Many people have to work at weekends. Some people do not mind, ____________ think it's terrible.

One man thinks that working at weekends can be____________. He is George Smith. Mr. Smith works in an office, in Brighton, England.

One Saturday, May 24,1996,he went to the office to do some work. After he ____________ the lift, it stopped between floors. Mr. Smith could not get out of the lift. He began to shout, but _____________ heard him. Then Mr. Smith remembered that it was a holiday in England. No one was going to come to work ____________ Tuesday.

There was ____________ for Mr. Smith to do. He had to wait until one of his workmates came to work and found him. With nothing to __________,Mr. Smith was very hungry and had to sleep most of the time.

Early on Tuesday morning, one of his workmates came to work and found the lift ____________. When the lift was opened ,Mr. Smith came out, cold, weak, and tired. He had been in the lift for __________ hours!

Now Mr. Smith says,“I only use lifts if they have___________in them.”

1.A.other B.others C.another D.the other

2.A.dangerous B.happy C.angry off into out of to

4.A.someone B.everyone one D.either

5.A.on C.from D.until

6.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything or write or drink C.cook D.know the time

8.A.was not there B.was not closed C.was not working D.was working

9.A.nearly 24 B.about 40 C.more than 60 D.over 94

10.A.pans B.beds C.exits D.telephones

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