
Give this memory test a try. Mix up 52 playing cards. Now look at the top seven for a second. Can you remember them in order?
Players at the World Memory Championships can. In fact, the 2002 champion (冠军), Andi, memorized the order of 1196 cards after looking at them for only an hour! And a German girl, Lara, only ten years old, memorized 75 faces and names in fifteen minutes!
In 1987, a Japanese man, Mr. Tomoyori, wanted to prove that his memory was the best in the world by remembering by heart pi (π), a number in math which starts 3.14159…This number never repeats itself or ends. He recited pi to 40,000 decimal places (小数位). It took the fifty-five-year-old man more than twelve hours to say the numbers, but he did it without making a mistake!
To remember pi, Mr. Tomoyori connected each number with a sound. He then made up stories to help him remember the words he made from the sounds. In an interview after his achievement, he said, “I decided to go ahead and memorize the value of pi up to one thousand places. But it wasn’t easy – in fact, it took me three years. To get to 40,000 decimal places it took me about ten years.”
Unluckily for Mr. Tomoyori, his record was broken in 1995, when another Japanese man, Mr. Goto, memorized pi to 42,195 places.
小题1:Why was Lara’s success special?
A.She was just a little girl.B.She was the 2002 champion.
C.She was from Germany.D.She remembered more words.
小题2:What is true about Mr. Tomoyori?
A.He found pi easy to remember.
B.His memory was the best in the world.
C.He used stories to help remember words.
D.He only made one mistake while saying pi.
小题3:Who remembered the greatest numbers according to the passage?
A.Andi.B.Lara.C.Mr. Goto.D.Mr. Tomoyori.


小题1:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句 a German girl, Lara, only ten years old, memorized 75 faces and names in fifteen minutes!得知,故选 A。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第四段第二句 He then made up stories to help him remember the words he made from the sounds.得知,故选 C。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第五段 another Japanese man, Mr. Goto, memorized pi to 42,195 places.得知,故选 C。
A new TV series in England,Away from it all,has surprised everyone by becoming a huge success with young people across the country.Its success is surprising because the series is about the relaxing lifestyles of people who live in the country.There is none of the action that we usually see on TV today.There are also no stressful moments,busy offices or crowded cities.Away from it all is set in the peaceful English countryside and tells simple stories about people’s kindness.  
The director of the TV series says that its success is a sign of teenagers suffering from stress.They say that watching Away from it all helps teenagers forget about the pressures(压力)of exams and homework,and the troubles that fill the world today.They also say that it’s a good sign of today’s young people switching to(转到)happier TV series as it shows they would like a happier and healthier world.
Although the series’success might have a good side,many teachers and parents are worried,however.They say that some of their students and children are becoming couch potatoes(终日泡在电视机前的人)and are using Away from it all as an excuse for not completing homework.Some children have even refused to learn for exams because they say that they can only achieve personal happiness by avoiding(避免)stressful situations completely.
And what do the experts(专家)say? Paula Ray,a doctor of education,says that TV can influence children’s lifestyles.But she says that if a child reacts strongly,it’s likely that there are other reasons for his change in behaviour.She says that there is nothing wrong with watching Away from it all but suggests that parents should make sure their children know TV is not the same as real life,
小题1:The success of the new TV series is surprising because________.
A.it is different from other successful TV series
B.it is the same as other successful TV series
C.it is about the English countryside
D.it is about life in busy offices
小题2:The director of Away from it all believes that the series helps young people deal with______.
A.simple stories
C.couch potatoes
小题3:The success of the series shows that young people would like________.
A.a world with no homework
B.English TV series
C.relaxing jobs
D.a happier and healthier world
小题4:Who are worried about the effects of the series?
A.Experts and teenagers.
B.Teachers and experts.
C.Teachers and parents.
D.Young people and parents.
My problem is my parents. They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night! None of my friends have got such terrible parents. What should I do?
