
The most famous singer in Sunshine Town--Justin Li

  Li Jiajie, known by everyone in Sunshine Town as Justin Li, was born on 6th September, 1963 in Sunshine Town. He is the youngest of the four children in the family.

  Justin showed great talent in music while he was at school. He and his friends formed a band called Sunshine Stars in 1982. He was the singer of the band. Justin started writing his own songs. The band was once the most popular band in the 1980s. In 1987, the producers from Sunshine TV heard the band. They invited Justin to perform in the entertainment show called Superstar Show. In 1991, he and his brother, Michael Li, started a funny TV show, Brothers. They also made their first comedy film. Lucky Superstar, in 1994. It was really a great success.

  In the 1990s, all his films and songs went up the top of the charts. His songs won many awards in music award presentations. Some of his films were also shown in many other countries.

  In 2001, he announced that he wanted to retire. Sunshine TV held a special TV programme for him.Many singers, actors and actresses talked about their feelings towards Justin during the programme. In April 2002, Justin held a total of 10 concerts in the Sunshine Town Hall to say goodbye to all his fans. He cried at the end of the show. From then on, we seldom see him in live performances.

  His songs did not talk about themes like murder or war. We do not see violent photography in his films. Instead, we find familiar things in our daily lives in his songs, TV programmes and films, such as job problems, or friendship. Justin Li remains the God of Songs in our hearts.

Complete the following sentences according to the article.

  1. Justin Li was born in 1963 in (1)________.

  2. Justin and his friends formed a band called (2) ________ in 1982. He played the role of a (3) ________ in the band.

  3. Justin and his brother Michael appeared in a funny TV show called (4) ________ in 1991.

  4. In (5) ________. Justin announced that he wanted to retire. He held his farewell concerts in the (6) ________ in April 2002.

答案:Sunshine Town;Sunshine Stars;singer;Brothers;2001;Sunshine Town Hall

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