
配对阅读 左栏是五位病人的健康问题,右栏是七位专科医生的简介。请根据五位病人的健康问题为他们选出最合适的专科医生诊病,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
小题1:Bob is often late for school because he always gets up late. This makes his teacher mad. He needs to buy something to wake him up in the morning.
小题2:Tim likes listening to music when he is free. And he has to send e-mails to his customers(顾客)every day. He wants to buy something that can help him.
小题3:Summer has come. Tony is fat and he can’t sleep well on such hot days. This troubles him a lot. He’d like to buy something to make him feel cool.
小题4:Alice often washes her hair late at night. It is often wet when she goes to bed. She is going to buy something that can dry her hair in a short time.
小题5:Susan is a housewife. She has to do the washing for her family every day. She gets tired of it. She is in need of a product to do it for her.
A.This electric product can make you cool during the hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the humidity(湿度) of your room.
B.You can do many things with this product, such as sending e-mails, playing games, getting on line and so on. You can also listen to the music with it when you want to relax.
C.This electric product is useful to all of us. People often have one at home. It is often put up on the wall. If you want to know the time, just take a look at it.
D.This can help you wash your dirty clothes and dry them. What you need to do is to return it on and later hang the clothes on the line. With this electric product, life will be a lot easier for you.
E. Each family needs this product. You can use it to store meat, vegetables, fruits, drinks and medicine. It can keep them cool and fresh so that they will not go bad easily on hot days.
F. It is a very helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up with a piece of music any time you want, but you have to set the time first.
G. When you wash your hair, you need this product. It can make your wet hair dry in a minute. It can also be used for drying your wet clothes or some other wet things.


We’ve talked about snails(蜗牛) and their slow move. But much of the time snails don’t move at all. They are in their shells —sleeping.
  Hot sun will dry out a snail’s body. So at the least sign of hot sun, a snail draws its body into his shell. A snail will die in a heavy rain. So when it rains, a snail does the same thing, too. A snail can sleep for as long as it needs to. It spends all the winter months in its shell, asleep.
  In the spring the snail wakes up. Its body, about three inches long, comes out from the shell. When hungry, the snail looks for food. Its eyes, at the end of the top feelers, are very weak. But its sense of smell is very strong. It helps the snail to find food and the new greens.
  A snail’s mouth is no bigger than the point of a pin. Yet it has 256,000 teeth! The teeth are very small, and you can’t see them. If you put a snail in a hard paper box, it will eat its way out! And if a snail wears out its teeth, it will grow new ones.
小题1:A snail _________.
A.moves more slowly at nightB.has thousands of feet
C.doesn’t move at allD.sleeps much of the time
小题2:In the sentence “A snail draws its body into its shell”, the word “draw” means _____.
A.to make with a pencilB.to push
C.to pullD.to move away
小题3:From the story, we know _________.
A.a snail’s shell is very thin
B.a snail can’t see well
C.a snail’s nose is quite short
D.a snail’s body changes in different seasons
小题4:A snail goes to sleep when _____.
A.it feels hungryB.it is put into a paper box
C.spring is comingD.it rains heavily
小题5:Which of the following is wrong?
A.In winter the snail doesn’t eat or move.
B.A snail doesn’t like living under the sun.
C.The snail’s teeth can’t be worn out.
D.The snail’s nose helps to find food.
  Napoga  is a 12—year---old  girl in Ghana, Africa. It is hard for her family to get clean water . Every morning , she leaves home at half past five to get clean water for her family in a village far away . It takes her six hours to get enough clean water for daily cooking and drinking. She has no time to go to school or to play with her friends. Millions of people in the world are like Napoga . They can’t get enough clean water to keep healthy.
Earth Day is April 22. But on all other days, we must also remember it. The water we use is the most important natural resource(自然资源)on the earth.
Water covers 70 perent of the earth’s surface (表面). But most of that is sea water. We can’t use it for very many things.  Fresh water covers only one percent of the earth’s surface.
You probably feel lucky that your life isn’t as hard as Napoga’s . But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about water. We all face serious water problems. One of them is water pollution. All kinds of things from cars, factories, farms and homes make our rivers , lakes , and oceans dirty. Polluted water is very bad for people to drink. And dirty water is bad for fish , too. Now, thirty-four percent of all kinds of fish are dying out.
How do cars and factories make our water dirty? First, they pollute the air. Then , when it rains, the rain water comes down and makes our drinking water dirty. Dirty rain, called acid rain(酸雨), is also bad for plants ,animals and buildings.
Scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world won’t have enough clean water. We have to learn how to save more water for ourselves  and our children. Here is some advice for saving water:
● Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. You can save as much as 450liters(升)each month.
● Leaky taps (漏水的龙头)waste a lot of water. Fix them right away.
●You can easily cut your 10—minute showers in half---and you’ll be just as clean.
●When you wash dishes, don’t let the water run.
●Only wash clothes when you have a lot to wash. If your washing machine isn’t full , you are wasting water!
小题1:Every morning Napoga went to get clean water _________.
A.before she went to school
B.after she finished school
C.without going to school
D.after she played with her friends
小题2:On the earth, _______________.
sea water is  more widely used than fresh water
B.there is very little water for our living
C.there is 71 percent of fresh water
D.we don’t need to worry about water
小题3:Acid rain____________________________.
A.is only bad for living things.
B.can be produced in factories
C.doesn’t do harm to people , but it’s bad for plants, animals and buildings.
D.doesn’t just do harm to human beings but to animals, plants and buildings.
小题4:Which of the following wastes water?
A.We need ten minutes if we want a clean shower.
B.We should put in enough clothes when we wash them in washing machines.
C.You can keep yourself clean by having a shower for five minutes.
D.Don’t let the water run when we brush our teeth and wash dishes.
小题5:What’s the main idea of the passage?____________.
A.Something must be done to prevent water from being polluted.
B.Clean water means much to human beings and living things around us.
C.It’s time to take care of the water we use.
D.Water is the most important natural resource on the earth.
If we want to deal with the association (交往) between boys and girls properly, here are some “dos and don’ts” for you to follow.
Keep a normal and healthy state of mind. It is very natural for the boys and girls to make friends with each other . We should make as many friends as possible. We should keep in touch with the other sex(性别) in public instead of in secret.
Don’t be too nervous or too shy. If you are a shy person, you can also find a way out. First of all, you can make friends with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you. As both of you have lunch in common , you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you can express yourself freely as others.
Don’t fall into the mire of puppy love. The boys and girls at adolescence(青春期) are rich in feelings. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion , puppy love is a green apple that can’t be eaten. An apple won’t taste sweet until it is fully ripe (成熟的). Boys and girls at middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love. Do keep out of puppy love.
小题1:The main idea of the passage is to _____.
A.tell students to keep away from early love
B.give some advice on how to associate between boys and girls
C.tell students how to make friends.
D.teach boys how to talk with girls
小题2:We should keep in touch with the other sex in the following ways EXCEPT________.
A.with a good state of mindB.in a real friendship
C.in publicD.in secret
小题3:If you are a shy person, you can __________.
A.find friends with the same interest and hobby first
B.only have a few friends of the same sex
C.not make friends with the other sex
D.not fall in love with other students easily
小题4:What does the underlined word “mire” mean?
小题5:A person at adolescence is _____.
A.easy to be nervous
B.good at making friends with each other
C.old enough to fall in love
D.easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love
This March, the H7N9 virus (病毒) hit Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and so on. It seemed that most people who were infected(被感染) with H7N9 had the common flu. Some people suffered from a fever or a cough.  
Don’t be afraid—it’s not easy to be infected with the virus. Here is some advice to help you protect yourself when it comes.
Wash your hands. You need to wash your hands with soap and hot water before you eat, after you use the toilet, and after you touch animals, because your hands may carry viruses.
Cover your nose and mouth. When someone sneezes(打喷嚏) or coughs, flu viruses can travel as far as one meter through the air, so you’d better stand a proper distance (距离) while talking to someone who has a cold. And always cover your mouth and nose with a piece of paper when you sneeze or cough, and then clean your hands.
Wear a mask(口罩). Some doctors say that masks can stop the flu as much as 80%, but if
you don’t wash your hands often, it’s no use wearing a mask. And it’s necessary to wear the mask in the groups of people.
Do sports often. Exercises will help make your body strong enough to resist the virus. 
小题1:When did the H7N9 virus hit Shanghai?
A.In March, 2013.      B.In May, 2013.  C.In March, 2012.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Some people who were infected with the H7N9 virus had a toothache.
B.You should cover your mouth and nose with a piece of paper when you sneeze or cough.
C.Some doctors say that masks can stop the flu as much as 100%.
小题3:How many ways to stop the virus are mentioned in the passage?
A.Three.      B.Four. C.Five.
小题4:What does the underlined word “resist ” mean in Chinese?
A.抵抗 B.传播 C.感染
小题5:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.It tells us how to wash hands.
B.It tells us why we should use masks.
