
Norman Bethune is one of China’s most famous heroes, but he wasn’t Chinese—he was Canadian. He gave his life to helping Chinese people.
Norman Bethune         born in 1890. He became a         in 1916, and he went to the front to look after injured soldiers in the First World War. He saw many soldiers die in the war. Later he invented new treatments to         soldiers, and medical tools to use outside hospitals.
In 1938 he came to China to treat the Chinese soldiers in the mountains north of Yan’an. There were         doctors, so he had to work very hard. He opened hospitals to give treatment to local people and soldiers, and to train doctors and nurses. He also wrote books so that doctors can learn about new treatments.
Dr Bethune worked very hard without stopping to         . Once, he performed operations       69 hours without stopping, and saved 112 people. He         working in spite of cutting his hand during an operation. In the end, he died because he did not take care of his         .
Dr Bethune’s work with the Chinese soldiers made         a hero in China. There are books and films about him, and he is         remembered in both Canada and China.

A.isB.wasC.has beenD.be


【小题1】 B出生在1890年,应该用过去式。
【小题1】 A doctor医生。根据下文对他的描述,可以判断他是一名医生。
【小题1】 C help帮助。他发明了新的医疗方法来帮助士兵。
【小题1】 B few很少。他必须努力工作,应该是医生很少,医生是可数名词,因此用few。
【小题1】 A  rest休息。白求恩大夫工作很努力,没有停下来休息。
【小题1】 D一段时间之前用介词for。
【小题1】 B continue继续。尽管在一次手术中伤了手,他还是继续工作。Continue,继续。
【小题1】 D hand手。从前文可以看出他伤了手,因此这应该是hand。
【小题1】 C对中国士兵的工作使他成为中国人民的英雄,在动词后面用宾格作宾语。
【小题1】 A在中和加拿大,他仍然被人们怀念。Still,仍然。


完形填空(共 15小题,每小题 1 分,满分15分)
A well-dressed man came into a famous jewellery (首饰)shop. He explained that he wished to buy a pearl(珍珠)for his wife’s birthday and that the  16  did not matter since business had been very good for him that year. After examin;ing a number of beautiful and valuable pearls, he chose a nice black one that _17_ $5000. He paid for that pearl , shook hands with the jeweler and left.
A few days later the man returned and said his wife had liked that pearl _18_ that she wanted another one just like it. It had to be exactly the _19_ size and quality as she wanted a pair of earrings made. “Can you give me any advice on _20_ to get such a pearl?” said the man. The jeweler replied , “I would say it’s _21_ to find an exact one like that pearl.”
The rich man _22_ the jeweler to advertise in the newspaper, and offered $25.000 for that matching pearl. Many people answered that ad, _23_ nobody had a pearl that was just right. Just when the jeweler had _24__  hope, an old lady came in. To his _25_ , she took a wonderful pearl from her handbag. “I don’t like to sell it, ” she said _26_. “I inherited (继承)it from my mother, and my mother inherited from _27_, but now I really need money.”
The jeweler was quick to pay her _28_ she changed her mind. Then he called the rich man’s hotel to tell the good _29_ to him. The rich man, however, was _30_ to be found. He had fled with the old woman a few more minutes before.
【小题1】 A. size               B. shape             C. price
【小题2】A. spent               B. cost              C. took
【小题3】 A. a little              B. so much           C. at all
【小题4】 A. same               B. different           C. common
【小题5】A. what               B. why              C. how
【小题6】 A. possible            B. easy               C. impossible
【小题7】 A. let                 B. make              C. asked
【小题8】 A. so                 B. but                C. and
【小题9】 A. found out           B. given up            C. come up with
【小题10】 A. disappointment      B. surprise             C. fear
【小题11】A. happily             B. loudly             C. sadly
【小题12】A. mine               B.his                 C. hers
【小题13】 A. when               B. before             C. after
【小题14】 A. news               B. advice             C. way
【小题15】 A. somewhere          B. anywhere           C. nowhere

George Washington Carver was born in 1864. He was born a slave(奴隶). When he was still a baby, his mother was stolen. He was kept by his master.
All his life George loved  31 . When he was only seven years old, he already knew so  32  about plants that people in his hometown called him “the plant doctor”.
George wanted to learn as much as he could, but there was no   33  for black children where he lived. When he was ten, he left home to find a town that would allow   34  children to attend school. He studied in Missouri and Kansas   35  he finished high school. All this time he had to work to   36  his own expense(费用). He worked as a cook and opened his own laundry.
In 1890, George began college. At first he studied art, but he still had a   37  of plants. He began to study agriculture(农业). After he graduated, the famous inventor Thomas Edison asked him to work in his lab but George   38  . He had other   39  . He started an agricultural organization for black students in Alabama.
In those days, many   40  in the south grew only cotton. This was   41  to the soil(土壤). After a while the   42   would not grow as well. George Washington Carver wanted to help farmers in the south to grow plants like peanuts and sweet potatoes. These plants helped the 43  . Over the years he invented hundreds of ways to use these two plants.
George Washington Carver invented so many things that he was   44  “The Wizard(能手) of  Tuskegee”. He died in 1943 at the   45  of 79.


