
If you could see a movie of your life before you lived it, would you want to live it? Probably not. The excitement of living is that you don’t know what’s coming.
Sure, it’s hard to see uncertainty in such positive(积极的)light when you’re out of work, or when you feel like you’re failing. But uncertainty is really another word for chance.
When Allison graduated from Harvard, she had chances all over the place but had no idea what she wanted to do. She took a job in consulting(咨询), but she knew she wouldn’t stay there. She took the GRE and scored so high that she was able to increase her income(收入)by teaching students. Still, she didn’t think she wanted to go to graduate school. Allison knew she wasn’t doing what she wanted, but she didn’t know what she wanted.
She worried. All her friends were going to graduate school or starting their own businesses. She was lost and felt that she would never find anything out. After six years, Allison, by having a general(全面的)plan in mind, got married, moved to the Midwest, and used her consulting experience to get a great job. Allison realized that she spent her years finding her way: time well spent, and time we must all take if we’re being honest with ourselves.
The only way to lead an interesting life is to face uncertainty and make a choice. Otherwise your life is not your own—it is a path someone else has chosen. Moments of uncertainty are when you create your life, when you become who you are. Uncertainty usually begins with a job hunt, but it doesn’t end there. Every new role we take on means another round of uncertainty. Instead of fearing it, you should find some ways to deal with uncertainty.
小题1:From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that                     .
A.being out of work is a sad thing
B.uncertainty is what makes life interesting
C.life in a film is more exciting than real life
D.chance never appears when we need it
小题2:What troubles Allison after graduation?
A.She couldn’t find a well-paid job.
B.She had no money to start a business.
C.She was not sure what to do.
D.She didn’t score high enough for graduate school.
小题3:How did Allison feel about her six years’ working experience?
小题4:What may be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.How to deal with uncertainty.
B.What role uncertainty plays in life.
C.Why people fear uncertainty.
D.Whom to go to when facing uncertainty.


小题1:根据The excitement of living is that you don’t know what’s coming.可知生活的刺激性正是因为他的不可预知性,故选B。
小题2:根据but had no idea what she wanted to do.及下文描述可知选C。
小题3:根据Allison realized that she spent her years finding her way:及本段描述可知选D。
小题4:根据you should find some ways to deal with uncertainty.及上文描述可知本段对不确定性进行了描述,但是并没有提出解决办法,故选A,如何处理不确定性。
A taxi hit a truck. A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and to the truck driver. He also spoke to Tom. He was a witness . This is what they said.
TRUCK DRIVER: I was driving from the airport to Newton. A car crossed the road, so I slowed down. I did not stop. A taxi hit the back of my truck. Nobody was badly hurt but both cars were damaged.
TAXI DRIVER: I was driving behind a truck a few kilometers from Newton. The truck stopped suddenly. The driver did not give me a warning. I was driving very slowly. I could not pass the truck because there were two cars coming near from Newton. My taxi hit the truck, and some glass cut my left hand.
TOM: I was watching the traffic about a kilometer from the airport. A truck was going to Newton. It was not going very quickly. There was a taxi about two hundred meters behind the truck. It was going fast. When the truck slowed down, the taxi hit it. The taxi driver was not looking at the truck. He was looking out of the window at something. My friend saw the accident, too.
Tom's friend spoke to the policeman and agreed with Tom.
小题1:How many people are mentioned in the story?
小题2:The truck was going______.
A.to NewtonB.to the police station
C.to the airportD.home
小题3:From the story, we know______didn’t tell the truth.
A.the truck driverB.Tom
C.the taxi driverD.Tom's friend
小题4:In fact, Tom's friend was also a ______ .
小题5:What's the best title for this passage?
A.A Taxi DriverB.A Traffic Accident
C.A Story of TomD.A Truck Driver
The idea of what shaking the head means is not always the same in different countries. Maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first came to India. When they talked to an Indian,he would often shake his head.The visitors might think that the Indian did not like what they said.But, in fact, they would be completely wrong.
Indians always shake their heads when they talk to others. It does not have the same meaning as our “No.” If someone wants to visit India, he should know this, or it will give him some trouble.
One day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired a car and an Indian to drive it. When he told his driver to send him to his office,the Indian shook his head at once.The officer said again,and the driver shook his head again. At last the offcer, of course,got angry.
“How dare you refuse my order?” he shouted. “Drive me to my office at once!”
The driver answered in quite loud voice,too. “Yes, sir!” But to the officer’s surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.
The car started, and the foreign officer was now too surprised to say a word. He thought about it for a while, and with a smile, “No means Yes here!”
小题1:An Indian would shake his head when __________.
A.he didn’t want to say anything
B.he agreed with others
C.he talked to others
D.other people were wrong
小题2:The foreign officer was surprised that _________.
A.the driver could not understand him
B.the driver refused his order
C.the driver drove him to another place
D.the driver shook his head as he said “Yes”
小题3:The underlined word “Order” means         .
小题4:The sentence “No means Yes here” means         .
A.in India the words Yes and No have the same meaning
B.Indians shake heads when they agree with each other
C.there is no difference between Yes and No
D.we shake our heads to say No,not Yes as Indians do
小题5:According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?
A.Shaking the head doesn’t always have the same meaning in different countries.
B.When an Indian shakes his head, he really means Yes.
C.In India, the word No means Yes.
D.In China shaking the head means No.

