
A: Hello! This is Kanghui traveling information center of Harbin. What can I do for you?

B: Hello! I'd like to have a trip next week.

A: 1.

B: I've no idea yet. Could you give me some good suggestions?

A: Sure. 2. It's so beautiful at the moment.

B: That sounds good. But I am afraid of climbing mountains.

A: I'm sorry. 3. There's a two-day trip.

B: Good idea! I enjoy water.

A: Okay. Would you like to go by train or by bus?

B: 4. It won't take much time.

A: How many people will go there together?

B: Three. My husband, my son and I.

A: Three people, by train. And you need to stay one night in Mudanjiang City. 5.

B: Thanks.

A.What about going to Jingpo Lake?

B.Which place do you want to go to?

C.Mount Songfeng may be a good choice.

D.By bus.

E.I will book a family room for you.

F.I'd like to take the train.

G.You need to book a single room (单人间).


Have you ever noticed the black and white bars on a book?Do you know what they are used for?

They are bar-codes(条形码)used in most products. If you go to a supermarket,you can see almost every product with a bar-code on it. Bar-codes have information about the product, such as name and production date.It's an easy and convenient way to know about the products. Just scan the bar-code and everything is clear.

The first use of a bar-code in a supermarket checkout system was on a pack of American Wrigley Company chewing gum in 1974.Beyond supermarkets, bar-codes are needed everywhere:for renting cars, for luggage checks on a plane, for parcels(包裹) you send. Life would be rather difficult without bar-codes.Most of our things would get lost in the post.

Bar-codes change as well.Bar-codes in the past were 1-D(one-dimensional空间), but now there are 2-D bar-codes,such as QR code.Since 2009, QR has been used on Chinese train tickets. People can enter stadiums,cinemas and theaters by holding certain types of bar-codes.

With these small codes, life is getting much easier for us.

If you find these bar-code things boring, a bar-code building might be more up your street. In St Petersburg, Russia, there is a building designed like a bar-code.It looks strange, but it's actually a shopping mall. There are games too. Bar-code Monsters is a mobile phone game. You have to scan bar-codes and find the monsters!

1.Bar-codes were first used in ________.

A.1974 in the UK B.1974 in the US C.2009 in China D.2009 in Russia

2.The underlined word “scan”might mean “________” in Chinese.

A.复印 B.展示 C.描写 D.扫描

3.From Paragraph 3 and 4, we can learn that ________.

A.bar-codes are very useful in our daily life B.our things will get lost without bar-codes

C.bar-codes make our life rather difficult D.we can’t live without bar-codes

4.Which of the following is NOT true about the bar-code building?

A.It looks like a bar-code. B.It’s in St Petersburg, Russia.

C.It’s used as a shopping mall. D.Its name is Bar-code Monsters.

5.The best title of this passage is________.

A.From 1-D Bar-codes to 2-D Bar-codes B.Why Bar-codes are Black and White

C.Small Codes that Make a Big Difference D.What if the World Doesn’t Have a Bar-code

You may have memorized a large number of words, you may know all the grammar needed to hold any conversation and still find yourself difficult to express what you want. So the following _______ does help you overcome the difficulties.

I. Slow Down Your Speaking Speed

If you're at the early stages of learning, don't _______ the mistakes you're making. It's more important to make yourself _______ while communicating with others. Try _______ your speaking speed, and you will find the simplest methods are the best ways _______ your communication skills. Actually, nobody will hold it back against you if you slow down your speed.

II. Learn Sentences, Not Only Words

There's no doubt that everyone tries to learn English well. _______ , many people learn words by heart, but have no idea how to use them in a sentence. Actually, when you learn a new word, try to memorize several sentences _______ that word. It can help you save time and study better.

III. Try to Listen

When speaking in a foreign language, you might focus on what you are saying and whether it's correct or not, that you forget to listen to what _______ are saying. This is a big mistake as they might be using the _______ words you'll need later on. So pay attention to what's being said around you, it's most important resource at the time of speaking to someone.

