1. 你多久给你父母写一封信?
2. 我出生在上海,但住在苏州。
3. 你喜欢在电话里和朋友交谈吗?
4. 我和父母都擅长体育运动。
5. 周末,我通常跑步一个小时。
6. 他每天乘车去上班吗?不,他骑车去。
7. 课外活动时间到了。
8. 感谢你们告诉我关于中秋节的情况。
9. 在我们学校有许多事情要做。
10. 糖果店上午8:00开门,下午5:00关门。
11. 吃不同种类的食物是有益的。
12. 他长大后想做一个电脑程序员。
13. 我们正盼望着去海南岛旅行。
14. 对每个人来说,保持健康是非常重要的。
15. 明天学生们准备为希望工程捐款。
16. 这确实是一个玩电脑游戏的好地方。
1. How often do you write to your parents?
2. I was born in Shanghai, but live in Suzhou.
3. Do you like to talk on the phone with your friends?
4. My parents and I are good at sports.
5. I usually go running for one hour at weekends.
6. Does he take a bus to work every day? No, he goes by bike.
7. It's time for after-school activities.
8. Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.
9. There are lots of things to do at our school.
10. The tuck shop is open at 8.00 a.m, it is closed at 5.00 p.m.
11. It is good to eat different kinds of food.
12. He wants to be a computer programmer when he grows up.
13. We are looking forward to traveling to Hainan Island.
14. It's very important for everyone to keep healthy.
15. The students will raise money for Project Hope tomorrow.
16. This is really a good place to play computer games.