
1. How many times does the man go shopping in a month?
A. Twice a week.
B. eight times.
C. Twice.
2. What's wrong with Jack?
A. He has a cold.
B. He has a stomachache.
C. He has a sore back.
3. How does Mary go to school?
A. By bus.
B. On foot.
C. By bike.
4. Can Li Lei come to Cindy's party?
A. Yes, he can.
B. No, he can't.
C. We don't know.
5. Who is quieter, Tom or his brother?
A. Tom.
B. His brother.
C. They are both quiet.
6. What are they talking about?
A. Making milk shake.
B. Making fruit salad.
C. Making sandwiches.
7. Where did Jim go on the day off?
A. He went to beaches.
B. He went to the mountains.
C. He went to the aquarium.
8. When was Michael Jordan born?
A. In 1963.
B. In 1980.
C. In 1973.
9. What's Li Lei's sister going to be?
A. A computer programmer.
B. A pilot.
C. An engineer.
10. What's the best movie theater?
A. Town Cinema.
B. Screen City.
C. Movie Palace.
1-5:  BBCBA 6-10:  BBACB
1. Which TV programme will the man watch tonight?
        A                                        B                                   C
2. What made the boy excited yesterday?
          A                                    B                                   C
3. Who is the man's favourite film star?
            A                                 B                                   C
4.  What are they talking about?  
A. A big fire.              
B. An earthquake.        
C. A rainstorm.
5. What's the weather like now?  
A. Fine.          
B. Cloudy.        
C. Windy.
6. What does the man most probably do?  
A. A waiter.      
B. A salesman.    
C. A doctor.
7. Why does the man come to the shop?  
A. To repair his telephone.  
B. To buy a telephone.  
C. To exchange the telephone.
8. Where did they have their dinner?  
A. At the man's home.    
B. At the woman's home.  
C. At a restaurant.
9. How does the man contact his friends abroad?  
A. By e-mail.          
B. Over the phone.      
C. Through letters.
10. How long will it take the woman to walk to the supermarket?  
A. 5 minutes.          
B.15 minutes.          
C.50 minutes.

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