
     It was already late when we started going to the next town. It was about 15 miles away on the other
 side of the hill. There we felt sure that we would find a bed for the night. Darkness fell along the narrow
  road to the hill. As we climbed higher, it became colder and rain began to fall. It was difficult at times to
  see the road, so I asked my friend John to drive slowly.
     We travelled for about 20 miles but we couldn't find the town. We were beginning to feel worried.
  Then the car stopped. We found that we were out of petrol (汽油), so we decided to spend the night in
  the car.
     After eating some bread, I tried to go to sleep at once, but John, a poor sleeper, got out of the car after
  a few minutes and went for a walk up the hill. Soon, he came running back. From the top of the hill he
 saw the lights of the town in the valley below. At once, we tried to push the car to the top of the hill. In
 less than an hour we were in the town, and we found a hotel there easily. 
1. What was the weather like that night?
2. What did the writer mean by saying, "...we would find a bed for the night"?
3. Why did the car stop?
4. What did John find on the top of the hill?
5. How long did it take them to get into the town from the top of the hill?
1. It was cold and rainy.        2. They wanted to find a place to sleep.  
3. Because there was no petrol.  4. The light of the town.  
5. Less than an hour.
     It was about eight o'clock in the morning. Jane was on her way to school. She was walking on 
Prince Road. Suddenly, she saw a small blue car coming very fast. When the red light was on, the river 
wanted to stop but he could not; The car crashed into a lamp post on the pavement.    
     Jane saw that the driver was badly hurt. Blood was coming out of his head. He was in great pain. 
Jane was frightened. She quickly went to telephone the police. Soon a police car and an ambulance arrived. The policemen helped the driver get out of his car. Then the ambulance took him to hospital.    
     A police inspector went up to Jane and invited her to the police station. He wanted Jane to tell him
 about the accident.
1. When did the accident happen?
2.What did Jane see after the accident happened?
(    )3. The driver didn't stop his car.
(    )4. Jane was too frightened to move.
5. The car crashed into a lamp post on the pavement.  

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