When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left.
Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then left. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road.
If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn’t cross.
In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most dangerous then.
When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first or you will go the wrong way.
In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very clearly. It’s very interesting.
小题1:When you are in England, you must always remember that_________.
A.there are many cars and buses on the road.
B.the traffic drives on the left.
C.there are not any traffic lights.
D.the traffic drives on the right.
小题2:In China, before you cross a street, you must look to _______ first and then ________.
A.the left; the rightB.the right; the left
C.the front; the backD.the back; the front
小题3: You must be careful when you go by bus because __________.
A.there are too many buses there
B.the traffic lights are different from ours
C.crossing the street is dangerous
D.you may go the wrong way
小题4:In England, it is very interesting to _________.
A.cross the streets
B.look at the traffic lights
C.sit on the second floor of a big bus and see the beautiful city
D.look at the busy streets in the morning
小题5: Which is the best title(题目)?
A.Buses in England  B.Traffic in England
C.Travelling in EnglandD.Traffic lights in England

In America, where labor(劳工) costs are so high, "do-it-yourself" is a way of life. Many people 31 their own cars, build their own garages, and even rebuild their own houses.  32 many of them will also write their own books. In Hollywood there is a 33 that publishes(出版)children's books with the help of computers.  34 other book companies also publish that way, this company is not like the others. It 35  the reader to become the main character with the help of computers. Here is 36  they do it. Let us suppose a child is named Hody. The computer uses this information to make up a story  37 pictures. The story is then printed up. "This book is about me," a child who 38  such a book might say. So the company is called "Me-Books Publishing Company".
  39  like me-books because they like to see in print their own names, their pictures, and the names of their friends and their pets. But more 40 , in this way, readers are much more interested in reading the stories. Me-books are helping children to learn how to read.
A  man went to see a doctor. “Open your mouth ”, the doctor said. The man opened his mouth and the doctor looked in quickly.   “It’s clear what’s wrong with you .You need more exercise, ” the doctor said.  “But doctor,” the man said “I don’t think …” “Don’t tell me what you think,” “ I am the doctor, not you. I know what you need  . I see hundreds of people like you. None of them get any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front of theTV in the evening. What you need is to walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day” “Doctor, you don’t understand ,” the man said, “I…” “I don’t want to hear any excuses,” the doctor said , “ You must find time for exercise .If you don’t  you will get fat and have health problems when you are older.” “ But I walk every day ,”the man said. “Oh, yes , and I know what kind of walk that is .You walk a few feet to the train station from your house, a few more feet from the station to your office, and a few more feet from your office to a restaurant for lunch and back. That’s not real walking .I’m talking about a walk in the park for twenty minutes every day.”“ Will you listen to me , doctor !” the man shouted, getting angry with this doctor who thought he knew everything. “I m a postman”., the man went on, “ and I walk for seven hours every day! It’s my wife, she is ill.”
小题1:The post man went to see the doctor because ______
A.he though he was ill
B.he was too fat and could not walk quickly
C.something was wrong with his wife
D.he had a healthy problem
小题2:The doctor thought many people had health problems only because they__
A.did not have enough exercise
B.didn’t like walking
C.spent much time watching TV.
D.were working in offices
小题3:Which of the following is true?
A.The postman sent letters on foot.
B.The doctor had a walk in a park every day.
C.The postman lived near a train station
D.The postman went to see the doctor on foot.
小题4:The story happened _____.
A.near the post office.B.in the doctor’s office
C.near the playgroundD.in the man’s office

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