
Passage 2
When you get tired of homework, several minutes’ walk in a nearby green park helps you relax at once. Or you may stand facing the lake or the seas. They will calm (not to be excited or nervous) you just like the green plants.
Wonder why? Color is a key part of the answers. Since it is so, green and blue help make people feel more quiet and safe.
All colors have special power. Scientists have found that many colors have specific effects (效果) on people’s mind and feelings.
Try an easy and interesting experiment and you’ll see how color “mislead” you sometimes. Wrap (包装) two boxes of the same size with colored paper, one red and the other white. Then weigh the two boxes with your hands. Which one is heavier? Most people will think that the red box is heavier, even though they weigh the same.
Colors can affect (影响) learning. Scientists have found that students spend more time reading if they read information written in blue text. Blue helps most people calm down and think more.
Clever uses of colors in daily life are to be seen everywhere. Hospitals and libraries seldom paint their walls, tables and desks red. They use light colors, like light blue or green. Red makes people excited while light colors help them relax. Haven’t worked out how color affects your daily life? Start with your small room. Try to make some changes in it and you’ll get to know how important color is!
【小题1】The underlined word “mislead” means _____.
C.causes someone to have a wrong ideaD.give wrong directions
【小题2】We’d better paint the walls of the hospital in _____.
A.light blue or light greenB.deep red or deep brown
C.deep orange or deep redD.light green or light yellow
【小题3】If you want to ______, you’d better sit in the room painted blue.
A.weigh something with your handsB.study attentively
C.face the lake or the seaD.enjoy some rock music
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.When you are going to have a rest, you’d better sit in the room painted green
B.Scientists have known some differences among some colors
C.When you get tired of homework, you should look at the green plants far away
D.The passage has told us clearly why some colors are warm and other colors are cool.
【小题5】The reading mainly shows us _____.
A.the difference between red and blue
B.how to get on well with others
C.how to make smart uses of different colors in our daily life
D.how to paint and decorate our rooms


【小题1】推断词义题。结合所举的例子Then weigh the two boxes with your hands. Which one is heavier? Most people will think that the red box is heavier, even though they weigh the same可知不同颜色的包装,会让人对同重量的东西产生错觉,所以此次的意义应与此有关,故选C。
【小题2】细节题。结合Hospitals and libraries seldom paint their walls, tables and desks red. They use light colors, like light blue or green.可选出答案。
【小题3】细节题。结合Scientists have found that students spend more time reading if they read information written in blue text. Blue helps most people calm down and think more. 可选出答案。
For a long time being happy was considered natural,and there was nothing special to do about it. Now we know that we can work at getting along well with other people. It is possible to act in such a way that other people will like us better.
One way is being unselfish,not wanting everything your own way or asking for the best share of everything, including the attention of your friends. Another way is to look for good points, not bad ones in other people.
You don’t have to be spineless(无骨气的)in order to be popular. In fact,you will be liked and respected(尊重)if you are not afraid to stand up for your rights(权利). But do it politely and pleasantly. One way to develop a good character is being friendly and polite to your own group,  to older people,to strangers and especially to those who do not look important or do not interest you.
You cannot expect to be perfect,  so you must learn not to be too unhappy when you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and no one is to be blamed unless he refuses to learn from them. Many young people become discouraged(泄气的) when they know their unpleasant qualities—selfishness,laziness,etc. Just remember that we all have some of these faults and have to fight against them.
When sometMng is wrong,it is best to try to make it right. Perhaps you don’t like a teacher or a classmate. Try to see why,and look at yourself,too. Make sure that you are not doing something to make others dislike you. In time, things may turn out all right, then you simply have to learn to get along the best you can with the situation, without thinking too much about it. Worrying never helps in a situation you can’t change.
【小题1】Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined part?
A.Not sharing anything with others.
B.Not thinking too much of yourself.
C.Not attracting the attention of your friends.
D.Not making friends with people who have bad points.
【小题2】How can we get along well with others according to the passage?
A.We should find out unpleasant qualities in others and in ourselves.
B.We should show others our unpleasant qualities.
C.We should stand up for our rights in any way we like.
D.We should fight against our unpleasant qualities.
【小题3】What can we know from the passage?
A.Even if we don’t have good relationships with others,we needn’t work at it.
B.Even if someone is not important to us,we still need to treat him politely.
C.Even if we are willing to learn from ouy mistakes,we are still to be blamed.
D.Even if the situation cannot be changed, we still need to worry much about it.

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