
【题目】 Shall we meet at the station at 8 a.m.? In fact we ___. The train ____ until 10 a.m.

A. mustn’t; doesn’t leave B. mustn’t; leaves

C. needn’t; won’t leave D. needn’t; will leave





【题目】 We all have habits that we want to give up. These are habits which are not good for us in some way or another. A habit is an activity that we have got used to. It's not easy to break a bad habit because we have got used to it, and it has become convenient (方便的).

We are so used to our bad habits that most of the time we even don't realize that we have them until someone points them out to us. So the first step that will lead to changing a bad habit is to accept the fact that is not good for you.

Since you know you have developed a bad habit, it's best to find out why you developed it in the first place. Find out the reason behind it, as that will help you in understanding why you're so willing to perform that act. There is nothing to feel scared of. You have to face it and then give it up.

Find out how bad habits have spoiled (损坏,糟蹋) things around you. For example, a bad habit of getting up late can destroy the schedule (时间表) of your whole day. And, if this is what you do every day, then imagine how many days it has already eaten up. Realize this and make up your mind to give it up.

An alarm (警报) is something that will prevent you from performing your habit. For example, to avoid getting up late, set an alarm and decide that you need to make a little effort to reach it to turn it off.

Tell your family and friends about your decision so that they can prevent you from performing the bad habit and also remind you of the promise you made to yourself.

Reward yourself every time you stop yourself from performing the bad habit. This will keep you encouraged to break the bad habit and at the same time make you happy.

There are habits that people have carried with them for years and it will surely take some time to give them up. However, breaking a habit is a better choice than letting it grow into an addiction(瘾). Try giving up a bad habit, and feel the difference in yourself. You will be proud of yourself and I will certainly congratulate you on it.

Title: How to break a bad habit

Why it is __1_ to break a bad habit

Because we have got used to it and it has become convenient

__2___ to break a bad habit

◆___3__ the fact you have a bad habit and it is not good for you.

◆Find out the reason why the bad habit is __4__.

◆Know the bad ___5___ that bad habits have brought you.

◆Use a(n) __6___ to prevent you from getting up late.

◆Get help from your __7___ and friends.

◆Reward yourself when you ___8____ in stopping yourself from performing the bad habit.

The writer’s opinions of breaking a bad habit

Breaking a bad habit is __9____ than letting it growing into an addiction.

Breaking a bad habit will make you feel【10__ of yourself.

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