Every year, lots of people go to visit the Great Wall. The most popular section is Badaling (八达岭). However, during my seven years in China, Badaling never appeared attractive to me—there were too many tourists.

As an adventurous (爱冒险的) hiker, I prefer places that few people visit. One day in May 2000, I chose to visit Simatai. It is surrounded by thick forests and is extremely steep (陡峭的).

At the entrance, I met a group of vendors (小贩). They were selling some postcards. One tiny old woman followed me wherever I went. Finally, I became impatient. I shouted at her and ran away.

As soon as I saw the Great Wall, I felt extremely excited. The old woman had long disappeared from my mind. I raced up the Great Wall.

Then, halfway up, I stopped. Suddenly, I realized I was on a very dangerous path. It was no wider than a meter and there were no “walls”. It came to me that some tourists had fallen to their deaths there.

I felt terribly frightened. A cold wind came up. I stood there alone.

Suddenly, I felt a small hand on my back. A soft voice told me, in Chinese, not to be afraid. It said she would lead me to the top. And so she did—carefully and gently from behind. All the while, she repeated that everything would be fine.

Half an hour later, we reached a safer section. Feeling better, I turned around to see who had been so kind.

It was the old woman. I felt ashamed of myself and gave her a big hug. Later, I bought every one of her postcards. She smiled and took my hands in hers.

1.Where did the writer first meet the old woman?

A.Badaling. B.Halfway up to Simatai.

C.At the entrance. D.On a very dangerous path.

2.Why did the woman follow the writer all the time?

A.Because she wanted to help him.

B.Because she knew the writer would be in danger.

C.She was just a kind woman who wanted to sell postcards.

D.She was a volunteer in fact.

3.How did the woman help the writer?

A.By following him. B.By calming him down.

C.By standing behind him. D.By pushing him from behind.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Where there is a will, there is a way.

B.Many hands make light work.

C.Never judge a book by its cover.

D.He who has never been to the Great wall is not a true man.

The Most Unusual Traditions in the World

Each country or region(地区) has its own laws and traditions, and some of them cause sincere surprises and misunderstanding among people of other countries and regions.

Boxing Day

In Australia, Boxing Day is on December 26, the day after Christmas. On the day, workers, businessmen, and the poor traditionally are presented with gifts. People spend time with their families and loved ones. They watch sports, play games, hunt, go for walks and eat Christmas leftovers(剩饭). People also love to shop on Boxing Day.

Throwing Cinnamon(肉桂) to Those Still Single at 25

In Denmark, people throw cinnamon to anyone who is single, as long as they are over the age of 25. Sometimes the person is put in the water with lots of cinnamon sticks on his or her birthday, mostly by friends and family members. It encourages the singles to look for their partners before they are 25.

Burns Night

In Scotland, Burns Night is celebrated in honor of the poet Robert Burns and his contribution(贡献) to the Scottish culture. On the 25th of every January, people prepare a dish called Haggis, a kind of sausage. The tradition is to read the poem on that dish written by Burns before eating.

Flowered Clothes

In Hawaii in America, people are very friendly. They welcome each visitor with a long necklace made of beautiful fresh flowers. Men visitors are invited to wear bright flowered shirts and women often wear long flowered dresses. People often say “Aloha” to each other. Aloha means both hello and good-bye. It also means “I love you”.

1.Boxing Day is on ______.

A.December 26 B.one’s 25th birthday

C.January 25 D.December 25

2.Burns Night is celebrated in ______.

A.Australia B.Denmark C.Scotland D.America

3.______ is the tradition in Hawaii.

A.Throwing cinnamon on the singles

B.Reading the poem on the dish

C.Eating Christmas leftovers

D.Wearing flowered clothes

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