Long long ago, there was a blacksmith(铁匠). He was always unhappy with his life. “My work is too hot. I want to be a stone(石头) on the mountain. There it must be cool.” A wise man(智者) answered, “Go, be a stone.” So he became a stone. A moment later, a stone-cutter came and began to cut it.

The stone cried out, “This hurts(疼)! I want to be the sun. That would be great.”

The wise man said, “Be the sun.” And he became the sun. But the sun was much hotter than the blacksmith and the stone, so he said, “I would like to be the moon.”

The wise man said again, “Be the moon.” And he became the moon. “This is hotter than being the sun,” he said. “I want to be a blacksmith again. That is the best life.”

But the wise man said, “I am tired of your changing. You will be the moon forever(永远).”

1.Which of the following is the hottest according to the passage?

A.Being a blacksmith. B.Being a stone on the mountain.

C.Being the sun. D.Being the moon.

2.What is the right order that the blacksmith changed(变化)?

A.The sun→The moon→The stone B.The stone→The sun→The moon

C.The moon→The sun→The stone D.The stone→The moon→The sun

3.What can you NOT learn from the passage?

A.The blacksmith didn’t like to work as a blacksmith at first.

B.The stone-cutter cut the stone when he came to it.

C.The blacksmith knew what the best life was, but it was too late.

D.The wise man made the blacksmith become a blacksmith in the end.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.The Most Interesting Work B.A Rich Blacksmith

C.Enjoy Your Present(当前的) Life D.Different Kinds of People

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