
In China, the National Holiday is a big festival and it is to celebrate the founding of the People's Republic of China by Mao Zedong in 1949.Besides from the Spring Festival, the National Holiday is the only other week-long public break from school and work.

As one of the only opportunities  for workers to go home, visit their families or to travel around the country, all hotels, tourist attractions, trains, buses and airplanes around the country are completely packed with holidaying Chinese people.

Are you sorry for not traveling during the National Day ? If you stay at home at that time, I think you are very lucky. Why? Because there are too many people everywhere. In many places of interest in China, it’s too crowded to do anything.

Look at the picture. It was too crowded on the Great Wall on October 1st, 2012. You even couldn’t take photos for you or your friends. All that we could see were people. It was reported that there were about twenty people per meter on the Great Wall. My friends told me they could see nothing but many people on the Great Wall. “We couldn’t walk if the people in front of us didn’t walk,” he said. He showed us a photo on the Great Wall. In the photo, we hardly found him out, there were too many people.

So some people give the advice that we should not have the gold week any more. But other people say no about this advice. What’s your idea of it? Are you sorry now for not traveling during the gold week? I love staying at home more than traveling next National Day.

1. How did the writer feel about staying at home on National Day?

A. He believed it was interesting to stay at home on National Day.

B. He believed it was boring to stay at home on National Day.     

C. He felt lucky to stay at home on National Day.

D. He felt sorry to stay at home on National Day.  

2.How many days can people have a break on the Spring Festival.

A. 5 days        B.7 days          C.10 days      D 15 days

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the Great Wall on National Day?

A. You could find yourself easily on the photos you took that day

B. You could walk as you like on the Great Wall

C. There were about 30 people per meter.

D. All that could you see on the Great Wall were people.

4.Where do you think is the article from?

A. www.chinabus.com            B. www.movies123.com      

C. www.chinatourist.com              D. www.storyhouse.com










1.细节理解题。根据短文第三段第二句 If you stay at home at that time, I think you are very lucky. 可知作者认为如果没有出去旅游而是呆在家里是幸运的;故选C。

2.推理判断题。根据短文第一段Besides from the Spring Festival, the National Holiday is the only other week-long public break from school and work.可知,除了春节之外,国庆节是另一个唯一的一周之久的长假;由此可推知,春节的假期应该在一到两周之间,即C项比较吻合;故选C。

3.推理判断题。根据短文中In the photo, we hardly found him out, there were too many people.

可知要想从照片中找出好友是不容易的,A错误;作者好友的话“We couldn’t walk if the people in front of us didn’t walk,” 可表明B项的说法错误; It was reported that there were about twenty people per meter on the Great Wall.据报道在长城上每米距离的人数在20左右而不是30,C项错误;第四段第四句话All that we could see were people. 可知D项的描述是正确的;故选D。





Dear Students,
I am very happy to be your guest speaker today. It is a great pleasure to visit your school and to meet all of you.
I would like to tell you about myself. I have been a news reporter for the past fifteen years. I __46__ this job so I could travel the world,but job has taught me many unforgettable lessons. The work is sometimes __47__. I have seen famines(饥荒),earthquakes,poorness and death. But I have __48__ seen courage,hope and happiness.
In India,I visited a city where there were many homeless children. Some were as young as four years old. They lived in the __49__ and depended on themselves by begging or stealing. But then a wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them. Within one year,she was __50__ two hundred children. She clothed them,fed them and taught them. She gave them __51__.
__52__ time,I was in Turkey after a terrible earthquake. In one place,I found an old lady whose house was destroyed. Her son was missing and rescue(救援) workers said there was no chance that he was still alive. But the old lady did not __53__ hope. For four days,she moved heavy stones one at a time by herself. She did not stop __54__ she found her son. He was alive.
Here in China,I met a young boy who was seriously ill. He had had twenty operationsand spent nearly his whole life in hospital. I thought he would be __55__,but when I met him,his smile was so warm and welcoming.
In life,we need good models that we can admire and learn from. When my life is difficult,I try to remember the courage and goodness of these three people.

