
My mother was a housewife. She thought that successful people spent a lot more time reading than watching TV. So she asked my brother and me not to watch too much TV, but to read two books every week in our free time. She would check them with marks, though she couldn’t read the book at all.
When I went to high school, I was an A-student, but not for long. I wanted cool clothes and hung out with friends. I became a C-student, but I didn’t care. One night I complained about not having enough Italian shirts. Then my mother gave me all the money and said I could get the money left to buy shirts if I finished buying all the things the family needed. I was pleased with that, but after I bought those things, there was no money left. I got to know how difficult it was for my mother to do all these. I went back to my studies and became an A-student again. Finally, my dream came true and I became a doctor.
My story is really my mother’s story----a woman with little education greatly changed my life as a parent. So I believe there is no job more important than parenting.
【小题1】What did the writer’s mother do?

A.A worker.B.A housewifeC.A teacherD.A writer
【小题2】Why did the mother ask her children to read books in their free time?
A.Because she thought successful people spent more time reading.
B.Because she thought books were interesting.
C.Because she wanted her children to be happy.
D.Because she wanted her children to be doctors.
【小题3】Which was NOT the reason for the writer’s falling behind(落后)?
A.He only cared about clothes and didn’t study.
B.He spent more time hanging out with friends than studying.
C.He didn’t care that he went from being an A-student to a C-student.
D.He spent much time reading storybooks.
【小题4】What was the writer’s dream?
A.To be a doctor.B.To be a teacher.
C.To be an A-studentD.To find a good job.
【小题5】The writer mainly wants to tell us that ______.
A.mothers with little education change their children more.
B.his mother is cruel and unhelpful
C.there is a job more important than parenting.
D.his mother has an important influence(影响)on him.


【小题1】根据第一段My mother was a housewife.描述,可知选B。
【小题2】根据第一段She thought that successful people spent a lot more time reading than watching TV. So she asked my brother and me not to watch too much TV, but to read two books every week in our free time.描述,可知选A。
【小题4】根据Finally, my dream came true and I became a doctor.描述,可知他的梦想是成为一名医生,故选A。
【小题5】根据最后一段a woman with little education greatly changed my life as a parent.及上文描述,可知选D,他的母亲对他有很大的影响。


We arrived       Mount Tai in the morning with my parents. That      a beautiful day. We      our trip at 9:00.         in my family took a bag     some food and water.      three hours, we got to the top. I was so tired that I wanted to have a rest.      the city looked wonderful from the top of the hill! Then we had our lunch at 1:00 p.m. .After a while, it      hardly, so everyone put a raincoat on. You       think we would feel sad. No. We       were excited, because we saw       wonderful waterfall in the mountain. It was so beautiful       we forgot about the last 3 hours. At 4 p.m., we came back to the foot of mountain. My father bought         tea for my grandparents. My mother bought a beautiful necklace for          . I didn’t buy anything, because       there was too expensive, and I didn’t have much money.    

1.A. in          B. at          C. on             D. to

2.A. is           B. where       C. are            D. was

3.A. went        B. bought      C. started         D. stopped

4.A. Someone     B. Anyone      C. No one        D. Everyone

5.A. in                B. on          C. with          D. carried

6.A. After         B. On          C. For          D. With

7.A. And         B. So           C. But          D. Then

8.A. rain          B. rains         C. rained        D. raining

9.A. can          B. need          C. must        D. will

10.A. both              B. each          C. too          D. all

11.A. very               B. very much     C. quite a       D. a quite

12.A. that          B. because       C. so           D. then

13.A. many             B. a few         C. some         D. few

14.A. himself          B. herself        C. she          D. her

15.A. everything       B. something     C. nothing       D. anything


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