My best friend has suddenly turned her back on me and I don’t know why! Last week we phoned each other every day and e-mailed too, and over the weekend we went shopping together and she was fine. But at school on Monday morning she didn’t look at me or speak to me. I don’t know what I’ve done. She now spends all her time with another group of friends.
I have a really bad habit of chewing(嚼)the ends of my hair. I try to stop, but I can’t! My mom is starting to get really angry about it. Have you got any ideas?
Hi _________,
Why should your parents do all the washing-up? You should help around the house—it’s only fair. I don’t think you should change your looks though. Young people should look like young people.
Wearing your hair pulled back in a ponytail(马尾辫)will help keep it out of your mouth. When you feel like chewing something, try bubble gum(泡泡糖). Give yourself time and you should be able to break this habit. The first few days are usually the hardest. Good luck!
③Hi ________,
Don’t worry about it so much! Phone your friend up as usual and she won’t be able to refuse you. I am sure you will get along well with each other. Everything will be fine.
小题1:根据所读内容将Helen, Jane, Gina 三个名字分别填入相应的横线上。(共3分,每空1分)
①________________________ ②________________________ ③________________________
小题2:The three girls wrote to ask for ________________________. (1分)
小题3:The underlined words “turned her back on me” means “________________________” in Chinese.(2分)
小题4:It is clear that Helen is not ________________________ with her parents.(2分)
小题5:According to the advice, Jane should ________________________ her friend as usual.(2分)
Many people believe that 3G mobile phones will be used in almost all everyday activities. It____that we won’t go shopping because most things will be available(可得到的) on the Internet. There will be no more____ because all texts will be available in electronic libraries. The Internet will be used to plan holidays, rent films and_____ food. Most telephone calls will be ____ by 3G mobile phones as well.
Some people are ____ about the new development. Others, however, don’t think that 3G mobile phones will replace the old __   of shopping and communicating.
Let’s look at books, for example. Some people believe that one day we won’t read books made of paper. ____, we’ll read books by using 3G mobile phones. These mobile phones will store the contents(内容)of many different books at the same time. We won’t need to turn lots of pages and paper will be ____. Is the Internet shopping as fun as traditional shopping? Many people say it’s not. It’s __   _ to go into shops and look at things. It’s also___   that most people will want to read books on their 3G mobile phones. Maybe 3G mobile phones won’t change these two habits.
A.is thinkingB.has thoughtC.is thoughtD.to think
The Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)is one of the most famous tourst places in the United Stafes.However,it wasn’t the Americans who designed and built it It was given as a gift of friendship from France.
In 1865,a young French artist named Bartholdi took part in a big party near the town of Versailles.At the party,someone hoped to give America a special gift for the country’s hundredth birthday in 1876.Bartholdi was interested in the idea and suggested a big statue of some kind.Back home,he thought about it for the next six years.By 1871,Bartholdi had planned most of the details of the statue.It was going to be a lady calld Liberty,who held a torch(火把)high over her head in hear right hand and a book close to her body in her left hand.It seemed that she was lighting the way to freedom.
But it was such a huge project that a large amount of noney was needed.And also,for many resaon,Bartboldi and his team couldn’t finish it on time.The big statue wasn’t finished until June 1884.On July22,1885,it arrived in New York from France by water.The statue was finally placed on a small island called Manhattan near New York in April 1886.
小题1:Who first had the idea of giving a hundredth birthday gift to America?
A,The host of the party.   B.The president of France
C.Bartholdi     D.It isn’t mentioned
小题2:We know the United States of America was set up in _____ according to the passage.[
小题3:What’s in the left hand of the lady called Liberty?
A.A bookB.A fanC.A torchD.A hat
小题4:The statue was carried to New York _____ after it was finished.
A.on the airplanB.on the seaC.in the carD.on the train
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE,according to the passage?
A.The statue of Liberty was built by an American who lived in France.
B.The building of the statue of Liberty cost much mony.
C.The building of the statue of Liberty was finished in 1886.
D.The ststue of Liberty appeared in New York on time.
We have no idea about       men first began to use salt. But we do know that it had been used in many different ways _____ the history.