A.foundB.had C.choseD.liked
A.neverB.also C.everD.already
A.looking overB.looking afterC.getting on well withD.paying for
A.moneyB.food C.medicineD.hope
A.OneB.AnotherC.The otherD.Other
A.give outB.give upC.give backD.give away
A.happyB.unluckyC.sad D.friendly

In many countries, unusual names for children are becoming more popular, especially when more and more stars give their children special names. In Britain, you can call a child almost anything you like except dirty words.
Some parents choose names which come from popular culture. Because of the film the Lord of the Rings(指环王), six boys were named Gandalf. Names about sport are very common, too. Since 1984, 36 children have been called Arsenal after the football team.
Other parents like to make up names, or combine(合并) two names to make a special one. A mother in Britain invented the name Tiaamii for her daughter. She combined the names Thea and Amy (the two grandmothers).
In China, there are some rules about names ―- you can’t use foreign letters or symbols(符号) in a Chinese name. For example, parents are not allowed to name their baby @. In New Zealand, a name beginning with a number is not allowed. Other countries have stricter rules about calling children. For example, Japan, Denmark, Spain, Germany and Argentina have a list of names. Parents must choose the names in the lists for their children.
In Britain, some old-fashioned(过时的) names have become popular again, such as Maisie or Ella for a girl, and Alfie or Noah for a boy. But the most popular names are not the strange ones. The top names are very traditional--Jack and Thomas for boys, or Grace and Jessica f6r girls.
【小题1】In Britain, people can’t use         words in their children’s names.    

【小题2】Thirty-six children were called Arsenal because of a        .        
A.movie starB.football starC.football teamD.film
【小题3】 According to the passage, which of the following names is NOT allowed?     
A.Gandulf in BritainB.Tiaarnii in Britain
C.李@in ChinaD.Real in New Zealand
【小题4】In          , people must name their children according to the list.  
【小题5】From the last paragraph(段落), we know        today.               
A.you can name a girl Alfie in Britain
B.strange names are the most popular in Britain
C.people don’t use old names in Britain
D.the most popular names are the traditional names in Britain

Many students in China are learning English. Some of these students are small children  Others are teenagers(青少年). Many are adults(成年人). Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English language over the radio, on television or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.
Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question.  Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own(自己的) language, Maths and English. Some people learn English because it is useful(有用的) for their work. Many people often learn English for their further studies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English
【小题1】Many students in China ________ English

A.are learningB.aren’t learningC.learningD.learn
【小题2】 If one wants to learn another language well, he must ________.
A.learn at schoolB.study by himself
C.work hardD.study on television
【小题3】 The underlined sentence ’1t is difficult to answer that question, means ’         .
A.That question is not difficult to answer
B.That question is not hard to answer
C.It is easy to answer that question
D.It is hard to answer that question
【小题4】 ’Their own language’ means ________.
【小题5】The underlined phrase 6study by themselves’ means ’________’ in Chinese.

“USA? Britain? Which country is better to study in?” We often hear such discussion. As China opens its door, studying abroad has become a dream for many Chinese students. They want to learn about the world. It’s true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Language skills will improve and it may be easier to find a job.
But there are problems that should be considered. Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time learning another language and getting used to a different culture.
Students must also learn to live without parents’ care and deal with all kinds of things they haven’t had to do before, like looking after themselves. There are reports about Chinese students abroad sinking in an ocean of difficulties and giving up easily. When they have to take care of themselves, it is hard for the students to study well.
Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden (负担) to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. But is it worth it?
We know that there are many famous people who succeed in great things through their hard work in China. Liu Xiang is a good example. Once an American teacher invited him there but he refused. He kept training hard with his Chinese teacher. He surprised the world when he won a gold medal at Athens Olympics. So when you wonder which country is better to study in, consider whether studying abroad is the right choice.

1. Studying abroad can help students develop themselves
① It can help improve them      1      skills.
② It may be easy for them to find     2      .
2. Problems that should be considered before studying abroad
① Students should spend much time learning another language and getting used to a different      3     .
② Students have to learn how to      4      themselves.
③ The cost of studying abroad is very      5      so that it brings a heavy burden to the family.
3. Is studying abroad the right choice
Different people have different ideas. In fact, whether they succeed or not depends on their      6     .

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