
请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

Tommy lived in a village with his grandpa. Each morning Grandpa got up early to read his 1..

One day Tommy asked, “Grandpa! I try to read books like you, but I always forget 2. I have read very soon. What’s the advantage of reading books?”

Grandpa didn’t reply him 3.. He pointed to an old dirty basket in the corner and said, “Take this basket to the river and bring me back a basket of water.” Tommy did as he was told. Of course, he brought back 4. empty basket. Grandpa laughed and said, “You’ll have to walk faster next time.”

Tommy did again. This time he ran faster 5. the result was the same.

“Grandpa, it was impossible to carry water in a basket.”

“Tommy, I don’t think you are trying hard enough. Why do you 6. up so easily?”

With lots of questions in mind, Tommy decided to have the last try. This time he did it even faster, but no matter how hard he tried, he still 7..

“See, Grandpa, it’s still useless! The basket can never be filled 8. water.” Tommy shouted when he got into the house. He ran so fast that he was out of breath.

“So you think it’s useless? Look at the basket.” Grandpa said.

Tommy looked at the basket and for the first time, he realized that it was different. Instead of a dirty old basket, it was 9. inside and outside.

“Tommy, that is what happens to you when you read books. You might not understand or remember 10., but when you read, you will be changed little by little, inside and outside.”

My name is Wolf. Everyone calls me Big Bad Wolf, but I think the pigs are more terrible. Let me tell you why.

One day, I was out for a walk. I was whistling (吹口哨). I passed a straw (稻草) house. I stopped to look at it. I took a deep breath and whistled so hard that I blew the house down. The pig ran away as quickly as he could. I wanted to say sorry, so I ran after him to a wooden house where his brother lived.

I called him loudly, but I blew the wooden house down. The two pigs ran away. I wanted to say sorry to them both, so I ran after them to a stone house. It was their brother’s house.

I called again and again, but they did not come out. I really wanted to get into the house to say sorry to them, so I climbed down the chimney (烟囱). However, they lit a fire and burnt my tail! What’s worse, they told others a wrong story, and everyone thought it was true. The pigs are really bad!

1.The wolf thinks the pigs are ________.

A.smaller B.taller C.worse D.better

2.The straw house was down because _________.

A.the pig lit a fire B.the wolf hit it with a stone

C.the pig built it in a wrong way D.the wolf breathed and whistled hard

3.The wolf ran after the pigs _________.

A.to whistle at them B.to say sorry to them

C.to break their houses D.to make friends with them

4.The pigs must be very _________ the wolf.

A.happy with B.afraid of C.worried about D.friendly to

5.What happened to the wolf at last?

A.He was very angry with the pigs. B.He made friends with the pigs.

C.He lit a fire to burn the stone house. D.He helped the pigs clean the chimney.

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