
mature    ring    language    keep fit    camel    in front of    skill    worry about
1. Boys get               at a larger age than girls.
2. He does poorly at school so his mother is               it.
3. There is a big tree               the house and we feel really cool because of it.
4. People use               to carry things to different places in the desert.
5. To              , he often goes to the gym to work out.
6. Li Ping can speak several foreign               besides English.
7. Do you know that there are five               on the flag of the Olympics?

1. mature  2. worried about  3. in front of  4. camels  5. keep fit  6. languages  7. rings



A. achieve    B. come true   C. help   D. On   E. something  F. call on

G. called      H. to     I. who   J. everything    K. of    L. where




Do you know this story?   1   July 11 of every year, a local office of Project Hope receives a donation from a person    2    Xu Qin. But investigation (调查) shows that Xu Qin died in1994.

Xu Qin was Liu Wenzhen’s youngest daughter. She died in a traffic accident on July 11, 1994. Ever since, Liu Wenzhen has been in the habit of making a donation    3   Project Hope on that date to commemorate (纪念) her daughter’s death.[来源:ZXXK]

What has Mrs Liu done is simply helping to    4   her daughter’s dream. “I have always dreamed    5   becoming a teacher in the countryside because that is    6    my father lived,” Xu Qin once said.

Project Hope is built to    7    children to be able to go to school. Many people make a commitment to the project all over the world. In China the project began in 1985.

As a student, we can also do    8   to support this project. We may save our money and donate it to Project Hope. Maybe we can teach those children    9   can’t go to school some day. We can also    10    others to do something for the project.




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