For example, in many history books it is ____ that people who lived three thousand years ago ____salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt(埃及), salt ____ keep the dead. It can keep the dead bodies ____ decay.(腐烂)
In the eighteenth century, a person who stole salt was ____ to have broken the ____. if a person was caught stealing salt, he would be thrown into ____. Books also record that in England about ten thousand people were put into prison during that century ____ stealing salt! In the year 1553, if a man took ____ than his share of salt, he would be thought to have broken the law and would be ____ punished(惩罚).
Salt was very ____ on the dinner table of a king. It was always put ____ the king when he sat down to eat. Then important visitors sat near the salt _____ less important visitors were given seats farther away from it.
A.whenB.whereC.what D.which
A.say B.reported C.recorded D.reading
A.eat B.ateC.eatingD.have eaten
A.used toB.was used toC.was used D.used
A.off B.from C.onD.out
A.thinkB.consider C.thoughtfulD.thought
A.law B.glassC.computerD.time
A.poolB.hill C.prisonD.river
A.becauseB.because ofC.byD.as
A.moreB.less C.fewer D.most
A.in the front ofB.behindC.in front ofD.before
In a small village in England about 150 years ago, a mail coach (邮车) was standing on the street.  Around the coach many people were talking to one another about it.  Mail coach did not come to that village so often in those days.  People had to pay a lot of money to get a letter.  The person who sent the letter did not have to pay.  The person who got the letter had to pay the postage (邮资).  “Here?s a letter for Miss Alice Brown,” said the mailman.  Everyone turned to a girl of about eighteen who was standing by the coach.  “I?m Alice Brown,” she said in a low voice.  The mailman gave her the letter.  Alice looked at the envelope for a minute, and then handed it back to the mailman.  “I’m sorry I can?t take it,” she said.  “I don?t have enough money to pay the postage. ” The people standing around were very sorry for the girl.  They were silent for a while.  Then a gentleman came up to the mailman and paid the postage for Alice’s letter.  When the gentleman gave her the letter, she said with a smile, “Oh, thank you very much, sir.  This letter is from the young man I’m going to marry.  His name is Tom.  He went to London to look for work.  He has to get enough money for our marriage (结婚).  I’ve waited a long time for this letter, but now don’t need it.  I don’t have to open the envelope because there is nothing inside. ” “Really?” the gentleman said in surprise.  “How do you know that?” “He told me that he would put some signs on the envelope.  Look, sir, this cross in the corner means that he is well, and this circle means he has found work.  That’s very good news. ” The gentleman was Sir Rowland Hill.  He did not forget Alice and her letter.  “The postage to be paid by the receiver has to be changed,” he said to himself.  He thought and thought for many years.  At last he had a good plan.  “The postage has to be much lower,” he said.  “What about a penny (便士) for a letter? And the person who sends the letter pays the postage.  He has to buy a stamp and put it on the envelope. ” “A good idea!” people said when they heard of his plan.  The Government decided to adopt (采纳) the plan.  The first postage stamp was put out in 1840.  It was called the “Penny Black”.  It had a picture of the Queen on it.  
小题1:The first postage stamp was made ________.  
A.in EnglandB.in AmericaC.by AliceD.in 1910
小题2:The girl handed the letter back to the mailman because ______.
A.she did not know whose letter it was
B.the letter had already told her what she wanted to know
C.she could not pay the postage
D.the gentleman promised to pay the postage for her
小题3:When the girl returned the letter to the mailman _____.  
A.the people around her felt sorry for her
B.the people thought that the girl was too poor
C.none of them wanted to pay the postage for her
D.the people was angry with the girl
小题4:Alice knew how Tom was getting from the signs on the envelope because ______.  
A.Tom had told her what the signs meant before leaving for London
B.Alice was clever and could guess the meaning of the signs
C.Alice had put the signs on the envelope herself
D.Tom had put the signs as Alice had told him to
小题5:The idea of using stamps was found by ______.  
A.the governmentB.Sir Rowland HillC.Alice BrownD.Tom

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