

Tony and Robert are neighbors. Their families sometimes have 1. (party) or picnics together. One day, Robert asked Tony for help, saying that he needed 50,000 yuan for an investment投资).

At first, Tony 2. (refuse). But after Robert begged him several times, he lent the money to Robert. However, Tony forgot to ask for a receipt(收据)for the money. Robert said he would pay Tony back in six months. However, he failed 3.(pay) Tony back on time. Tony was very angry. 4. Tony went to ask him about the money, he said that he had never borrowed any money 5. Tony. Tony was much 6.(angry).

He went to his lawyer and said, "My neighbor owes (欠) me 50,000 yuan and he won't pay up. 7. should I do?"

"Do you have any proof (证据) that he owes you money?" the lawyer asked.

"No," Tony said, "That's why I come here."

"OK, then write him a letter to ask 8. he could return the 5,000,000 yuan at once ." the lawyer said.

"But I only lent 50,000 yuan to 9.," Tony said.

"10. (exact). That's what he will say when he replies to your letter and then you'll have your proof!"


“Come on, Daily News!” called Jason, carrying some newspapers under his arm. The little boy was running up and down the street, but twenty papers were still not sold. This was his first day of selling newspapers. He was in bad mood. It was getting dark and fewer people were in the street. He had to go home with the rest papers instead of money. He hoped to make more money to buy a cake for his mother’s birthday. But he failed to sell all his papers. He broke down and cried on the way back.

“You don’t know the secret of selling papers.” Another newsboy Jim told Jason and taught him to shout loudly, “Hot news! More exciting news is on!”

“But it’s not in the paper at all.” replied Jason.

“Right, then just run away quickly before they have time to see.” Jim said.

It was really a new idea to Jason. He thought of the cake for his mother, but at last decided not to tell a lie. Though he was poor, he was taught to be honest by his mother.

The next afternoon, Jason went to the office for his papers again. With a proud smile, Jim announced that he sold sixty the day before. He added that Jason lost the chance of getting more money because he was too foolish.

“You wouldn’t tell a lie yesterday, my boy?” A gentleman at the office came up and said. “You are just the boy I am looking for.” A week later, Jason started his new job. He lost the sale of twenty papers, but got a well-paid job because he told the truth.

1.Why did Jason keep running in the street?

A.To buy a cake. B.To sell newspapers

C.To go home. D.To find a job

2.How did Jason feel on the way back on the first day?

A.He felt sad. B.He felt excited.

C.He felt relaxed. D.He felt foolish.

3.How did Jim sell more newspapers?

A.By telling the secret. B.By making up untrue news.

C.By running quickly. D.By telling the truth.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Jason sold twenty newspapers on the first day.

B.Jason was too foolish to make more money.

C.Jason learned something good from his mother.

D.Jason listened to Jim and made more money that day.

5.What does the story mainly tell us?

A.Honesty is the best policy.

B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.Practice makes perfect.

D.Don’t put all eggs in one basket.

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