

  SARS (非典) has brought us much trouble. However, everything has (1) sides. One side of SARS is (2) clear. It is serious and over 300 people in China have died of it. But the other side is more important. SARS makes people realize (认识) that life is valuable (有价值的). Once in April, Wang Xinying, a student in Taiyuan, traveled on the same bus with a sick man who might have SARS, (3) he had to stay at home for (4) two weeks.“I'm going to treasure my life every day,”he said. SARS teaches people to be thankful. Many doctors and nurses (5) all their time with people who have SARS, and (6) of them have lost their lives. Another student says he wants to be a (7) when he grows up.“Though they know their job is (8) , doctors and nurses are trying their best to (9) people's lives. We must (10) them,”he said. SARS also (11) people to understand the trouble of others. The past few months have been (12) for Chinese people. But there are some other worse things than SARS in the world, such as war and so on. Think of how the (13) felt on Sept. 11, 2001. Besides, SARS makes people in different countries join together (14) this special war until they (15) in the end.


[  ]

A. four
B. three
C. five
D. two


[  ]

A. ever
B. still
C. already
D. always


[  ]

A. so
B. since
C. or
D. as


[  ]

A. at first
B. at once
C. at last
D. at least


[  ]

A. spend
B. cost
C. waste
D. forget


[  ]

A. none
B. all
C. some
D. few


[  ]

A. driver
B. teacher
C. doctor
D. waiter


[  ]

A. safe
B. dangerous
C. favourite
D. famous


[  ]

A. pull
B. leave
C. save
D. love


[  ]

A. learn from
B. listen to
C. look after
D. agree with


[  ]

A. wishes
B. teaches
C. asks
D. wants


[  ]

A. popular
B. healthy
C. happy
D. terrible


[  ]

A. French
B. Japanese
C. Americans
D. Russians


[  ]

A. with
B. in
C. after
D. before


[  ]

A. win
B. fail
C. hurt
D. lose

(1) D 事物总是一分为二

(2) C 后文所说的事实已经清楚了

(3) A 表示结果

(4) D 至少要隔离观察两个星期

(5) A 和病人们一起度过他们所有的时间

(6) C 有部分医生死于SARS

(7) C 下面所谈的是医生和护士的事情

(8) B SARS流行时,医生和护士当然也处于危险之中

(9) C 挽救病人是医生的职责

(10) A learn from意为“向……学习”

(11) B 这里叙述的是第二个方面

(12) D 在过去的向个月中的SARS当然令人害怕

(13) C 911事件发生在美国

(14) B 在战争中,后面的warin的宾语

(15) A 表示赢得战争的胜利


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