
A farmer finds a sick eagle (鹰) on his farm. He is so ____that he takes it home and cleans its wounds(伤 口). After that he puts it ____in the yard. He hopes that it will get ____soon.

Strangely enough, the eagle soon learns the _____of all the chickens in the yard. It learns to _____from side to side like chickens, and eat happily from the ground. For many years, the eagle ___his new life on the farm.

Then one day, one of the farmer's friends sees the playing ____and asks, " ____is that eagle acting like a chicken?" The farmer tells him what happened, and the friend feels quite _____.

"I can't believe that!" says the friend. "It should fly in the _____, not live here!" He picks up the eagle, and throws it into the air. The eagle is _____, and cries loudly. Then it just falls down on the ground.

That night, the friend can’t sleep as he remembers the chicken-like eagle. The next morning, he goes back to the farm for another _____. This time he carries the eagle to the _____of a nearby mountain.

When he stands at the highest place of the mountain, he looks into its eyes and shouts, "Don't you ___? You aren't made to live like a chicken!" As he holds the eagle up, he makes sure it is facing into the bright light of the rising ___. Then he tosses (抛) the bird into the sky. This time the eagle opens his wings, and disappears into the clouds.

1.A.polite B.young C.kind D.lucky

2.A.forward B.outside C.inside D.backward

3.A.well B.good C.bad D.ill

4.A.food B.sounds C.water D.habits

5.A.walk B.sleep C.talk D.drink

6.A.hates B.forgets C.loses D.enjoys

7.A.chicken B.eagle C.farmer D.plane

8.A.When B.How C.Why D.What

9.A.sad B.surprised C.worried D.sorry

10.A.sky B.sea C.land D.lake

11.A.afraid B.interested C.excited D.angry

12.A.drink B.meeting C.rest D.try

13.A.top B.end C.center D.side

14.A.believe B.cry C.understand D.work

15.A.. star B.sun C.moon D.mountain


I can remember clearly the day I arrived at the language camp where something magical happened to me.

My heart was beating fast and I really wanted to tell my _____to turn around, but we were entering the gate and I knew it was too late. I was going to be dropped off and _____ by myself at the age of nine for a whole week. At the gate to Skogfjorden, people started talking to me in Norwegian(挪威语). What had I gotten myself into? I couldn't understand any other _____but English. We then went through the welcome stations where I picked a new name and had my bags checked. Next, I was sent to my room. I was upset all the time, wondering _____ I really could survive the whole week. Mom helped me unpack and organize my stuff, but then she had to leave. I was terrified to tears. But by the time I got back to my room where my roommate, Bob, was waiting for me with a smiling face, my eyes were______.

I was so scared the first night that I had to call Mom,______she insisted I should learn to be independent. Right when I was feeling helpless, Bob's mom called and her words comforted me, “Isn't it ______ to know a bunch of kids of your age?” So it was! Leaving home meant I could connect with the rest of the world, know new people and explore new things. With this thought, the ______ began. Communicating in every way I could, I even found it ______ to get along with others. What's more, I learned a lot of Norwegian in only five days and grew to ______ this place. When my mom came to get me, I was excited to ______ her around all my favorite places. After the closing ceremony, I was so ______ to leave Skogfjorden and my new friends that I burst into tears again. I knew that I had to _________ the next summer—I was hooked(着迷的).

Now, having been to Skogfjorden eight summers in a row, I cannot wait to ______ my little brothers to camp this summer. Maybe someday I will be a volunteer there to help kids take their first independent step away from home. I ______ know how they feel as their parents drop them off. I'm sure some of them will also become hooked on such experiences.

1.A.dad B.mom C.friends D.kids

2.A.saved B.left C.protected D.kept

3.A.language B.subject C.people D.message

4.A.unless B.why C.if D.where

5.A.special B.curious C.dry D.open

6.A.so B.and C.or D.but

7.A.boring B.crazy C.exciting D.useful

8.A.magic B.game C.plan D.task

9.A.correct B.difficult C.helpful D.enjoyable

10.A.remember B.change C.love D.refuse

11.A.find B.send C.show D.follow

12.A.proud B.nervous C.lucky D.sad

13.A.give up B.set off C.try on D.come back

14.A.allow B.take C.order D.choose

15.A.certainly B.probably C.hardly D.mainly


As more and more people begin to read online, do we still need libraries now ? Reporter Ian Clark has the answer. ―Libraries are still important– people still find it greater and easier to use them.

According to him, not everyone has enough money to buy a smart phone, or a computer, and not everyone knows how to search the Internet, but libraries can offer people the same chance to get what they want to know about. And sometimes the information online is not correct. It will take you a lot of time to find what you really need. Libraries are more reliable(可靠的).

Moreover, we still need a kind of place that a library provides. In a library, it’s easy to get lost in reading and working and it’s also less possible for us to stop to do something else.

So working in a library is quite helpful. We usually call this kind of place ―third places. There are some other ―third places like coffee shops. They can also make you relax completely. And you see no sellers or advertisements in the library. If you spend all your time on computers, your eyes will get tired.

You should go to the library to find out the true, meaningful, and exact information about things. Libraries are still needed and it doesn't matter if you don't think so because most people do.

1. in libraries is still important


3. is able to use libraries to get information, including the poor and the old

You may get some4. information from the Internet while the information from libraries is more reliable.

Libraries can offer a kind of--third places to5. people work more attentively(专注地).People can feel more 6. there.

No one 7.things or advertises for something when you read in libraries.

It' s more8.to read on the Internet than to read in a library.


The world still 9. libraries because people still like using libraries to find out the true,10. and exact information.

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