


either, child,around, too, work,sit,but,many, he,something, open, have

One day Tom went out to look for work. He went from place to place, 【1】 could not find a job. In the afternoon, he came to a factory. He went into the office building and 2 the door of a big room. There he saw a fat man 3 at a desk.

"What do you want?" the man asked. "I am looking for work," answered Tom. "Any kind of work?" he man asked. "Any kind of work,please. I am strong, you see," Tom said.

The man looked at Tom for a long time and then he said,"We have got enough workers. We want no 4 . Get out. "

Tom turned 5 .When he was going to the door, the fat man said, "Look,do you see the man over there" He pointed to a man outside the window. "I give 6 five dollars a day. I will only give you four dollars a day. Do you want his job? He is getting old. Of course, I won't give you five dollars a day. I can only give you four dollars a day. "

For a long time Tom said 7 . He thought of his wife and 8 . But that worker had his wife and children, 9 . Finally Tom said,"No, I won't want the job. "Tom was right. He didn't want to take the bread out of another 【1/span>0 mouth.
















【3】sitting句意:他看到一个胖子坐在桌子旁。胖子坐在办公桌旁,坐:sit。看到某人在做某事:see sb. doing sth。故填:sitting。

【4】more句意:我们有足够的工人,我们不再要了。因为工人够了,所以不再要了,不再:no more。故填:more。

【5】around句意:汤姆转身。根据语境可知,被拒绝的汤姆转身离开。转身:turn around。故填:around。



【8】children句意:他想着妻子和小孩。由下句:But that worker had his wife and children(那位工人也有妻子和小孩)前后表达的内容相一致,故填:children。




【题目】Almost everyone knows the meanings of Mr., Mrs., Miss and Ms. Mr. is used before the names of men. Mrs. is for married women and Miss is for single women. But what is Ms. for?

For some time, businessmen in the United States have used Ms. before a woman’s name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not. Today, however, many women prefer to use Ms. rather than Mrs. or Miss. The word Mr. does not tell us whether or not a man is married. Many women think this an advantage for men. They want to be equal to men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not.

There are some problems with Ms., however. Not all women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find it difficult to pronounce (Ms. sounds like “miz.”).Generally, young women like it better than older women do .It is difficult to know whether or not Ms. will be used by more American women in the future. What do you think of this change?


【1】 is used for single women.

A. Mrs. B. Ms. C. Miss

【2】 Why not all women like to use Ms.?

A. Some feel that it’s not important for people to know whether they are married or not.

B. Some find it difficult to pronounce. C. The passage doesn’t tell us.

【3】 From this passage we know that________.

A. Most American women want to be equal to men. B Most American women like their husbands.

C. Ms. will be used by all the women in the future.

【4】Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A. Mary Green who is married and 25 years old wants people to call her Ms. Green.

B. When you meet a woman for the first time you should use Miss before her name.

C. Some men feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not.

【5】It mainly talks about________.

A. woman who is married should use Mrs. Before her name

B. the word Mr. does not tell us whether or not a man is married

C. women have different opinions on using the word Ms.

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