Communication is the most important in learning a foreign language. If you want to improve your communicating skills, you can try the above tips. It ________ time.

1.A.suggestions B.advice C.tips

2.A.end up B.lay out C.worry about

3.A.understand B.to understand C.understood

4.A.slowing down B.taking down C.putting down

5.A.improving B.to improve C.of improve

6.A.Luckily B.Unluckily C.Unlucky

7.A.includes B.including C.include

8.A.another B.the others C.others

9.A.real B.exact C.some

10.A.pays B.takes C.spends

Peter wondered why he didn't have many friends. The reason was he was always taking, never giving.

One day Peter told Bill, "I'd like to give a party on Saturday, I'd like you to come and bring Martha, too."

"Thanks, Peter. We'd be happy to come." "Perhaps you'd like to bring your violin. You and Martha sing well together. I'm sure everyone will want you to sing for us." That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next he asked another friend, Betty, to bring a cake." You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery." Peter invited a few other friends to come to his party. He didn't forget to ask something from each one of them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed.

The party was a big success. However, as the guests were leaving, they said "Thank you" to Bill and Martha for the music, Betty for the cake, the Jacksons for the use of the house and to others for their hard work. To Peter they just said, "Thanks for the invitation."

1.The party was held ________.

A.at Peter's house B.in a large hall C.at Peter's friend's house

2.Which of the following is not true?

A.Betty made the best cake. B.Mary Jackson sang well. C.Bill played the violin well.

3.________ liked Peter.

A.Many of his friends B.Few people C.Everyone

4.Peter ________ to give the party.

A.tried his best B.did nothing C.only invited some friends

5.From the story, we can see Peter was ________.

A.a warm-hearted man B.good at making friends C.a selfish man

The story of Tom Edison

Many years ago, a boy, named Thomas Alva Edison, lived in a small town in Ohio. Tom was a lively child. He was always taking things apart(分开)and put them together again or trying to put them together.

One day his father said, “Look at this! Another broken(坏的)toy!” “Now don’t be hard on him,” said his mother. “He only wants to see how things work.” But even she lost patience with him when he almost burned down(烧毁)the family’s barn! Tom was more careful, but it was hard when he was curious(好奇的).

Then the family moved to Michigan. By now, Tom was old enough(足够的)to go to school. Unfortunately, he didn’t like to sit quietly and listen to the teacher or memorize(背诵)his lessons.

Because Tom spent most of his time daydreaming, his teachers thought there was something wrong with him. But he just liked experimenting(做实验)more than he liked school. Tom’s mother decided to teach him at home. Soon, he loved to read, especially about science.

At 12, Tom got a job on a train selling candy, newspapers and sandwiches. His father agreed.

Two days later, Tom was at the station to begin his job.

Before long, Tom set up(建立)a laboratory in the train’s baggage car. When he finished his work, he would experiment.

At 16, he got his first real job as a night telegraph operator(夜间电报员) and station agent(火车站管理员). But Tom can never hold a job very long. He was either too tired from studying or too busy experimenting to do his job. So Tom decided to spend more time inventing(发明)things. He was independent(独立的)and hard working.

Some of Tom’s inventions began to be noticed. Then Tom happened to be in New York at the gold exchange (黄金交易所) when an important machine broke down(损坏). Tom walked in, and in an hour or two, he had the machine running perfectly. In the following months, Tom invented a way to improve the machine. The company paid him $40,000 for his invention. “I’m going into business for myself,” said Tom.

1.When Tom was a child, he was________.

A.naughty B.clever C.lively D.lazy

2.In school Tom spent most of his time________.

A.sleeping B.daydreaming C.talking D.sitting still

3.Where did Tom set up his laboratory?

A.In his home B.At the train station C.In the train’s baggage D.In the company

4.Why can Tom never hold a job very long?

A.Because he was not able to do his job.

B.Because he spent too much time reading books.

C.Because he liked to change new jobs.

D.Because he was either too tired from studying or too busy experimenting to do his job.

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