Are only clever and good-looking students happy in the school? Best-selling ___31___ Xiao Nizi (Nini) doesn’t think so.
___32___ has his own place in the sky." she said.  "We're all special in our ownways.”
Nini, from Hunan, writes stories about young people in the school. Her books,___33___ Devils Kiss and Un-e on Midsummer’s Night, are very ___34___ with students.
In her stories, the main characters arc usually common girls who are neither pretty ___35___ smart. But they always win the love of a Prince Charming(白马王子),or___36___ successful stars.
"It’s not because of luck."' said Nini. ""They are ___37___ honest and they don't lie. They know what they arc good___38___ and work hard to realize their dreams. "
Nini herself is like one of the characters in her stories. She was a shy girl at school. But she thought a lot and liked languages, and that made her ___39___ to be a writer. She hopes her stories ___40__ make more kids happy.
【小题1】A. writer        B. reader         C. speaker
【小题2】 A. Nobody     B. Everyone      C. Someone
【小题3】A. as           B. for example    C. such as
【小题4】 A. successful    B. popular        C. funny
【小题5】 A. nor          B. or            C. but
【小题6】A. become      B. make         C. take
【小题7】 A. still          B.only         C. ever
【小题8】 A. at           B. for           C. with
【小题9】A. deciding      B. to decide      C. decide
【小题10】 A. can          B. must        C. need

A little boy was attracted(吸引)by a board above the door of a shop. It read, "Little Dogs for Sale." A    16   like that has a way of attracting small children into the shop.
The little boy walked into the shop and found a dog behind other dogs and said, "What’s 17  with that little dog?"
The store owner said that the vet(兽医)   18  the little dog and found it was   19 . It would always be lame(破的).
The little boy became   20  ."That is the dog that I want to buy. "
The store owner said, "No, you don’t need to buy that little dog. If you really want him,
I’ll just give him to you. "
The little boy got quite sad. He said angrily, "I don’t want you to give him to me. I’ll 21    the full price for him. In fact, I’ll give you $ 2.37 now, and 50 cents a month   22 I have paid the full price. "
The store owner continued, "He is   23  going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other dogs."
To his   24  ,the little boy rolled up(卷起)his trousers to show his badly hurt left leg. He looked at the store owner and    25   answered," Well, I don’t run so well myself and the little dog will need someone who understands him. "


Liam works in Sydney. Last week he had   41  holiday, but he didn’t know   42  to go. He said to his friend Robert, “I   43    the hot weather here, but I can’t find a cool place in Australia. How will I spend my holiday?”
“That. ’s   44   ,” said Robert. “You’d better go to Moscow. It’s   45   there because it is covered with snow and ice now.”
Liam    46  with his friend. He bought an air ticket and soon   47  Moscow. He made a   48  journey there. But one day he got into trouble. After lunch he went outside the city. He saw a dog   49 him while he  50  by a house. It was   51   and wanted to get some food to eat. Bad luck! He had no pieces of bread or cake with him. He tried to send it away. But it began to shout at him. He wanted to 52   something to make the dog go away, but he couldn’t find anything  53   snow and ice. Suddenly he saw a stone(石头) on the ground. He tried to   54  but he failed.
“ How strange the Russians are!” Liam said to himself. “They do not tie(拴)their dogs, but firmly(紧紧地)tie the   55    ”.

A.two-weekB.two weeksC.two weeks’D.a two-week
A.likeB.unlikeC.hateD.not like
A.arrived inB.gotC.leftD.returned
A.to followB.is followingC.followingD.followed
A.was walkingB.walkedC.was crossingD.crossed
A.haveB.discoverC.look forD.look out
A.look for itB.put it upC.throw it awayD.pick it up

A woman saw three old men sitting outside the door. She said, “I don’t think I know you, but you must be very hungry. Please come in and have something ___66_____.”
“We don’t go into a house ___67_____ ”they replied.
“Why is that?” she asked.
One of the old men answered, “His name is Wealth(财富), this is Success, and I am Love.” Then he said, “Now go in and ___68_____ with your family which one of us you want in your house.”
The woman went in and told her family what had happened, she said, “Let’s invite Wealth. We have been so ____69____.” Her husband disagreed, “My dear, why don’t we invite Success? Don’t you want me to be a successful man? Then her daughter asked, “Would it be ___70_____ to invite Love? Our life will then be filled with love!”
In the end the family decided to take the ___71_____ advice. The woman went out and asked, “____72____ one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.” Love got up and started walking to the house. The other two also got up and ____73____ him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success, “ I ___74_____ invite Love. Why are you coming along? The two old men answered, “If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two would have to stay out, but since you have invited Love. ____75____ he goes, we go with him. Where there is Love, there is Wealth and Success.”

A.to sayB.to eatC.to useD.to drink

The little boy entered the house, unhappy. His mother was  31     cakes in the kitchen. She smiled as she    32     but stopped when she saw his face. “Tyler,    33      happened? Is everything okay?”
“Nothing is okay, mom.” said the boy, “Today, in our science lesson, Mrs. Green was talking about the   34        .She said that the whole world is getting dirtier and that many animals and plants are dying. She wants us to think of something we can do to help. I thought all the way, but there is  35    I can do to make a difference.”
“Let me tell you    36    .” the mother said after thinking for a while. “One morning a man was walking down a beach, there he saw thousands of dying starfish covering the beach, they were pushed up by the     37   , and it was too far up for them to make their way back by    38       . The man shook his head as he walked along, ‘What a pity! So many starfish will die on the beach.’ The man felt very sorry    39     those starfish. He went on walking and just at that time he was    40      to find a boy in front who was throwing the starfish back into the sea as    41  as he could, ‘how silly you are! My     42  ,’ the man said, ‘There are so many starfish, can you throw all of them back?’ The boy didn’t stop but kept throwing, ‘ 43         I can’t help them all .I can make a difference to this one, and this one, and this one, and this one.”
“Thinking for a moment, the man    44      to help return the starfish to their home. He smiled and said to himself, ‘Sometimes the biggest lesson in life comes from the   45     person.

A.turned aroundB.turned downC.turned onD.turned off
A.a lieB.a jokeC.a storyD.a truth
【小题9】A of               B. for                C. from            D. forward
【小题15】A shortest          B. tallest              C. smallest         D. biggest

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