

The Slender West Lake Scenic Spot lies in the northwestern part of Yangzhou, with its south gate facing Great Rainbow Bridge Road. It covers an area of about 123.6 hectares. The Slender West Lake was named a National Key Scenic Spot in 1988 and National AAAAA Tourist Area in 2010.
The Slender West Lake used to be a long river named the Baozhang Lake, which is 4 kilometers in length and less than 100 meters in width. A famous poet Wang Hang in the Qing Dynasty once composed a poem (诗歌), from which the Slender West Lake gets its present name and to which it owes its great fame (名声) both at home and abroad.
During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, many gardens were built along the Slender West Lake. Following the lines of the natural landscape, a large number of buildings along the moats were constructed(建造) in different locations during different periods. Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty both visited the Slender West Lake.
The Slender West Lake Scenic Spot is an outstanding representative (代表) of the lake gardens in China. In a word, the Slender West Lake not only represents the beauty of natural landscape, but also embodies (体现) the richness of its history and culture.
The Slender West Lake
The Slender West Lake, about 123.6 hectares in ___小题1:____, lies in the ____小题2:____ of Yangzhou, whose south gate ___小题3:____ Great Rainbow Bridge Road.
It used to be a long river ___小题4:____ the Baozhang Lake.
It gets its ____小题5:____ name from a poem and becomes ____小题6:____ both at home and abroad.
Many gardens were built along the Lake during the Sui and Tang Dynasties.
More buildings appeared along the moats during different periods.
Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong both ____小题8:____ to the Slender West Lake.
It ___小题9:____ the lines of the natural landscape and creates the unique beauty for the Slender West Lake. 
It also contains rich historical and ___小题10:___ meaning which attracts a lot of tourists.

小题7:History / Development

小题1:根据It covers an area of about 123.6 hectares可知,瘦西湖的占地面积是123.6公顷。故填area。
小题2:根据The Slender West Lake Scenic Spot lies in the northwestern part of Yangzhou,可知,瘦西湖位于扬州的西北,根据本空的位置,需要填northwestern的名词northwest。
小题3:本空在句中作谓语,而根据with its south gate facing Great Rainbow Bridge Road.可知,本空应该填faces。
小题4:根据The Slender West Lake used to be a long river named the Baozhang Lake可知,本题应该填named。Called与named用法和意思是相同的,故也可以填called。
小题5:通过A famous poet Wang Hang in the Qing Dynasty once composed a poem (诗歌), from which the Slender West Lake gets its present name可知,本空应该填present“现在的”。
小题6:根据 to which it owes its great fame (名声) both at home and abroad. 可知,这使得瘦西湖在海内外有好名声,也就是很著名。所以本题填famous。
小题8:根据Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty both visited the Slender West Lake.可知,康熙和乾隆都参观过瘦西湖。再根据to,故用travel。
小题9:根据 the Slender West Lake not only represents the beauty of natural landscape,可知,本句的意思应是“它遵循自然景观的线条和创造了瘦西湖独特的美。”“遵循”是follows。
小题10:根据but also embodies (体现) the richness of its history and culture.可知,既然前面用了history的形容词,本空应该用culture的形容词cultural。
My problem is my parents. They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night! None of my friends have got such terrible parents. What should I do?
My best friend has suddenly turned her back on me and I don’t know why! Last week we phoned each other every day and e-mailed too, and over the weekend we went shopping together and she was fine. But at school on Monday morning she didn’t look at me or speak to me. I don’t know what I’ve done. She now spends all her time with another group of friends.
I have a really bad habit of chewing(嚼)the ends of my hair. I try to stop, but I can’t! My mom is starting to get really angry about it. Have you got any ideas?
Hi _________,
Why should your parents do all the washing-up? You should help around the house—it’s only fair. I don’t think you should change your looks though. Young people should look like young people.
Wearing your hair pulled back in a ponytail(马尾辫)will help keep it out of your mouth. When you feel like chewing something, try bubble gum(泡泡糖). Give yourself time and you should be able to break this habit. The first few days are usually the hardest. Good luck!
③Hi ________,
Don’t worry about it so much! Phone your friend up as usual and she won’t be able to refuse you. I am sure you will get along well with each other. Everything will be fine.
