
The coming rain will make it possible for the sports meeting to be ________.

  1. A.
    put away
  2. B.
    put off
  3. C.
    put down
  4. D.
    put up

It was the last day of final examinations at a large college. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering students were discussing the exam that was ahout to begin. On their faces was confidence. This was their last exam before they graduated(毕业)and found jobs.
Some talked of jobs they already had,others of jobs they would get. With four years of college study,they felt ready and able to conquer(征服)the world.
The coming exam,they knew,would be easy. The professor(教授)had said they could bring any books or notes they wanted,but they couldn’t talk to each other during the test.
They walked into the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. The students’ smiles became wide as they saw that there were only five essay-type questions.
Three hours passed and the exam came to an end. Then the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. They seemed worried. No one spoke as the professor faced the class with the papers in her hand.
She looked at all the worried faces in front of her, and then asked,“How many students completed all five questions?”
Not a hand was put up.
‘‘How many of you answered four?” Still no hands.
“Three?Two?”The students moved restlessly in their seats.
“One,then. Certainly somebody finished one.”But the class stayed silent. The professor put down the papers.“That is just what I expected,”she said.
“I just wanted to make sure you realize that even though you have studied engineering for four years, there are still many things about the subject you don’t know. Instead of testing you on what you learned in this class, I’ve given you questions that skilled engineers face in the world outside the classroom. You can’t expect to be an expert(专家)on the day you graduate. You have to learn as you go.”
Then,smiling, she added,“You will all pass this course, but remember that your education has just begun.’’
【小题1】What does the underlined word“restlessly”mean in the passage?

【小题2】Why did the professor design the final exam in such a way?
A.To make the students realize that they still had much to learn after graduation.
B.To find out whether the students could put what they had learned into practice.
C.To show that she had much more knowledge than her students in engineering.
D.To examine whether the students learned what they had been taught in her class.
【小题3】What can be the best title of the passage?
A.A Playful JokeB.A Lucky Chance
C.A Strange ProfessorD.A Special Exam

When people want to know about the weather, they usually go to their radios, TVs, newspapers, or to the Internet. However, you can also find many weather signs among wildlife, because of their highly developed senses. Drops in air pressure produce an effect on small animals in many ways. Mice and deer are good weather indicators. People who spend a lot of time outdoors have observed that, before a storm, field mice come out of their holes and run around. Deer leave high ground and come down from the mountains.
Birds are especially good weather indicators because they also show the effect of a pressure drop in many ways. For example, some birds become irritable(暴躁) and quarrelsome and will fight over a piece of bread. Other birds chirp and sing just before a storm. It seems they know they won’t get another chance for an hour or two. Birds also look for safe places before a storm. You will sometimes see birds settling in trees or gathering together on a wire close to a building. Pre-storm low pressure make the air so thin that birds have difficulty flying.
It is unusual to see many birds flying overhead in the summertime, rather than during the periods in the spring or autumn. Watch for other weather signs if you see this. If they fly in the wrong direction, they may be flying ahead of a storm.
By paying closer attention to some important signs in nature, we can become better prepared for any kind of weather.
【小题1】The word “indicators” in paragraph 1 probably means          .

A.maps B.servicesC.signsD.stations
【小题2】How can birds sense the coming of a storm?
A.By feeling a drop in air temperature.
B.By noticing the change of wind directions.
C.By feeling a drop in air pressure.
D.By noticing the movements of other animals.
【小题3】The best title for the text would be        .
A.Signs of a StormB.Drops in Air Pressure
C.Animals’ Sharp SensesD.Nature’s Weather Signs



The government                                        a park already.


The car ran too fast, it ______                       ________       .


We _________________________ while they_____________________________    _.


It                           for a shot stay                                 .


Mr Li                                                                    .


Many                                                                    .


He                                                          the coming test.


When I ____   __________, I found I ________________ _     __________________.


The members of the Birdwatching Club                                     


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