
Jill: Today is Millie's birthday. She wears a pink dress. She looks so p 1 .
Peter: Yes, she looks so cool. The p 2  for her are nice too. Millie is so happy to see so many b 3  things.
Jill: Yes. E 4  is happy at her party. There're a 5  a lot of things to eat here. Do you like the f 6 ?
Peter: Yes, I r 7  like the bananas, apples and pears.
Jill: W 8  are Suzy and Lily?
Peter: They're standing b 9  the table.
Jill: Let's join t 10  .
Peter: OK!
1. pretty  2. presents  3. beautiful  4. Everyone / Everybody  5. also
6. fruit  7. really  8. Where  9. beside  10. them

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