小题1:根据所读内容将Helen, Jane, Gina 三个名字分别填入相应的横线上。(共3分,每空1分)
①________________________ ②________________________ ③________________________
小题2:The three girls wrote to ask for ________________________. (1分)
小题3:The underlined words “turned her back on me” means “________________________” in Chinese.(2分)
小题4:It is clear that Helen is not ________________________ with her parents.(2分)
小题5:According to the advice, Jane should ________________________ her friend as usual.(2分)
We have no idea about       men first began to use salt. But we do know that it had been used in many different ways _____ the history.
For example, in many history books it is ____ that people who lived three thousand years ago ____salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt(埃及), salt ____ keep the dead. It can keep the dead bodies ____ decay.(腐烂)
In the eighteenth century, a person who stole salt was ____ to have broken the ____. if a person was caught stealing salt, he would be thrown into ____. Books also record that in England about ten thousand people were put into prison during that century ____ stealing salt! In the year 1553, if a man took ____ than his share of salt, he would be thought to have broken the law and would be ____ punished(惩罚).
Salt was very ____ on the dinner table of a king. It was always put ____ the king when he sat down to eat. Then important visitors sat near the salt _____ less important visitors were given seats farther away from it.
A.whenB.whereC.what D.which
A.say B.reported C.recorded D.reading
A.eat B.ateC.eatingD.have eaten
A.used toB.was used toC.was used D.used
A.off B.from C.onD.out
A.thinkB.consider C.thoughtfulD.thought
A.law B.glassC.computerD.time
A.poolB.hill C.prisonD.river
A.becauseB.because ofC.byD.as
A.moreB.less C.fewer D.most
A.in the front ofB.behindC.in front ofD.before
In a small village in England about 150 years ago, a mail coach (邮车) was standing on the street.  Around the coach many people were talking to one another about it.  Mail coach did not come to that village so often in those days.  People had to pay a lot of money to get a letter.  The person who sent the letter did not have to pay.  The person who got the letter had to pay the postage (邮资).  “Here?s a letter for Miss Alice Brown,” said the mailman.  Everyone turned to a girl of about eighteen who was standing by the coach.  “I?m Alice Brown,” she said in a low voice.  The mailman gave her the letter.  Alice looked at the envelope for a minute, and then handed it back to the mailman.  “I’m sorry I can?t take it,” she said.  “I don?t have enough money to pay the postage. ” The people standing around were very sorry for the girl.  They were silent for a while.  Then a gentleman came up to the mailman and paid the postage for Alice’s letter.  When the gentleman gave her the letter, she said with a smile, “Oh, thank you very much, sir.  This letter is from the young man I’m going to marry.  His name is Tom.  He went to London to look for work.  He has to get enough money for our marriage (结婚).  I’ve waited a long time for this letter, but now don’t need it.  I don’t have to open the envelope because there is nothing inside. ” “Really?” the gentleman said in surprise.  “How do you know that?” “He told me that he would put some signs on the envelope.  Look, sir, this cross in the corner means that he is well, and this circle means he has found work.  That’s very good news. ” The gentleman was Sir Rowland Hill.  He did not forget Alice and her letter.  “The postage to be paid by the receiver has to be changed,” he said to himself.  He thought and thought for many years.  At last he had a good plan.  “The postage has to be much lower,” he said.  “What about a penny (便士) for a letter? And the person who sends the letter pays the postage.  He has to buy a stamp and put it on the envelope. ” “A good idea!” people said when they heard of his plan.  The Government decided to adopt (采纳) the plan.  The first postage stamp was put out in 1840.  It was called the “Penny Black”.  It had a picture of the Queen on it.  
小题1:The first postage stamp was made ________.  
A.in EnglandB.in AmericaC.by AliceD.in 1910
小题2:The girl handed the letter back to the mailman because ______.
A.she did not know whose letter it was
B.the letter had already told her what she wanted to know
C.she could not pay the postage
D.the gentleman promised to pay the postage for her
小题3:When the girl returned the letter to the mailman _____.  
A.the people around her felt sorry for her
B.the people thought that the girl was too poor
C.none of them wanted to pay the postage for her
D.the people was angry with the girl
小题4:Alice knew how Tom was getting from the signs on the envelope because ______.  
A.Tom had told her what the signs meant before leaving for London
B.Alice was clever and could guess the meaning of the signs
C.Alice had put the signs on the envelope herself
D.Tom had put the signs as Alice had told him to
小题5:The idea of using stamps was found by ______.  
A.the governmentB.Sir Rowland HillC.Alice BrownD.Tom
Everyone would like to be remembered. A few people even try to do something that no one else in history has ever tried to do. These people sometimes have their names recorded(记录)in the Guinness Book of Records.
