

下面是一份英语学习自我评价表,每个评价项目后有若干个选项。请在符合自己实际情况的选项方框中打√(可以多选)。根据你的选择,以“My English learning”为题写一篇短文,介绍你英语学习中的优势与不足,并针对自己的不足之处,提出改进方法。

注意: 1. 语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 80词左右。短文开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

English learning self-assessment

1. The new words I call remember:

口all   口most   口some   口several  

2. My favorite activities:

口pair work   口writing   口doing grammar exercises  

口learning new vocabulary   口class discussions  

3. The most difficult part in English learning:

口reading   口listening   口grammar 

口vocabulary 口speaking   口writing

4. The useful ways in English learning:

口keeping a vocabulary notebook   

口taking an active part in class discussions

口doing English duty reports

口reading texts aloud

口preparing lessons carefully before class

5. Need to be improved in learning areas:

口listening 口reading 口speaking  口writing

口grammar 口vocabulary 口pronunciation  口working with others


My English learning

English is a very important subject at school.________



My English learning

English is a very important subject at school. With the help of the teachers, my English has improved a lot. I can remember most of the words I have learned. Of all the activities I like pair work best, because I enjoy working with my classmates. For me, the most difficult part is speaking.

We don't often have the chance to speak English, so I find it really useful to take an active part in class discussions. However, I am still very weak at listening. I think I must listen to more English stories and tapes. And I believe I can learn English well by doing so in the future. 

【解析】这是一篇给材料作文,根据英语学习自我评价表就符合自己实际情况的选项以“My English learning”为题写一篇短文,在写作中运用一般现在时,介绍了自己在英语学习中的优势与不足,并针对自己的不足之处,提出改进方法,语句通顺,符合逻辑。


                                                          Welcome to China
       Welcome to China. After you go to Beijing and Shanghai, you could see the differences between them. In
some ways they look the same, in some ways they look different. Both of them have tall buildings and wide
streets, although some buildings in Shanghai are much taller than those in Beijing. They both are important in
China. Beijing is the capital of China; but Shanghai is the biggest city in China. And there are more famous
interests in Beijing than those in Shanghai. You can go to the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and so on. Now
they are becoming more and more important in China. And they are famous all over the world. 
       假设你是 Betty,你有个外国笔友叫 Linda,她准备来中国旅游,不知道去北京好还是上海好,请你在浏览完上面网页后,根据网页资料内容,给她回一封 E-mail,为她推荐一个城市并说明理由,同时给她提一点游览这个城市的建议。(字数在80词左右)开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数。
Traveling in China
Dear Linda, 
       Glad to get your E-mail. You told me that you wanted to visit China. Welcome to China. Now I'll give
you some suggestions.                                                                                                                       
       I think you'll have a good time!
调查项目 选项
1. 阅读兴趣 A. 喜欢     B. 有点喜欢   C. 不喜欢
2. 阅读时间 A. 每天阅读   B. 有时阅读   C. 很少阅读   D. 完全不读
3. 阅读内容 A. 小说     B. 散文     C. 诗歌     D. 其他
4. 阅读目的 A. 提高语文水平 B. 增加知识   C. 休闲娱乐   D. 其他
5. 阅读书籍 A. 自己选择   B. 父母购买   C. 教师指定   D. 其他
6. 影响阅读的因素 A. 学习压力太大 B. 教师没有要求 C. 没有书籍可读 D. 其他
     参考词汇:fiction 小说;essay 散文 

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