Wang Jinfeng | 1£®½ûÁîÄÚÈÝ£º½ûֹʹÓ󬱡ËÜÁÏ´ü£»×èÖ¹³¬ÊС¢É̵êÏò¹Ë¿ÍÌṩÃâ·ÑËÜÁÏ´ü£»Èç¹ûÌṩ£¬ÐèÒª¸¶·Ñ¡£2£®¸öÈËÈÏʶ£º¶ÔÎÒÃÇÓÐÒ棻ÄÜ°ïÖú±£»¤»·¾³¡£ÔÒò£ºa£®ÒýÆð°×É«ÎÛȾ¡£b£®ÎÛȾÍÁÈÀºÍË®¡£C£®Éú²úËÜÁÏ´üÀË·ÑÄÜÔ´¡£Ä¿µÄ£º¹á³¹Ö´ÐиýûÁ¸ÄÉÆ»·¾³¡£3£®½ñºó×ö·¨£º¹ÄÀø¼ÒÈ˺ÍÅóÓѹºÎïʱ×Ô´ø²¼´ü¡¢ÖñÀº£»²»ÂÒ¶ªÀ¬»ø£¬¶ÔËÜÁÏÆ¿¡¢Ò×À¹Þ½øÐлØÊÕ¡¡ |
ÇëÄã¸ù¾ÝWang JinfengͬѧµÄ·¢ÑÔÄÚÈÝ£¬ÒÔËûµÄÃûÒåдһƪÊéÃæ·¢ÑÔ²ÄÁÏ¡£
Ìáʾ´Ê»ã£ºban£¨½ûÁ£¬provide£¬free£¨Ãâ·Ñ£©£¬protect£¬cause£¬pollute£¬soil£¨ÍÁÈÀ£©energy£¬carry out£¬improve£¬recycle£¬soft drink can£¨Ò×À¹Þ£©
China has put a ban on the use of much thinner plastic bags starting on June 1£¬2008£®
That's all for my speech£®Thanks for listening!
One possible version£º
China has put a ban on the use of much thinner plastic bags starting on June 1£¬2008£®The ban can stop the supermarkets and shops from providing free plastic bags£®People should pay for every plastic bag if they need it£®
I think this ban is very helpful to us£®It helps to protect our environment£®In my opinion£¬plastic bags can cause ¡°white¡± pollution and they can also pollute the soil and water£®They are harmful to our health£®What's more£¬producing plastic bags can waste a lot of energy£¬too£®So we should carry out this ban in order to improve our environment£®
What should we do? I think We should encourage our family members to carry cloth bags or baskets when they go shopping£®In the school£¬we mustn't throw the rubbish everywhere£®We should reduce the waste£¬reuse some bags and recycle plastic bottles£¬soft drink cans£¬waste paper and so on£®If every one of us does like this£¬our environment will be better and better£®
That's all for my speech£®Thanks for listening!

ÐÕÃû |
Wang Jinfeng
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Çë¸ù¾ÝWang Jinfeng ͬѧµÄ·¢ÑÔÄÚÈÝ£¬ÒÔËûµÄÃûÒåдһƪ·¢ÑԸ塣£¨15·Ö£©
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Ìáʾ´Ê»ã£ºban (½ûÁî),provide, free (Ãâ·Ñ), protect, cause, pollute, soil(ÍÁÈÀ), energy, improve, recycle soft, drink, can(Ò×À¹Þ)
Dear everyone!
China has put a ban on the use of much plastic bags starting on June 1, 2008.
That¡¯s all for my speech. Thanks for listening!