Often it takes a group of people to do something unusual. One such team paddled(用桨划)a bathtub(浴缸)145 kilometers for 24 hours. This group had 13 members. They paddled their bathtub on a river near Ashford, Great Britain on May 28 and 29. 1983. A month later, a racing team of hospital bed pushers in Avon, Great Britain, pushed a hospital bed 16 kilometers in just 50 minutes! However, the distance(距离)record for hospital bed pushing is still held by the men of Bruntsfield Bedding Center. This team from Edinburgh pushed a hospital bed 5,203 kilometers in 1979. It took the team 35 days to cover the distance.
Another group of record makers held the highest dinner party in the world. Nine people from Sydney,Australia, climbed Mountain Huascaran on June 28, 1989. The climbers carried a dinner table. chairs, and a meal up the mountain. When they reached the top, they all put on warm suits for dinner.
People all over the world are trying hard to do something unusual to make a record. It should be understood, however, that now not all the records will be kept in the Guinness Book of Records.
小题1: According to the passage, what record was made near Ashford in May, 1983?
A.A record for paddling a bathtub.
B.A record for climbing a mountain.
C.A record for pushing a hospital bed
D.A record for swimming across a river.
小题2:The word cover in the passage means _______.
A.startB.go throughC.keepD.know
小题3:What was unusual about the highest dinner party held by the nine people in the passage?
A.The people who held the dinner party all came from Sydney.
B.Only nine people held the highest dinner party.
C.They had a meal on the mountain.
D.They carried a dinner table and chairs up the mountain to hold the dinner party.
小题4:Which of the following shows the right order(顺序)of what happened in the passage?
a. A group of 13 members paddled a bathtub on a river near Ashford.
b. A team from Edinburgh made a distance record for hospital bed pushing.
c. A group of nine people from Sydney had a dinner party on the top of Mountain Huascaran.
d. A racing team pushed a hospital bed 16 kilometers in just 50 minutes in Avon.
小题5: Which of the following is mentioned(提及)in the passage?
A.Hospital bed pushing was a popular sport in Edinburgh.
B.People living in Ashford usually used a bathtub to carry things.
C.Two different records for hospital bed pushing were given.
D.Hospital bed pushing was held twice a year in Avon, Great Britain.
I never saw my father home from work late or ill, nor did I ever see my father take a “night out with the boys”. He had no bobbies but just took care of his family.
For 22 years, since I left home for college, my father called me every Sunday at 9:00 am. He was always interested in my life-how my family was doing. The calls even came when he and my mother were in Australia, England or Florida.
Nine years ago when I bought me first house, my father, 67 years old, spent eight hours a day for three days, painting my house. He would not allow me to pay someone to have it done. All he asked, was a glass of iced tea, and that I hold a paintbrush for him and talk to him. But I was too busy, for I had a law practice to run, and I could not take the time to hold the paintbrush, or talk to my father.
Five years ago, my 71-year-old father spent five hours putting together a swing set(秋千)for my daughter. Again, all he asked was that I get him a glass of iced tea, and talk to him, But again, I had laundry to do, and the house to clean.
The morning on Sunday, January 16, 1995, my father telephoned me as usual, this time he had seemed to have forgotten some things we had discussed the week before. I had to get to church, and I cut the conversation short.
The call came at 4:40 am. That day my father was sent to hospital in Florida. I got on a plane immediately, and I vowed(发誓)that when I arrived, I would make up for the lost time, and have a nice long talk with him ad really get to know him.
I arrived in Florida at 1:00 am, but my father had passed away at 9:12 pm. This time it was he who did not have time to talk, or time to wait for me.
In the years since his death I have learnt much about my father, and even more about every single day.
小题1: We know from the reading that the father_____.
A.liked to paint houses
B.had no friends around him
C.was not healthy in his youth
D.thought of his family as his all
小题2: When her father painted her first house, the daughter_____.
A.could only afford a glass of iced tea
B.was too busy to talk to her father
C.could do nothing but hold a paintbrush
D.spent eight hours a day working with her father
小题3: On January 16, 1996, the daughter felt that her father_____.
A.seemed to be a little different
B.had no time to phone her as usual
C.became interested in church
D.had forgotten to discuss some things with her
小题4:In the reading the underlined phrase ‘get to know him’ most probably means_____.
A.get him to know herB.know more about him
C.get him to know himselfD.make him well-known
小题5: Which is the best title of the reading?
A.Painting HousesB.Daughter’s Family
C.Father and I D.Father’s phone calls

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