C.It gives us some advice on how to protect ourselves when the H7N9 virus comes.
What should you take in with you when you take an exam? Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler … and don’t forget a bottle of water!
According to a study held in London, students who bring water into exams may improve their grades by up to 10%.
Scientists in UK did the study on 448 students. The students were studying for different degrees  at the University of East London. Only 25% of them entered the exam hall with water.
Scientists then compared their exam results with their normal schoolwork grades. They found that all those who had brought water with them got better grades by 2% to10%.
Scientists also predicted the students’ scores according to their normal schoolwork. They wrote down their possible scores on paper before exams.
It is unclear why drinking water improves exam results. But scientists say having enough water in our bodies and not feeling thirsty could have a helpful effect on our brains. Drinking water may also reduce anxiety (焦虑), which has a bad effect on exam performances.
“Whatever the explanation is, it is clear that students should try hard to stay hydrated (含水的) with water during exams,” one of the scientists said.
So next time, when you are going to have a big exam, try bringing a bottle of water with you. It may help you pass the exam!
小题1:According to the study, students who bring water to exams may ______.
A. get better scores
B. feel worried in exams
C. be smarter than others
小题2:How many students brought water during the exam in the study by the UK scientists?
A. 25.   B. 112.   C. 448.
小题3:Having enough water in exams ______.
A. makes the students smarter
B. helps the students stay calm
C. improves the students’ scores by 20%
小题4:The underlined word “predicted” means “______”.
A. 预测          B. 提高         C. 更正
小题5:What’s the best title for the passage?
A. The more water, the higher scores
B. Anxiety in the exams
C. Water helps in exams
King Akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his people. He often asked ___36___ which were strange. His people had to use words in a ___37___ way to answer these questions.
Once Akbar asked a very strange question. He looked at his people. ___38___ he looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer. It was at this moment that Bridal entered the palace. Birbal ___39___ the habit of the king. He understood the ___40___ at once and asked, “May I know the question so that I can ____41___ for an answer?”
Akbar said, “How many crows(乌鸦) are there in the city?”
___42___ even a moment’s thought, Birbal replied, “There are fifty thousand five hundred and eighty nine crows, My Lord.”
“How can you be so ___43____?” asked Akbar.
Birbal said, “Make your men ___44___, My Lord. If you find more crows it means some have come to visit their relatives(亲戚) here. If you find ___45___ crows it means some have gone to visit their relatives somewhere else.”
Akbar was pleased very much by Birbal’s wise answer.
Held on the second Wednesday of March each year, No Smoking Day helps people across the UK who want to stop smoking. The activity encourages and helps smokers to give up, and publicizes(宣传) the many sources of help offered to people. Each year over a million smokers take part in the day, while about 40,000 actually give up smoking.
The much-publicized effects of smoking include increased risk (风险) of heart disease, lung cancer and asthma. However, smoking also causes dull skin and wrinkles. The reducedamount of oxygen getting to the skin accelerates (加速)aging, and makes the skin look sallow (病黄色的). And while many smokers believe that cigarettes help them to cope with stress (对付压力), scientific research has shown that worry levels actually go down after giving up smoking.
Set a date and time to stop, and keep to it .Talk to your doctor about whether any kind of medicines might suit you.
Find out if there is a stop-smoking health center near you .Try to get the help of your friends and family.
Keep away from situation in which you used to reach for cigarette. If you need to, use nicotine patches (尼古丁戒烟贴片) or gum.
NHS Stop-smoking Centers are all over the UK, providing free services. They have specially trained employees who can advise you on the best way to stop smoking. There are also a number of free national helpline in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, where expert counselors can discuss with you how to give up smoking step by step.
小题1:How many people don’t give up smoking among those who take part in No Smoking Day every year according to the passage?
A.About 1,000,000.B.About 40,000.
C.About 960,000.D.About 1,040,000.
小题2:According to the passage, place the following titles in the correct orders.
A.What are the health risks of smoking?
B.A few tips on giving up smoking:
C.What is No Smoking Day?
D.What help is offered for giving up smoking?
A. a; b; c; d      B. b; a; d; c       C. d; a; b; c       D. c; a; b; d
小题3:Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?
A.No Smoking Day is held on the second Wednesday on March.
B.Smoking can make skin look dull.
C.If you give up smoking, your worry levels will increase.
D.You can get treatment in NHS Stop-smoking Centers for free.
小题4:The underline word “counselors” in the last paragraph probably means _______.
小题5: How many tips on giving up smoking are mentioned in the passage?

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