












Riding a bike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan- style restaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smartphones are on sale.

But you're not in China—you're in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see similar things in many other cities. You can see Chinese products(产品)in foreign countries.

People in Western countries enjoy Chinese food for a long time, To meet local people's tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes. Some Chinese brands(品牌)are also becoming more popular. In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers.

More than half of US-owned drones(无人机)are Chinese models. They'rе not only made in China, but also designed and developed in the country.

In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and unreliable(不可靠的). But now, things have changed greatly. "Made in China" becomes cool.

1.How many Chinese brands are there in the text?

A.Four. B.Three. C.One D.Six.

2.What does the phrase "on sale" in the first paragraph(段落)mean?

A.卖光 B.促销 C.展览 D.生产

3.The writer wrote the first paragraph to show________

A.how Chinese people live in other countries B.how new products change people's lives

C.how Chinese people live in the world D.how Chinese products are going in the world

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Chinese designed and developed less than half of American drones.

B.You can only use bike in big cities in China.

C.Chinese products are much cheaper in foreign countries.

D.Chinese products becomes cool in foreign countries.

Fern pushed a chair out of the way and ran outdoors. The grass was wet and the earth smelled of spring time. Fern's shoes were wet by the time she caught up with her father.

"Please don't kill it! " she cried. "It's unfair."

Mr Arable stopped walking. "Fern," he said gently, "you will have to learn to control yourself."

"Control myself?" shouted Fern. "This is a matter of life and death, and you talk about controlling myself. " Tears ran down her cheeks and she took hold of the ax and tried to pull it out of her father's hand to stop him killing the poor little pig.

"Fern," said Mr Arable, "I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weak thing makes trouble. Now run along! "

"But it's unfair," cried Fern. "The pig couldn't help being born small, could it? If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?"

Mr Arable smiled. "Certainly not," he said, looking down at his daughter with love. "But this is different. A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another."

"I see no difference," replied Fern, still hanging on to the ax. "This is the most terrible case of murderer I have ever heard of."

A strange look came over John Arable's face. He seemed almost ready to cry himself. "All right," he said. "You go back to the house and I will bring the runt(发育不全的矮小动物)when I come in. I'll let you start it on a bottle, like a baby. Then you'll see what trouble a pig can be. "

1.This passage would most likely be found in a book of ________.

A.novel B.travel C.nature D.history

2.The underline word "ax" in the passage means“

A.something to keep the pig alive B.something to help the weak little pig

C.something to kill the little pig D.something to stop Mr Arable

3.Why did Fern say "it's unfair" once more to her father?

A.Fern thought it was a big trouble to raise a small pig like this.

B.Fern thought nobody could choose to be strong or weak at birth.

C.If Fern had been small at birth, Mr Arable would be sure to kill her.

D.If the pig was born small, Mr Arable would go on raising it to be strong.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that Fern was________.

A.shy B.brave C.kind—hearted D.patient

The well?known “new great inventions” in modern China have made our daily lives more convenient.

High?speed trains

China created its first high?speed railway line in 2008.Since then, the number of passenger trips has grown by over 30 percent every year.By 2016, more than 5 billion trips had been taken on the trains.By 2020, one ?fifth of the country's 150,000?km railway network will be used by the trains.This network will link more than 80 percent of major cities across China.

Mobile payment

Mobile payment is turning China into a “cashless society”. Instead of paying by cash, customers now pay for their goods and some kinds of bills simply by typing a short password into the Ali-pay or We-Chat Pay App on their mobile phones.

Shared bikes

China has surprised the world with how quickly shared bikes are widely used.Nowadays, bike users can simply pick up or park a bike on the street through GPS and smart-phone Apps.China's two leading bike?sharing companies, Mo-bike and ofo, have been opening their overseas markets in Singapore, the UK and the United States.

Online shopping

With around 751 million Internet users, China has been the world's largest and fastest? growing online shopping market. Because of lower costs and fewer licensing requirements (执照要求), it's easier for sellers to open an online shop in China.In 2016, more than 20 million jobs in rural areas were created, with over 8.1 million running their own online shops.

1.What's the passage mainly about?

A.The fast?developing technology. B.Modern China.

C.China's new great inventions. D.Convenient daily lives in China.

2.By 2020, ________ of major cities across China will be linked by high?speed trains network.

A.30 percent B.One?fifth C.80 percent D.20 percent

3.Why does mobile payment make shopping more convenient in China?

A.Because customers can go shopping without mobile phone. B.Because customers needn’t take cash.

C.Because customers don't have to use a password. D.Because customers needn't pay for the bills.

4.Where can shared bikes be picked up or parked?

A.On the street. B.In Mo-bike and ofo. C.In parks. D.In markets.

5.________ can make online shopping develop so fast in China.

A.Lower costs B.Fewer licensing requirements C.More job chances D.A, B & C

Heimaey, an island in Iceland, is home to just about 4,200 people. But each spring, more than1.5million puffins (海鹦) visit Heimaey and its neighboring islands. They go there to breed(繁殖). Around August, puffin chicks head for the ocean.That’s when the trouble begins.

Puffin chicks usually follow the light of the moon to the sea. But Heimaey’s bright lights make them unable to think and act right.Each year,a large number of them end up lost—-or worse. Often,some are hit by cars or eaten by cats.

Luckily, there is the Puffling Patrol.Each breeding season,the children of Heimaey work together to form search groups. At night they go to the streets carrying flashlights and cardboard boxes. “When you see a bird, you try to corner it and get it into the box,” Eldur Hansen said. The 14-year-old boy has caught several puffins this way. No one knows exactly when or how the Puffling Patrol got its start.But each year, it saves thousands of puffin chicks.

Puffins are now listed as a vulnerable species(易危物种).The main reason is that the number of small fish in the ocean is dropping. This is because of overfishing, pollution and rising ocean temperatures. Puffins need the fish for food.

Scientists worry puffins will die out if ocean temperatures continue to rise.But the Puffling Patrol inspires them a lot. “The message is that people can make a difference,” says Dr. Stephen W.Kress,an expert in seabird protection.

1.The puffin chicks’ trouble begin________ .

A.in spring B.around August

C.when they are born D.when they arrive at the ocean

2.What does the underlined word“them”in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Cars. B.Cats. C.Puffin chicks. D.Bright lights.

3.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.What puffins feed on. B.How puffins catch fish.

C.Why puffins are a vulnerable species. D.Why puffins are important to the ocean.

4.What does Dr.Stephen W.Kress probably agree with?

A.The Puffling Patrol does a good job. B.Puffins will die out in the near future.

C.Haimaey has less pollution than before. D.Ocean temperatures will continue to rise.

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