leaving, Sam said, “Please don’t tell Jason about it.” “Well…Well…OK,” Mr Lee replied.
Months later when Jason’s wounds healed(愈合), Sam was still very sick. He couldn’t see or walk. He could do nothing but stay in his wheelchair all day long. At first, Jason stayed with him for a few days. But days later, Jason thought it boring to spend time with a disabled man like Sam. So he went to see Sam less and less. He made new friends. From then on, he didn’t go to visit Sam any more. Sam didn’t have any family or friends except Jason. He felt very sad.
Things went from bad to worse. Sam died a year later. When Jason came, Mr Lee gave him a letter from Sam. In the letter Sam said, “Dear Jason, I am disabled. But I want you to be a healthy man. So I gave my eyes to you so that you can enjoy life as a healthy man. Now you have new friends. I’m glad to see that you are as healthy and happy as usual. I’m glad you live a happy life. You are always my best friend... Sam”. When he finished reading the letter, Mr Lee said, “I have promised that I will keep this a secret until Sam is gone. Now you know it.”
Jason stood there like a stone. Tears ran down his face.
小题1:The car accident happened ____________.
A.only to SamB.on a cold evening
C.the next morning D.on the way to work
小题2:Sam thanked Mr Lee mainly because Mr Lee
A.saved his friend Jason’s life
B.was very kind and friendly to him
C.came to see him early in the morning
D.did the operation according to his wish
小题3:Which of the following is the correct order of events in the story?
a. Jason made new friends. 
b. Sam gave his eyes to Jason.
c. Sam and Jason met with a car accident.
d. Jason felt bored when staying with Sam.
e. Sam died and Jason knew the truth.
A.c--b--d--a--eB.d--c-- b--e—a
C.d--a--c--b--eD.c--d-- b--e—a
小题4:After we finish reading Sam’s letter, we can infer(推断) that ___________.
A.Sam caused the car accident
B.Sam’s operation was not successful
C.Jason was made blind in the car accident
D.Jason knew how Sam helped him before Sam died
小题5:From the story, we can conclude(得出结论) that __________.
A.Sam played a joke on Jason
B.Sam always told lies to his friends
C.Sam thought friendship was important
D.Sam regretted doing the operation in the end
There are many different kinds of cars in the world. My aunt thinks this is because cars are ____1­  their drivers. She says, “Rich people have expensive cars, big people have large cars, and old people drive old cars.” But I don't 2 her.
  My neighbour, Mrs. Hill, is 82 years old. She drives only on Tuesday, and she drives only to the bank. She 3   drives more than 30 kilometres an hour. Do you think Mrs. Hill has a very   ­­­­­___  and small car? No, her car is new. It's very large, and it _5  go 200 kilometres for each hour!
My friend is 6  . He draws beautiful pictures with lots of colours. But his car is black! Mrs. Bates has a very, very old one. There is often something 7 with the car. Does she drive that kind of car because she is poor? No, she has four factories and 8   dollars in the bank. My aunt Mary has a very 9 car, though she drives to the country with her husband, her two children, her mother and their dog.
Now you have 10    my friends and their cars. Do you agree with my aunt? Maybe you have a car. Does it say anything about you?
A.likeB.look afterC.agree withD.chat with
A.mayB.canC.mustD.has to
A.a teacherB.a reporterC.a writer D.an artist
A.twentyB.two hundredC.two thousandD.two million
A.read aboutB.knewC.seenD.met with

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